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Thread: I need advice..

  1. #73
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by kawasakirob View Post
    Well Bulldog you got me. I enjoy riding the canyons at a quicker than average pace. How long did that take for you to figure out? That doesn't mean I split lanes and weave in and out of traffic like your old buddies in the Ruff Riders did. Hell, when I had the urge to really fly I'd even head out and enjoy the events that Chicane and Apex put on.
    Because most experienced riders who enjoy this have learned to take it to the track!

    I enjoy flying too...yet decided why risk it...especially when track days are meant for this. You will never learn the same amount of skills riding canyons as you will out of a track day! NEVER!

    Better yet, do a season of racing and see how well you do! Chances are you will see what "fast" really is. I don't know you, so going by your odd comments of "CO is a racetrack" I do not see a ton of experience.

    EDIT: Seriously though, I am not trying to lecture you…..I was once like you and thought I was indestructible on a bike too. I unfortunately have seen a lot of injuries and death over the long time I have been riding and that is what makes me talk this way. I had people tell me the same thing and I listened and now I guess I am telling you, but it is only to try to help you see that your thinking is only going to get you hurt on a sportbike eventually. Take the advice or leave it....I can't force you
    Last edited by bulldog; Wed Dec 17th, 2014 at 03:56 PM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  2. #74
    Senior Member kawasakirob's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Better yet, do a season of racing and see how well you do! Chances are you will see what "fast" really is. I don't know you, so going by your odd comments of "CO is a racetrack" I do not see a ton of experience.
    I love racing and have witnessed what "fast" really is firsthand. However, I have not personally raced. Many times on the track though.

    The "Entire State of Colorado Is A Racetrack" comment simply states, respects and admires the amount of badass canyons and backroads that rival the tracks corner wise (especially when compared to Michigan). That's not a green light for the guys (and gals) to throw the visor down and blast into turn 1 on and given pass. Its simply a statement pertaining to the incredibly epic roads that run throughout the state of Colorado. That's all. Nothing More Nothing Less.

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  3. #75
    Member Ph03niX's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    I can't believe I just read that. I think it's time you sell your bike, and your guns. You're clearly not responsible enough for either one.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    Wow, just wow...
    Quote Originally Posted by tecknojoe View Post
    A gun won't help you when you're getting run over by a truck

    Do society a favor and get rid of it
    I'm going to sit here and laugh at you guys, because apparently you're all perfect and have never had an accident before. Let's see, what happens when no one has ever told you about something, you haven't ever experienced it, and then you go out and try it? Accidents (in general). I've never carried my CC with 3 pairs of pants on to stay warm. Normally I just wear my pair of jeans and it never comes out, even if I jump around. Did I think about it? Yes, I thought that with a thicker pair of pants, there would be more compression on it from the holster clip and it would stay in. Guess what? I was wrong and learned the hard way. It was an accident. You can't be fuckin serious about "Selling my guns to do society a favor" because it was an accident. That's just stupid. If you really think I have little experience with guns because I dropped one by accident, you need to get your mental health checked. Shit happens.
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Since my “worse case can happen over tickets” was ignored…..I will hit you where it sounds like you care…your virginity! I have an uncle who got in a car accident at age 25 (DWI). Well since then he has been in a wheelchair the last 26 years (he is now 51). Well guess what stops working when you get paralyzed from waste down….your dick! Poor dude hasn’t been able to get it up since age 25! If that doesn’t scare you to ride safer then not sure what else will. I know seeing what he has gone through has helped me see that other side to life; how fast it can change! Don’t be naïve and think it can’t happen to you.
    There were a lot of comments to respond to :P. I read what you wrote and I understand it. The funny part is everything you said is what I'm worried about. I'm not naive (ok I am a little), it already has happened to me, just not in a severe case. It's exactly why I made this thread. To make sure that doesn't happen, and most of everyone is right, I am pretty arrogant myself, but I'm that person that in order to change, I have to experience something. I'm just hoping that's not the hard way, and what I say below has actually helped out a bit.

    Any who, I decided to stop by an Italian motorcycle/scooter dealership today and test drove the Aprilia sr-50, a Vespa 300, and a Piaggio 125, all scooters. A 50cc engine is not for me, I was slightly eembarrassedon that thing haha. The 300 had lots of power although it was ugly as hell, and the 125 was pretty nice, although still a little slow. Either I keep the gsxr, sell it and buy a grom, or sell it and buy a ruckus and 150 swap it. I still have some thinking to do on what I want out of this bike.
    Last edited by Ph03niX; Wed Dec 17th, 2014 at 08:38 PM.
    06 GSXR 750

  4. #76
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ph03niX View Post
    I'm going to sit here and laugh at you guys, because apparently you're all perfect and have never had an accident before. Let's see, what happens when no one has ever told you about something, you haven't ever experienced it, and then you go out and try it? Accidents (in general). I've never carried my CC with 3 pairs of pants on to stay warm. Normally I just wear my pair of jeans and it never comes out, even if I jump around. Did I think about it? Yes, I thought that with a thicker pair of pants, there would be more compression on it from the holster clip and it would stay in. Guess what? I was wrong and learned the hard way. It was an accident. You can't be fuckin serious about "Selling my guns to do society a favor" because it was an accident. That's just straight arrogance right there. If you really think I have little experience with guns because I dropped one by accident, you need to get your mental health checked. Shit happens.

    There were a lot of comments to respond to :P. I read what you wrote and I understand it. The funny part is everything you said is what I'm worried about. I'm not naive (ok I am a little), it already has happened to me, just not in a severe case. It's exactly why I made this thread. To make sure that doesn't happen, and most of everyone is right, I am pretty arrogant myself, but I'm that person that in order to change, I have to experience something. I'm just hoping that's not the hard way, and what I say below has actually helped out a bit.

    Any who, I decided to stop by an Italian motorcycle/scooter dealership today and test drove the Aprilia sr-50, a Vespa 300, and a Piaggio 125, all scooters. A 50cc engine is not for me, I was slightly eembarrassedon that thing haha. The 300 had lots of power although it was ugly as hell, and the 125 was pretty nice, although still a little slow. Either I keep the gsxr, sell it and buy a grom, or sell it and buy a ruckus and 150 swap it. I still have some thinking to do on what I want out of this bike.
    An accident is when I drop my cell phone and shatter the screen, losing a firearm is well beyond an accident. I have a CC permit and have been around guns since I was little, you can't have accidents with guns because accidents with guns lead to people getting shot. If you are too irresponsible to see that, good luck and hopefully you will be around long enough to tell some naive kid about the mistakes you made and learned from.

    Nobody here has said they were mistake free. I bet everyone would admit to doing plenty of stupid shit on motorcycles, myself included. The difference is the ones still around either learned from a close call and reined their behavior in or they learned the hard way and were simply lucky enough to survive. It's up to you to decide which path you take. Smart money knows which way you are going to learn.

    07 600RR
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  5. #77
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ph03niX View Post
    I'm going to sit here and laugh at you guys, because apparently you're all perfect and have never had an accident before. Let's see, what happens when no one has ever told you about something, you haven't ever experienced it, and then you go out and try it? Accidents (in general). I've never carried my CC with 3 pairs of pants on to stay warm. Normally I just wear my pair of jeans and it never comes out, even if I jump around. Did I think about it? Yes, I thought that with a thicker pair of pants, there would be more compression on it from the holster clip and it would stay in. Guess what? I was wrong and learned the hard way. It was an accident. You can't be fuckin serious about "Selling my guns to do society a favor" because it was an accident. That's just stupid. If you really think I have little experience with guns because I dropped one by accident, you need to get your mental health checked. Shit happens.

    There were a lot of comments to respond to :P. I read what you wrote and I understand it. The funny part is everything you said is what I'm worried about. I'm not naive (ok I am a little), it already has happened to me, just not in a severe case. It's exactly why I made this thread. To make sure that doesn't happen, and most of everyone is right, I am pretty arrogant myself, but I'm that person that in order to change, I have to experience something. I'm just hoping that's not the hard way, and what I say below has actually helped out a bit.

    Any who, I decided to stop by an Italian motorcycle/scooter dealership today and test drove the Aprilia sr-50, a Vespa 300, and a Piaggio 125, all scooters. A 50cc engine is not for me, I was slightly eembarrassedon that thing haha. The 300 had lots of power although it was ugly as hell, and the 125 was pretty nice, although still a little slow. Either I keep the gsxr, sell it and buy a grom, or sell it and buy a ruckus and 150 swap it. I still have some thinking to do on what I want out of this bike.
    Well I'm here to tell you, that it is the hard way. You remind me of a little kid when you tell them(15 times) not to touch the stove because it's hot, you go right ahead and touch it. Then act shocked because of the burn you just received.

    But if you enjoy learning things the hard way, more power to you man. Welcome to the school of hard knocks and get ready, you're going to receive a lot of them. I guess that old saying is right, "there's one born every minute.."

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  6. #78
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    Re: I need advice..

    I agree that it was a bit of an overreaction by some regarding the loss of your handgun on the highway. Frankly, some follow-up questions for clarification about the type of holster, and other things would have been better than jumping all over you. Regardless, you recovered the weapon, nobody was hurt, and the hope is that you'll be extra cautious about it in the future.

    Riding inherently comes with risk. I nearly widowed my wife from a crash on my SV. I crashed from being overzealous while emergency braking to avoid a car that had swerved into my lane. I was doing 40 mph when I grabbed the front lever. According to the ER surgeon, I was not expected to survive. The lesson I gained from the experience is just how dangerous riding can be under any circumstance, and just how easy it is to die.

    I don't think anybody here is telling you to stop enjoying the rush that accompanies riding a rocket. Honestly, that's part of the allure of having a sport bike. Now I know some guys have said that you should probably give it up altogether, but, in my opinion, it's not because they think you are a bad rider. Nobody could make that judgement unless they have actually seen you ride, so they are making their decisions based on the information you have given them. Even my remark that you can't control yourself is contrived from an assumption I made from what you said. Here's the thing: those of us telling you to keep that GSXR are not telling you to ride it like you have your great-grandmother on the back, merely to choose the right time and place to ride fast. The hope is that you can grasp the seriousness of your situation and make a choice to respect the power of your bike and the risks associated with street riding.

    To be clear, I still tear it up in the canyons, and I've had my fair share of pucker moments. There were days when I would come home after a ride and wonder whether I should keep riding the street. But rather than give it up, I also decided I can be a better rider if I make the conscious choice to do so. It's not easy to practice a measure of self-control, and, as you know, the SV650 is tame by comparison to a GSXR 750, but I think it's within your power to learn the right course of action through the experience and wisdom others here are trying to share. But if you feel that a scooter will do the job you need it to do, then more power to you. I'll stand by my statement that I think a scooter won't fix your issue, but will function as a delay to lessons you will eventually have to learn, especially when you have the means to get another sport bike.

    The thing about asking for advice on a public forum from people you don't know is that you'll get a wide assortment of suggestions that may not be exactly what you want to hear. As I've said before, I wish you luck with whichever choice you make.

  7. #79
    Member Ph03niX's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by JKOL View Post
    An accident is when I drop my cell phone and shatter the screen, losing a firearm is well beyond an accident. I have a CC permit and have been around guns since I was little, you can't have accidents with guns becauseaccidents with guns lead to people getting shot. If you are too irresponsible to see that, good luck and hopefully you will be around long enough to tell some naive kid about the mistakes you made and learned from.

    Nobody here has said they were mistake free. I bet everyone would admit to doing plenty of stupid shit on motorcycles, myself included. The difference is the ones still around either learned from a close call and reined their behavior in or they learned the hard way and were simply lucky enough to survive. It's up to you to decide which path you take. Smart money knows which way you are going to learn.
    So then what would you call it if wasn't an accident? Death? Yeah right.. you can have plenty of accidents with guns that dont lead to someone getting shot. Don't know of any? Look on youtube and see people getting knocked over by shooting powerful guns. I've seen about 80+ guns fall onto concrete floors, and guess what happened, nothing. And yes, a gun can fire and shoot someone if loaded and the 2-3 drop safes somehow don't work. However, i never carry one in the chamber and the drop safes should work just like they're intended to because I clean and oil the gun quite often. I'm not saying accidents are a good thing, just that they happen, and yes, you learn from them.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    Well I'm here to tell you, that it is the hard way. You remind me of a little kid when you tell them(15 times) not to touch the stove because it's hot, you go right ahead and touch it. Then act shocked because of the burn you just received.

    But if you enjoy learning things the hard way, more power to you man. Welcome to the school of hard knocks and get ready, you're going to receive a lot of them. I guess that old saying is right, "there's one born every minute.."
    It'll only be the hard way If I make it that way. All I have to say is you guys aren't helping. I already fucking said I understand I may drive too aggressive, and that I'm asking for advice. Calling me an idiot and telling me to sell everything because I can't handle the responsibility is not cool. You don't know me, all you know is the dumb shit I've done over the past year. If you want to judge me by that, go ahead, but I'll tell you now, you're wrong.
    06 GSXR 750

  8. #80
    Member Ph03niX's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Thank you Drano, and thanks for always having well mannered and respectful comments. I think I take more from what you say than anyone else because of that, I really appreciate it.

    Having ridden a more powerful scooter today I think you're right about me not "solving the problem" with getting a scooter, just putting it off to the side. I'm going to start by keeping the rpms down for a while and seeing if I can get into IMI, I'd really love that.

    I'm sorry if some of you read and understood me to be a crazy man with no will power. That's not it, I'm just looking for the best place to start to help with keeping off the throttle in more risky situations, that's all. To the track it is (hopefully!).
    06 GSXR 750

  9. #81
    Member GMR's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    My opinion is just don't carry a gun while riding. A bike should enable you to get out of most/all situations if necessary. At most, just leave it in your garage. I've thought of that--if somebody actually is able to follow you to your house then having it in your garage or whatnot wouldn't be a bad idea because that would be a scary situation. Other than that, I don't see why you should need to carry on a bike. just seems like it is just asking to get used if a situation arises

    Present: 2006 GSXR 750 (black/yellow), 2006 Yamaha R6r (blue)
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  10. #82
    Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    I carry a gun all of the time, even when riding. But I actually carry it, I don't drop it on the side of the road for a little kid to find. I understand that with great power or authority comes great responsibility, and a gun is no different. I take that very seriously, and take every precaution to ensure the firearm is safely carried.

    I carry for several reasons, but on the bike I always open carry. I've found it substantially reduces the amount of interactions I have with aggressive drivers.

    Accidents happen, sure. Car accidents, tripping on a door step, dialing the wrong phone number, etc. Accidents don't happen with guns. If something happens, it's called negligence. The OP was negligent and irresponsible in the carrying of his weapon. Had somebody found it and committed a crime, the OP would absolutely be in jail. When you decide to be a gun owner, you take on the responsibility that comes with it. It's the same with a bike that does the quarter mile in single digits. Great power, great responsibility. It's clear the OP cannot handle either one.

  11. #83
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ph03niX View Post
    So then what would you call it if wasn't an accident? Death? Yeah right.. you can have plenty of accidents with guns that dont lead to someone getting shot. Don't know of any? Look on youtube and see people getting knocked over by shooting powerful guns. I've seen about 80+ guns fall onto concrete floors, and guess what happened, nothing. And yes, a gun can fire and shoot someone if loaded and the 2-3 drop safes somehow don't work. However, i never carry one in the chamber and the drop safes should work just like they're intended to because I clean and oil the gun quite often. I'm not saying accidents are a good thing, just that they happen, and yes, you learn from them.

    It'll only be the hard way If I make it that way. All I have to say is you guys aren't helping. I already fucking said I understand I may drive too aggressive, and that I'm asking for advice. Calling me an idiot and telling me to sell everything because I can't handle the responsibility is not cool. You don't know me, all you know is the dumb shit I've done over the past year. If you want to judge me by that, go ahead, but I'll tell you now, you're wrong.
    Yeah you're right I don't know. I'm just going off what you have been saying. Either way you'll learn your own way, so good luck green horn you're going to need it.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  12. #84
    Member GMR's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Just my observation from this thread and other threads that turned into a similar outcome..
    I've repeatedly seen people talking about how this club isn't anything like it was what--like 5 years ago? I'm wondering if maybe it's because back then people were more supportive (I've only been here maybe two years so I don't claim to know, just speculation). It seems some come on here and get completely flamed if people don't ride/live the way that the club endorses (speed limit-ish, ATGATT). Was it always like this? Or was this a more supportive group back in the day? I just feel like people come on here, feel unwelcome and leave. Don't you think instead of going apeshit on someone for not wearing ATGATT or sometimes riding irresponsibly, you just positively encourage them to get the equipment and help them ride at a responsible pace in a group ride instead of "absolutely not, you are not welcomed on this ride". Either way, they're still going to ride but they're more likely to get a lot more hurt/nobody notice them missing if they're out riding by themselves so I feel like it's almost just as much on you as much as them if they get hurt on their own since you totally just gave up on them like that.
    I get that you don't want to see somebody get completely rashed up or in a bad wreck, and that's why a lot don't do the group rides anymore. It's like catching your kid doing drugs and immediately throwing them out on the street--you really think that's going to change their life for the better?

    Sorry for the tangent, it's just something that grinds my gears a little bit... After all--this is a sport bike club. There are easily more group rides through the canyons than track days, so if you have the extra money for a track bike/track days/full gear then that's great that you've got to that point, but not everybody is at that point.

    Present: 2006 GSXR 750 (black/yellow), 2006 Yamaha R6r (blue)
    Sold: 2011 Ninja 250 (green/black), 2007 R6s (blue)

  13. #85
    Senior Member tecknojoe's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ph03niX View Post
    I'm going to sit here and laugh at you guys, because apparently you're all perfect and have never had an accident before.
    Where are you going that you need to have your gun in your pants while riding your motorcycle? Denver isn't a warzone

    Proper handling of a firearm isn't something to take lightly. You can't have mistakes with firearms, especially while doing something stupid like riding your motorcycle with one on your waist.

    The gif in GMR's signature is absolutely hilarious right now

    As for a serious comment: just leave the gun at home
    Last edited by tecknojoe; Thu Dec 18th, 2014 at 07:48 AM.

  14. #86
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    When I did find myself pushing it too far, I always went back and read these two posts.....and these riders were safe, responsible riders and it still happened to them. Just seeing the pain in their family's eyes was bad enough to want me to not do this to my Jessica and Gene. (I feel Gene's parents would be ok with me posting this since I am sure they don't want others to have this happened to them...feeling I got from talking to them; they want people to be aware how fragile it can be....I also personally knew Jessica and rode with her many times and she was a very safe rider and always encouraged safety too)
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  15. #87
    Member 07D675CO's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ph03niX View Post
    You don't know me, all you know is the dumb shit I've done over the past year. If you want to judge me by that, go ahead, but I'll tell you now, you're wrong.
    I'm not sure what you expect people to think if you have done that much dumb shit in one year. Why would someone think you are an intelligent individual? Why would someone think you are mature? You have given them no reason to. So calling someone out for calling you out on your idiocy just lends even more weight to that.
    2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796

  16. #88
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by GMR View Post
    Just my observation from this thread and other threads that turned into a similar outcome..
    I've repeatedly seen people talking about how this club isn't anything like it was what--like 5 years ago? I'm wondering if maybe it's because back then people were more supportive (I've only been here maybe two years so I don't claim to know, just speculation). It seems some come on here and get completely flamed if people don't ride/live the way that the club endorses (speed limit-ish, ATGATT). Was it always like this? Or was this a more supportive group back in the day? I just feel like people come on here, feel unwelcome and leave. Don't you think instead of going apeshit on someone for not wearing ATGATT or sometimes riding irresponsibly, you just positively encourage them to get the equipment and help them ride at a responsible pace in a group ride instead of "absolutely not, you are not welcomed on this ride". Either way, they're still going to ride but they're more likely to get a lot more hurt/nobody notice them missing if they're out riding by themselves so I feel like it's almost just as much on you as much as them if they get hurt on their own since you totally just gave up on them like that.
    I get that you don't want to see somebody get completely rashed up or in a bad wreck, and that's why a lot don't do the group rides anymore. It's like catching your kid doing drugs and immediately throwing them out on the street--you really think that's going to change their life for the better?

    Sorry for the tangent, it's just something that grinds my gears a little bit... After all--this is a sport bike club. There are easily more group rides through the canyons than track days, so if you have the extra money for a track bike/track days/full gear then that's great that you've got to that point, but not everybody is at that point.
    Oh no this club has always been very judgemental. Its actually got a lot better in the last few years. You should have been around for the epic rants of fuck stunters. That was fun.

    But this is winter time so people get couped up and you get rants going. Last few winters have been very mild but I think last year was when Aaron and I were at it.

    Its okay its just kind of the fun that takes place during the snow.

  17. #89
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    I carry a gun all of the time, even when riding. But I actually carry it, I don't drop it on the side of the road for a little kid to find. I understand that with great power or authority comes great responsibility, and a gun is no different. I take that very seriously, and take every precaution to ensure the firearm is safely carried.

    I carry for several reasons, but on the bike I always open carry. I've found it substantially reduces the amount of interactions I have with aggressive drivers.

    Accidents happen, sure. Car accidents, tripping on a door step, dialing the wrong phone number, etc. Accidents don't happen with guns. If something happens, it's called negligence. The OP was negligent and irresponsible in the carrying of his weapon. Had somebody found it and committed a crime, the OP would absolutely be in jail. When you decide to be a gun owner, you take on the responsibility that comes with it. It's the same with a bike that does the quarter mile in single digits. Great power, great responsibility. It's clear the OP cannot handle either one.
    Hey I ever tell you about the time I chased down a off duty officer that left his duty belt on the roof of his truck? That was funny.

  18. #90
    Member Ph03niX's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    The reason I carry a gun while riding is for one, to get myself used to it just like carrying a wallet, and two, for situations like this that may happen (chances like winning the lottery I know, but so is everything that involves shooting a gun at someone).

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    I carry a gun all of the time, even when riding. But I actually carry it, I don't drop it on the side of the road for a little kid to find. I understand that with great power or authority comes great responsibility, and a gun is no different. I take that very seriously, and take every precaution to ensure the firearm is safely carried.

    I carry for several reasons, but on the bike I always open carry. I've found it substantially reduces the amount of interactions I have with aggressive drivers.

    Accidents happen, sure. Car accidents, tripping on a door step, dialing the wrong phone number, etc. Accidents don't happen with guns. If something happens, it's called negligence. The OP was negligent and irresponsible in the carrying of his weapon. Had somebody found it and committed a crime, the OP would absolutely be in jail. When you decide to be a gun owner, you take on the responsibility that comes with it. It's the same with a bike that does the quarter mile in single digits. Great power, great responsibility. It's clear the OP cannot handle either one.
    Ok, from a police perspective, I get that. If something had happened I would take responsibility for it because yes, I did lose my gun and that was irresponsible of me. That's also why I spent 4 hours to find it. I still don't get why you think that because this happened, I should sell it. That's like saying because someone caused a car accident they should never drive again. The reason I laughed is because I'm in the Army, I shoot all the time, and 90% of the time, I shoot expert. Don't let one little drop cloud your judgement.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMR View Post
    Just my observation from this thread and other threads that turned into a similar outcome..
    I've repeatedly seen people talking about how this club isn't anything like it was what--like 5 years ago? I'm wondering if maybe it's because back then people were more supportive (I've only been here maybe two years so I don't claim to know, just speculation). It seems some come on here and get completely flamed if people don't ride/live the way that the club endorses (speed limit-ish, ATGATT). Was it always like this? Or was this a more supportive group back in the day? I just feel like people come on here, feel unwelcome and leave. Don't you think instead of going apeshit on someone for not wearing ATGATT or sometimes riding irresponsibly, you just positively encourage them to get the equipment and help them ride at a responsible pace in a group ride instead of "absolutely not, you are not welcomed on this ride". Either way, they're still going to ride but they're more likely to get a lot more hurt/nobody notice them missing if they're out riding by themselves so I feel like it's almost just as much on you as much as them if they get hurt on their own since you totally just gave up on them like that.
    I get that you don't want to see somebody get completely rashed up or in a bad wreck, and that's why a lot don't do the group rides anymore. It's like catching your kid doing drugs and immediately throwing them out on the street--you really think that's going to change their life for the better?

    Sorry for the tangent, it's just something that grinds my gears a little bit... After all--this is a sport bike club. There are easily more group rides through the canyons than track days, so if you have the extra money for a track bike/track days/full gear then that's great that you've got to that point, but not everybody is at that point.
    Thanks for bringing this up. As the one being dogged on for everything, I will say I think most people will take constructive criticism 10x better than destructive.

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    When I did find myself pushing it too far, I always went back and read these two posts.....and these riders were safe, responsible riders and it still happened to them. Just seeing the pain in their family's eyes was bad enough to want me to not do this to my Jessica and Gene. (I feel Gene's parents would be ok with me posting this since I am sure they don't want others to have this happened to them...feeling I got from talking to them; they want people to be aware how fragile it can be....I also personally knew Jessica and rode with her many times and she was a very safe rider and always encouraged safety too)
    Thanks for posting this Bulldog, it hit deep and humbled me.
    06 GSXR 750

  19. #91
    Gold Member
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ph03niX View Post
    The reason I carry a gun while riding is for one, to get myself used to it just like carrying a wallet, and two, for situations like this that may happen (chances like winning the lottery I know, but so is everything that involves shooting a gun at someone).

    Ok, from a police perspective, I get that. If something had happened I would take responsibility for it because yes, I did lose my gun and that was irresponsible of me. That's also why I spent 4 hours to find it. I still don't get why you think that because this happened, I should sell it. That's like saying because someone caused a car accident they should never drive again. The reason I laughed is because I'm in the Army, I shoot all the time, and 90% of the time, I shoot expert. Don't let one little drop cloud your judgement.

    Thanks for bringing this up. As the one being dogged on for everything, I will say I think most people will take constructive criticism 10x better than destructive.

    Thanks for posting this Bulldog, it hit deep and humbled me.
    I won't get too deep in this but I have very little respect for the carry 24/7 bs.

    People need to man up a bit. If I can do a job like repo for six years and never "need" a gun you can take a ride without one.

    I will agree with others that you not even noticing the loss of something like a pistol is scary. And now throwing in that you're military makes this even worse. I mean your rifle is your life. But again whatever.

    Don't post dumb shit if you can't handle some backlash. Don't ask questions if you don't want hard truth. And even more don't post shit that happens in third world countries and try to pawn it off as a reason to affect your life.

    Plus you might want to grow some thicker skin on the internet. People can be a little mean.

  20. #92

    Re: I need advice..

    Quite the thread... Personally a scooter, grom, etc would never hold my interest (only as a pit bike in addition to others etc).

    In reality it is going to have to be you, there is some good advice in this thread but in the end it isn't going to magically change you. Changing your riding style doesn't have to mean no fun or never getting on the throttle, but as others have said there are places and times for it. Passing multiple cars in a corner in the mountains probably isn't the best place. I'm not going to sit here and say I've never passed or sped in the mountains, but honestly I've never put myself in a situation that scared me. We have some great roads for riding and there are places on all of them where you can see the entire part of road it will take to make a pass. A sportbike can make safe passes in places where a lot of other vehicles can't just based on the performance. There are also places where you can crank on the throttle without too much worry. I'd advocate enjoying your ride, but dial it back to level that's comfortable and leaves some margin for the unexpected. I would also recommend reading etc.

    The track will without a doubt make you a better rider and allow you to push yourself and your bike in a controlled environment. IMI is great because it's close, (relatively) cheap, and easy. It's not as big so you can't get anywhere near the speeds you can at other tracks but you can still have fun. I've done quite a few days there this year and plan to do more if the weather cooperates.
    2000 GSX750F, 2003 YZ450F, 2004 GSXR750, 2006 ZX-14
    2013 CBR500R, 2016 YZF-R6 - MRA #760

  21. #93
    Senior Member FZRguy's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    I think some of you have been kinda hard on Phx. He's a young college kid, cut him some slack. I had nothing but mush between my ears when I was 21. He's man enough to admit some rather embarrassing things on this forum, and he's really just looking for some honest advice. Phx if you are ROTC, that's a great move and I wish I had done it when I was in college. Sounds like you are doing fine to me.
    KTM Duke 690

  22. #94
    Senior Member tecknojoe's Avatar
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    Denver area

    Re: I need advice..

    That kind of behavior is more likely in a place like, say, Brazil, where that video was filmed. This is Denver, I'd say you're pretty safe from getting held up at gunpoint for your motorcycle.

    even IF that were to happen, are you really going to draw your gun and get in a shootout over a motorcycle? He's already got the gun directly in your face, and you're going to take that chance, while wearing motorcycle gloves? Good luck. If it ever happens to me, it's more than likely I'll just get off and say you win, it's not worth someone's life.

    You started a thread asking for advice because you're motorcycle is too fast for you, then tell everyone that you dropped a gun. OF COURSE you're going to get all kinds of advice. My honest advice is to either leave the gun at home or just get rid of it. Also buy a 250 and take it to the track, you will live longer and have more fun there

  23. #95
    Member 07D675CO's Avatar
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    Re: I need advice..

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    I won't get too deep in this but I have very little respect for the carry 24/7 bs.

    People need to man up a bit. If I can do a job like repo for six years and never "need" a gun you can take a ride without one.

    I will agree with others that you not even noticing the loss of something like a pistol is scary. And now throwing in that you're military makes this even worse. I mean your rifle is your life. But again whatever.

    Don't post dumb shit if you can't handle some backlash. Don't ask questions if you don't want hard truth. And even more don't post shit that happens in third world countries and try to pawn it off as a reason to affect your life.

    Plus you might want to grow some thicker skin on the internet. People can be a little mean.
    WTF we agree on something!!!!
    2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796

  24. #96
    Chocolate Thunder
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    Jun 2012

    Re: I need advice..

    What I said earlier still stands....there are people who grow out of not knowing the right or wrong and people who dont...well some still live and others well dont. Because YOU actually realize your mistakes and arent shoving under will make a awesome person later and will look back and I lived through all this stupid shit I did when I was young.

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