Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
Statements like this about pot are inane. MJ stays with the body in fat cells and in the blood of the hair follicle. If you smoke weed 1 time every 2 weeks you will fail a hair, urine and blood sample for THC. You can do acid, cocaine, meth, shrooms, whiskey and a shit load of other horrible drugs daily and then stop 2 days before your test, and test clean. Just because some people smoke pot does not mean they are not successful and productive in their daily lives. I would argue that alcohol has so many worse side effects, issues and social problems than smoking weed. Yet, you don't see anyone complaining when you hear about them brewing their own beer. Weed is almost harmless if you are not driving vehicles or handling weapons.

Hahahahaha what a joke.

And I will never understand why weed supporters are so hell bent on comparing alcohol and weed.

First things first. If all the little hippies would just come out and say hey I want to get high I would support them. But no they want to hide behind this miracle drug and claim its the end all to everything.

Be truthful. YOU WANT TO GET HIGH. Hey I like to get high. See how easy it is?

I also like the blind following that it doesn't hurt anyone. Well fact is it does. Heavy users seem to enjoy destroying their personal lives with their mood swings. Relationships and other things just go out the window.

Fact is nothing overused is a good thing. Hell too much water can kill you. I'm not saying weed alone will kill you but these days we have people blowing themselves up with cooking these dabs or whatever oil they are trying to extract from weed.

I mean the people smoking that shit look like crackheads.