Depends on the property. If she works like at a Mall, what the owner's of the mall sometimes do is annex the parking lot or do something like that to the city, therefore the city has the right to ticket people and patrol the property, meaning the mall gets use of local law enforcement (this is not the case for ALL malls or store parking lots). So in that case it might be considered public property… Just a consideration...

They are probably afraid you may back out or something like that and deny anything happened….

Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
No law requires your car be insured if it is on private property, like a parking lot. You are only required to be insured if you are on a public roadway, and she wasn't.

So if you tell him the vehicle was not insured, and the only way it is going to get fixed is if he takes it to a shop of his choice and gets a quote... You wouldn't be breaking the law. Try and do this via email or text so there's a record of it though.