I guess I am highjacking Spooph's thread, but I wasn't sure where to post this. It is official that the case against me from ABATE has been dismissed!! In a nutshell, there was an internal power struggle and I was suspected, accused, charged and found guilty by ABATE all in one afternoon. They alleged I "forged checks" and "stole money from the ABATE Randy Run account". It was not a pleasant experience. I spent 2 nights in jail, first time ever in my 54 years of life. So much for innocent until proven guilty....you are treated just the opposite. Needless to say, there was not enough evidence to prove their allegations. I owe a huge thank you to my attorney, Wade Eldridge. He kept pushing the DA until this case was remedied. So if you ever need a lawyer...call him. He is a motorcyclist and has an impressive barn of all kinds of bikes.
Why did this happen? Good question, and I am not sure I will ever really know the answer. I want to thank all of you that have/and do support me. This would have been much more traumatic without your support. I have a lot of great friends and I appreciate each and every one of you. Stay tuned....a few of us have some ideas in mind on how to move forward dealing with motorcyclist issues! Thank you all again!!!