I have to disagree with you guys. This site has always had a reputation of being... Well.... There's no point.

Moving on. This site is no different from the same kind of migration patterns as the riders on the street. The only difference in this site and the riders on the street is that there is no new blood coming in.

This place isn't friendly to new riders. Why would anyone want to come here make a mistake on a group ride and get bashed up and down about it?

People on this forum have always felt they are better than a lot of riders. Thus... You get townie. Gramps you should remember the term townie being used.

This board created me. Its the only forum I'm on these days. The attitudes that created me drove away a lot of other riders. Guys who still ride today.

I will agree with Nate about the topic of riding being beat to death. After ten years bikes haven't changed a whole lot. Sure you have abs and all that. When that first came out the forums were lit up about computers controlling the bike. Lol

To be honest man I kind of miss the days of kitty Friday and the post whore threads. People who came here to goof off and have a good time. Its a fucking internet forum. Why in the hell is it so serious?

These days it has to be all 100% serious about sport bikes and who won the last race and blah blah. Who fucking cares? Go ride. Go enjoy life. Come here to have a laugh. Townies being an idiot today. Lol what a dick. See... Not that hard.

Holy crap guys things have chilled way out compared to ten years ago. Bashed I know you still lurk. Tell me I'm lying.

Truth is once things got all serious that's when shit started to go down hill.