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Thread: If Moderators Did Their Job

  1. #49
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

  2. #50
    Senior Member Zanatos's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by FZRguy View Post
    No need to ban Townie or anyone else. If you guys would stop taking the bait (hook, line, sinker) and not respond to his posts, he will leave. It's that simple.
    The guy is literally in EVERY thread, so it doesn't matter if you ignore him or not. He still shows up, says something off-topic, confrontational, or just plain stupid - then hijacks the conversation from that point forward. He has been doing it for a long time and will never quit unless he is banned or trolled to death (just like he has nearly trolled this place to death).

  3. #51
    Senior Member Moderator Slo's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Nah, in the past 10 years I been on here, he has yet to troll any thread I ever put up, nor has he ever come back in response to any post I have ever done in a severe negative manner.

    On another note, we definitely have a few thin skinned individuals who have to have the last say..... just too much to let things go and have to put in the last word. Along with individuals here that love to jump on the bandwagon and then take on a online mob mentality.

  4. #52
    Senior Member Moderator Gramps's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by FZRguy View Post
    No need to ban Townie or anyone else. If you guys would stop taking the bait (hook, line, sinker) and not respond to his posts, he will leave. It's that simple.
    '07 ZX-6R
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  5. #53
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Slo View Post
    Nah, in the past 10 years I been on here, he has yet to troll any thread I ever put up, nor has he ever come back in response to any post I have ever done in a severe negative manner.

    On another note, we definitely have a few thin skinned individuals who have to have the last say..... just too much to let things go and have to put in the last word. Along with individuals here that love to jump on the bandwagon and then take on a online mob mentality.
    Thin skinned or tired of some guy you don't know calling you a cock sucker for asking for help with a bike?

  6. #54

    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    I'm happy to see this thread. I don't come to the forums that often, but this year the "new posts" section seems to be dominated by Townie & some off-putting flame war with someone. I don't really see too many (any?) other people that need banning or moderation.

    I'm all for talking more about motorbikes & other fun topics, keeping it civil, and relying on the forum members to call out bad behavior (like this thread is doing). Go CSC!

  7. #55
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    This will be fun. Joker I went through all your threads you started in the last two years to see how many of your threads I fucked up. I found one... The one with your freak out because I agreed with someone else and said that sounds like a plan.

    Now on to the others.

    Ith out of your whole 83 posts we have zero threads where we even talked in the same thread. Well excluding this one of course.
    Last edited by #1Townie; Tue May 19th, 2015 at 10:38 PM.

  8. #56
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanatos View Post
    The guy is literally in EVERY thread, so it doesn't matter if you ignore him or not. He still shows up, says something off-topic, confrontational, or just plain stupid - then hijacks the conversation from that point forward. He has been doing it for a long time and will never quit unless he is banned or trolled to death (just like he has nearly trolled this place to death).
    Hmmm. Looks like out of your started threads in the last two years I thread jacked one. Good points you make here.

    Every thread you say. There is all your threads.

  9. #57
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    So out of four of you who claim I should be banned because of all the crap I started... I found like four threads where I was a dick in your threads. Four of you. Two years each.

    You guys are really going to make these accusations?

    Seriously guys. Big boy pants time. Adult talk time. Joker I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by saying that's a plan. In response to your bitchquit comment I went a little deep.

    I am not one to walk away from a good time. So you gave me an invite and I took it. For that I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for every post after that that has lead us to this point.

    Ezzzzy. I am not really sure what I did to start this whole I live riding my townie... I don't know. We haven't had any issues for a long while. So I'm truly at a loss for why all the PMS about me whatever else. To be truly honest had that poll gone your way I was going to ask born to delete me. Hell man I even gave you my vote. I thought truly you were going to win that. But anyways. Again in don't what I did to you. We have had some blow outs but we have also got along just fine as well. So whatever I did I'm sorry. Shoot me a pm and let me know what it is exactly I did. No more bitching. I just don't have it in me.

    Clovis. You and I haven't really had much in the way of communication. We don't post in the same areas much. Buuuut I do know a few years ago I really laid into you. Guess you have kind of held on to that. I don't remember the thread or all that was said but I know I ripped you up one side and down the other fairly well. For that sir I apologize.

    Zan. First of all let me be undick and say thank you for your service. Truly. Part of being a good repo guy is being good at reading people. With that comes the ability to truly spill some venom. For that I apologize. I know it was a thread of mine where you and I didn't agree a while back and I started calling you a coward. For this I will also apologize.

    Aaron. I don't think anyone on this board got it worse than you. After your dead dog pic I waited for the right moment and went the fuck off. That was a bad thread. I apologize for that thread. I apologize for my comments and how far I took it.

    Nate. You and I seem to go round and round sometimes. We always come to terms in PMS. You sir. You and I will box one day. After that I will buy the first round. I have a feeling you will take me late in the first. My cardio is shit these days. Lol. But you dense fuck. Lol.. I am sorry for how personal I took things with you.

    Barn. I think in the last two yours I have given it to you overall the hardest. You sellout blah blah sheep blah blah coward blah blah in almost every disagreement we have had for the last like two years. You and I used to be way cool back in the day. We had some debates but we were cool. I've been a prick to you. In a ton of threads. For this I also apologize. What's funny is no matter how big of a dick I've been to you you let that shit roll off your back like nothing. Part of why I gave you that vote for mod. I do respect you bro. Those of use who have been on here for more than a few years can remember some truly exciting and fun moments and some truly dark times. I'm sorry for throwing some of yours in your face. It won't happen again. You have my word on that.

    For the rest of you that I have hurt or attacked. Please understand that 99% of the shit I post is sarcasim. If this gets you going I'm sorry. Mainly pure boredom and one person is having a bad day and lashes out at me... Hey a pet to play with today. But this is going a bit far guys. I didn't even post today. I just let you guys do your thing. Trying ronlet you guys vent it but its going too far.

    I'm sorry to everyone for the flames. I'm going to take a giant step back. Its why the avatar is gone. The Sig is gone. (Very few people complained but some did). So just relax guys. Enjoy life a little more.

    There is a few here that take things waaaaaay too seriously. This is coming from super shithead. If its not me it will be someone else. Its the internet. Not done utopia of peace love and happiness. Calm down. Take a breath. Go for a walk. Go for a ride. Go enjoy your life and don't worry so much about that screen name that called you a dick. He means nothing to your life. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Not even a little.

    So again CSC. Who ever hasn't blocked me. Lol. I apologize. Enjoy the peace.
    Last edited by #1Townie; Wed May 20th, 2015 at 12:01 AM.

  10. #58
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Nate. You and I seem to go round and round sometimes. We always come to terms in PMS. You sir. You and I will box one day. After that I will buy the first round. I have a feeling you will take me late in the first. My cardio is shit these days. Lol. But you dense fuck. Lol.. I am sorry for how personal I took things with you.
    To me it takes a big man to apologize and that is why you and I have always worked things out and why I still do respect you and never have held any grudges. I went too long in my life holding in hate for people and it never got me anywhere. Believe it or not I have learned some good lessons from debating with you over the years….like when I just had to stop before I got a ulcer Seriously bro this was not something easy for me as I am like you and hate to back down, but I actually have grown from my experiences.

    Overall we argued, but we also had some really good discussions too.

    Heck yeah one day we will get to pop open a beer and do a fun a good match; did it all my life with buddies and still swear it gains respect between two men when they can shake hands after and laugh about it.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  11. #59
    Senior Member Nolan's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    If there was a section that was invisible to people with less than 50 posts or something where people could sword fight all day long I personally wouldn't give two fucks how many flames went out. This is a PUBLIC forum. How much fucktardery do we need to broadcast to people that are looking for information or people to ride with? Fine. Winter is still here. Go spank it, find a new exhaust, girlfriend, boyfriend and be more mature about what YOU present to the public eye. Yeah, everyone should relax it's just words on a screen. Fine, it's sarcasm. Whatever you hurt someone's feeling. They hurt yours. Wah wah wah. If this was the focus 3 whole years ago in the forum I wouldn't be a part of it or even care. Hell, that might mean I wouldn't even know wtf HPR was or PMP IMI or the MRA. I'm turning 40 this year and you kids are still doing pissing matches and measuring dicks to get your jollys off.
    Instead of apologizing, don't fucking do it. You want stimulating conversation? Be informative and not a dick. Get to know someone before you flame their shit.
    Whatever. Lose the ego. Decide if this place is really just a good time for your boredom or what.
    Fuck it. Y'all have the dumb.
    Last edited by Nolan; Wed May 20th, 2015 at 08:30 AM.

  12. #60
    Senior Member Nolan's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job
    I wonder why this guy isn't involved..... Hmmm

  13. #61
    Senior Member Moderator Gramps's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post

    I'm sorry to everyone for the flames. I'm going to take a giant step back. Its why the avatar is gone. The Sig is gone. (Very few people complained but some did). So just relax guys. Enjoy life a little more.

    There is a few here that take things waaaaaay too seriously. This is coming from super shithead. If its not me it will be someone else. Its the internet. Not done utopia of peace love and happiness. Calm down. Take a breath. Go for a walk. Go for a ride. Go enjoy your life and don't worry so much about that screen name that called you a dick. He means nothing to your life. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Not even a little.

    So again CSC. Who ever hasn't blocked me. Lol. I apologize. Enjoy the peace.
    First Thank you for the "step back" I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate the effort. Just remember actions are louder than words.

    Second let's be clear that you shouldn't flatter yourself that anyone had any fucks to give about your continuous spouting. What they did have fucks to give about was that you were continually degrading a place that has facilitated friendships and good times and hopefully still has that potential. Let me explain it this way. In the absence of knowledge of the person or topic people are apt to form the wrong impression. So a new forum member joins and in the first few weeks encounter some bantering between members and decides to go other places. In this instance the forum loses. We lose the chance to meet someone new or guide that person to better riding or show them different aspects of motorcycling.

    Here is hoping the site can learn from the past and move to the future. I think there are a lot of people looking for a manageable place to organize rides and find out more about motorcycling without the banter.
    '07 ZX-6R
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  14. #62
    Senior Member Zanatos's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    I didn't bother reading Townie's thousand-word diatribe above.

    But now he is going back and commenting every thread I have posted in where he believes that he "wasn't a dick."

    Can you say stalker?????!!!!!

    The problem is not that he is ALWAYS a dick. It is that he ALWAYS has to comment. Some of those comments are dickish. Some are attention-whorish. Some are irrelevant. But most of them are consistently stupid.

  15. #63
    Senior Member Moderator Jmetz's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    I've got more flavor than a packet of macaroni.

  16. #64
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Jmetz View Post
    Hilarious....but I agree, let it go already man!
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  17. #65
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

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  18. #66
    Senior Member Moderator Slo's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    LOL and very true!!

  19. #67
    Senior Member Nolan's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Thanks. Now I've got that stuck in my head.... Again.

  20. #68
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Just let it go man lol

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  21. #69
    Senior Member Captain Obvious's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanatos View Post
    But now he is going back and commenting every thread I have posted in where he believes that he "wasn't a dick."

    The problem is not that he is ALWAYS a dick. It is that he ALWAYS has to comment. Some of those comments are dickish. Some are attention-whorish. Some are irrelevant. But most of them are consistently stupid.
    Well that explains why there were 2 pages of threads with updates from Townie saying nope. I hate blocking anyone's postings, but with the last 30+ posts being useless, the ratio of useful:useless postings just went down. Townie, thats the kind of behavior that just wears on people and makes them go "this fu(@#ng guy..." . It turns into the scenario with a child where they go "why?" "why" "why". Its not the individual why or the question itself. Its the never-ending presence that makes you want to tell them "SHUT UP! Go away!"
    The closest thing to immortality on this earth is a Federal government program - RR

  22. #70
    Senior Member Zanatos's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job


  23. #71
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Ezzzzy. I am not really sure what I did to start this whole I live riding my townie... I don't know. We haven't had any issues for a long while. So I'm truly at a loss for why all the PMS about me whatever else. To be truly honest had that poll gone your way I was going to ask born to delete me. Hell man I even gave you my vote. I thought truly you were going to win that. But anyways. Again in don't what I did to you. We have had some blow outs but we have also got along just fine as well. So whatever I did I'm sorry. Shoot me a pm and let me know what it is exactly I did. No more bitching. I just don't have it in me.

    I can respect your step back and basically thats all I have wanted the whole time. Come here to make this place better not worse.

    My irritation with you around here isnt a personal thing for me. My irritation is with how you treat the people here. The bicycle thing was just an inside joke between a few people that may or may not have come out until Nate threatened me to go to you with the joke. He called me a coward for not letting you in on the joke myself but that was never the point. It was just something that was funny to me that a few others asked about and I told them.

    So, it was made into a big deal by someone that didnt like getting ignored. Its that simple. Which is funny because all of anyones advice on here is "just ignore the stupid comments".

    Either way, and I dont want to speak for everyone, my guess is: if the trolling goes away things would be a lot more peaceful and welcoming to new folks. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  24. #72
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Did all this shit start over the bicycle thing? Wow wtf

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