Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
Kimbo's testosterone ranges were in legal levels for TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). So before the ban the "medicine" you state was legal...again too many people lied and abused it so they stopped TRT exceptions. So if we are still talking about Kimbo, he most likely was under a medical doctor....years of training tend to lower a pro athletes testosterone.

I never said it was ok, just that it is not as dangerous as some people think and does not appear this is what caused Kimbo's death. I mean why aren't more pro's dropping dead from it that were caught...like half of NBL????

All the cyclists have team doctors as well, administering whatever crap they get/got. Doping is wrong period. Who cares if doping is why this guy died, I don't see why it matters so much to you. You don't seem to defend the fact he is or isn't a doper, in fact from what I can tell from what you have said you think he is a doper.