Quote Originally Posted by madvlad View Post
I didn't drop 15 secs per lap, just from my best time there before (on someone elses bike btw) just so we are in the same page before I start getting slaughtered here ... I do understand that pushing a ton without consistency can be dangerous, wasn't really planning on it that day but after 2 laps of good scrapping with these guys and keeping my brake markers constant, being able to trail brake well and stay in control without being erratic felt good, definitely do know my limits and wouldn't be over them given I'm not the only one out there. How much would you charge me for a session out there? I'd definitely like to get better and learn even more from the people I learned a ton from when I started doing this
Hey Damir -

No slaughtering going on here, just some friendly advice to help you keep that pretty bike off the ground

I charge $75 an hour, which would include one riding session / video analysis etc. - I recommend you spend at least 2 and no more than 4 hours with me, as that's the "sweet spot". One hour really isn't enough, and more than 4 hours is over saturation.

Really glad some of you are coming out to play!
