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Thread: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

  1. #1
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    I have my own theory as to why we are having certain amounts of mass shootings happening. This one tops it all.

    Let me just say I believe that a lot of these mass shootings we are experiencing are being orchestrated by the powers that be. This kind of thing isn't random, I believe shooters are being activated in order to push an agenda forth to the public. Nothing could be more clear than the lady that was on ABC news being interviewed by George Stephanopolous. You could see she was reading a prompt from someone squatting down in front of her. Lastly, her final plea just before he let her go, was a plea to the country to do something about "Assault Weapons".

    I've kept quiet about these kinds of things for a long time. However, I've had enough. I'm tired of all the anti-gun agenda being pushed from the powers that be. The fact that this shooting was perpetuated by a person of "alleged" Islam beliefs and parents of Afgani origin. To the fact that it was a homosexual hang-out. I mean this one hit all the hot button issues.

    Something ain't right about all this. It just seems too orchestrated to be random....
    Last edited by The Black Knight; Sun Jun 12th, 2016 at 09:55 AM. Reason: typos

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  2. #2
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    the media has become so political it creates these kinds of feeling. because they get people make political decisions during very emotional situations.

    our government also uses these emotions to try to guide us. lol. guide. fact is the average American feels very disenchanted with our politicians. thats why a reality TV host has a shot at being president. let that sink in.

    i dont think this is a government coordinated any of these shootings. they are just so overly reported that the few we do have seem so sensational we feel we have to do something about this. this playing on our emotions again.

    but let's take a look at our country these days. before 911 if I told you that your child was going to get groped by airport security you would be pissed. if I aid your wife was going to have her nude photos reviewed by airport security it would again be holy hell. now days? just part of the flight.

    how about before 911 we talked about he government recording all of our phone calls and spying on us? i would have been to go get my tin hat. but now? NSA? turns out nope no need for a warrant because.... murica? idk.

    how about the militarisation of our police force? remember when away was used to only go after the worst of the worst criminals? now days they are used for everything. you have speeding tickets? send in the mrap. you can thank the war on drugs for this one.

    speaking of drugs. shall we talk about the cocaine explosion in the 80s? thanks cia. but we didn't hear much about that because we were too busy arguing about Clinton getting a blowjob. thanks media. you really did us a solid on that. so the cia funded coke trafficking just disappeared. how about now days? anyone ever thought about the explosion of heroin these days? guess what. looks like cia is at it again with Afghanistan this time.

    but back to the shooting. i rhink all we have here is a guy who couldn't admit his own gay tendencies and went crazy fighting his owns demons until he went on a shooting spree. not the first time we have seen this from religious people.

    but 50 people are dead. I'm sure we will have more gun debates in the near future.

  3. #3
    Senior Member longrider's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    I have to agree with Townie that there is no way this was planned/coordinated by the government. They would not stoop to the level of terrorists to advance a political agenda. Now will they use the tragedy to advance a political agenda? Absolutely. It will be interesting to see how this develops, my first gut reaction was it was just someone who hated gays and went off the deep end but now I am hearing reports he got involved with ISIS

  4. #4
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    the media has become so political it creates these kinds of feeling. because they get people make political decisions during very emotional situations.

    our government also uses these emotions to try to guide us. lol. guide. fact is the average American feels very disenchanted with our politicians. thats why a reality TV host has a shot at being president. let that sink in.

    i dont think this is a government coordinated any of these shootings. they are just so overly reported that the few we do have seem so sensational we feel we have to do something about this. this playing on our emotions again.

    but let's take a look at our country these days. before 911 if I told you that your child was going to get groped by airport security you would be pissed. if I aid your wife was going to have her nude photos reviewed by airport security it would again be holy hell. now days? just part of the flight.

    how about before 911 we talked about he government recording all of our phone calls and spying on us? i would have been to go get my tin hat. but now? NSA? turns out nope no need for a warrant because.... murica? idk.

    how about the militarisation of our police force? remember when away was used to only go after the worst of the worst criminals? now days they are used for everything. you have speeding tickets? send in the mrap. you can thank the war on drugs for this one.

    speaking of drugs. shall we talk about the cocaine explosion in the 80s? thanks cia. but we didn't hear much about that because we were too busy arguing about Clinton getting a blowjob. thanks media. you really did us a solid on that. so the cia funded coke trafficking just disappeared. how about now days? anyone ever thought about the explosion of heroin these days? guess what. looks like cia is at it again with Afghanistan this time.

    but back to the shooting. i rhink all we have here is a guy who couldn't admit his own gay tendencies and went crazy fighting his owns demons until he went on a shooting spree. not the first time we have seen this from religious people.

    but 50 people are dead. I'm sure we will have more gun debates in the near future.
    Bingo, the people that go way past being against something always turn out to be hiding some secrets. The overly anti-gay politician that got caught playing footsie in the airport stall trying to pickup men. The 19 kids and counting people, very anti-gay, but one of their sons used to bad touch several of his sisters. Anti-prostitution AG and Governor of NY, Eliot Spitzer rumored to have spent over $80k on hookers in a few year period.

    RIP to the victims

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  5. #5
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    See I see something more sinister to this guys. Aurora, Newtown, Ft. Hood, Boston, Oregon, Paris, Colorado Springs, San Bernadino and now Orlando. With the exception to Ft. Hood(where a 5.7 was used) and Boston(bombing), the weapon of choice(or should I say the weapon with the most the focus) is the AR15. What weapon almost always comes up in gun control debates?? No one really cares about pistols or shotguns. It's the "assault rifle" that they assume the AR15 is. The AR15 is not an Assault Rifle, it's an M4 civilian variant(that's neither here nor there).

    Look at how we had our rights restricted with the 15rd magazine law for Colorado. It affects primarily?? AR15's....

    What I'm saying is that more and more of the attacks are happening and they are increasing in severity. Sooner, rather than later people are finally going to give in and cry to the powers that be to do something about these so called "assault weapons". Sooner, rather than later people are finally going to relinquish their freedoms and liberties for a temporal and fleeting period of safety. Not knowing that the wolf will always be at the door ready and willing to strike upon its helpless prey.

    This is the agenda that's in place. They(powers that be) are driving a wedge into this country and dividing us on our liberties and freedoms. People now more than ever are willing to give up their freedoms in the hope that someone, anyone, will protect them and keep them safe. People are so scared of their own shadow, that they want a 24/7 nanny state to protect them from the very things that haunt them in their dreams.

    This country is falling apart and these shootings are orchestrated. By who?? Don't know, I call them the powers that be. I call them the ones that control the things behind the scenes. They're the puppet masters of the world and they're pushing a world wide agenda.

    I think the fact that this hit a gay bar was done to focus on the LGBT community whom for the most part are "progressive" and will be a likely ally in an all out cry for more and more gun control.

    You people have to look at this from an outside view. Look at the big picture of how this all falls together. They've hit schools, they've hit planned parenthood, they've hit theaters, now a gay club. Look at how whoever is behind all this is methodically lining people and their feelings/emotions up.

    It may look like I'm spinning some conspiracy theory but that's exactly what I think is going on. It just doesn't add up to be random in my eyes.
    Last edited by The Black Knight; Sun Jun 12th, 2016 at 04:33 PM. Reason: typo

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  6. #6
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    See I see something more sinister to this guys. Aurora, Newtown, Ft. Hood, Boston, Oregon, Paris, Colorado Springs, San Bernadino and now Orlando. With the exception to Ft. Hood(where a 5.7 was used) and Boston(bombing), the weapon of choice(or should I say the weapon with the most the focus) is the AR15. What weapon almost always comes up in gun control debates?? No one really cares about pistols or shotguns. It's the "assault rifle" that they assume the AR15 is. The AR15 is not an Assault Rifle, it's an M4 civilian variant(that's neither here nor there).

    Look at how we had our rights restricted with the 15rd magazine law for Colorado. It affects primarily?? AR15's....

    What I'm saying is that more and more of the attacks are happening and they are increasing in severity. Sooner, rather than later people are finally going to give in and cry to the powers that be to do something about these so called "assault weapons". Sooner, rather than later people are finally going to relinquish their freedoms and liberties for a temporal and fleeting period of safety. Not knowing that the wolf will always be at the door ready and willing to strike upon it's helpless prey.

    This is the agenda that's in place. They(powers that be) are driving a wedge into this country and dividing us on our liberties and freedoms. People now more than ever are willing to give up their freedoms in the hope that someone, anyone, will protect them and keep them safe. People are so scared of their own shadow, that they want a 24/7 nanny state to protect them from the very things that haunt them in their dreams.

    This country is falling apart and these shootings are orchestrated. By who?? Don't know, I call them the powers that be. I call them the ones that control the things behind the scenes. They're the puppet masters of the world and they're pushing a world wide agenda.

    I think the fact that this hit a gay bar was done to focus on the LGBT community whom for the most part are "progressive" and will be a likely ally in an all out cry for more and more gun control.

    You people have to look at this from an outside view. Look at the big picture of how this all falls together. They've hit schools, they've hit planned parenthood, they've hit theaters, now a gay club. Look at how whoever is behind all this is methodically lining people and their feelings/emotions up.

    It may look like I'm spinning some conspiracy theory but that's exactly what I think is going on. It just doesn't add up to be random in my eyes.
    I agree to disagree with you. to be fair the shootings that take place most of the time are people with mental illness that want to make headlines. its why they choose schools. even in the Florida shooting we hear a mother screaming about they are killing our children. the child she is speaking of is a 32 year old man. but that makes headlines because people hear child and emotions run.

    while most of the sick bastards don't actually target kids look at the one time someone did. we made him famous in minutes. our country debated over this evil for months. he got exactly what he wanted. fame.

    I will agree that politicians use these events to further party goals but i just don't see it being created by the government. many reasons can be taken into account for why the ar15 is the weapon of choice.

    the ar15 is in the news so often and feared so heavily by some Americans that the mere sight of it will make some people freeze. it is a good killing weapon. its why our military still uses it. yes I know the civilian one and the military one is different. but not by much. select fire and barrel lengths. thats really the only difference.

    next up is cost of the weapon. you can pick one up for a grand. the ammo is cheap. magazines are also cheap. with just 2k invested you can be pretty heavily armed.

    what other choices would a mass shooter have? ak47? sure. but with loaded magazines its pretty heavy and will still run you about he same as an ar. how about a scar or ar15? those rounds are much more expensive and also weigh more. recoil is much different. harder to get back on target after each shot.

    so yeah the ar comes in at a top choice for these shooters. its popularity, the price and the fact it's an easy rifle to use. thank God these guys don't actually know firearms.

    could you imagine the body counts we would face if these nut jobs starting using the proper weapons for these situations? the death toll would be in the hundreds.

    nah man to be fair we got some copy cats that try to create as much drama as Columbine but most come up short. they are either too incompetent to fully achieve their goals or puss out in the middle. usually killing themselves. sometimes we get one stopped before it even gets started. but you won't see that in the news because it goes against the guns are bad thing.

    nah man the reason why the government doesn't need to make these things happen is because they know there will be another one down the road they can use to grab headlines. that would be like watering your lawn when you see thunder clouds coming.

    now the the part I will give you is the fact that our politicians ignore mental health and jump straight to gun bans. thats a serious problem we have here in America. our willingness to deal with mental is just a shame.

    as to what Colorado politicians did. thats on each and everyone of you. those are your representatives and should be handled accordingly. I would have voted for everyone of them to be out. but not my state. not my problem.

    if we really want change we need to change the way we allow these people run our government. that change isn't going to be by the president. at the end of the day that's just one man. its the party behind that man that runs things. time to start cleaning house.

    as to the shooting. its sad. the body count is outrageous. the police should be ashamed. while people were bleeding to death the cops didn't act. hours upon hours worth of waiting is unacceptable when you have people bleeding out.

    damn sorry about random rants. lol. so much wrong. so little time.

  7. #7
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    I think the AR15 is the popular choice because of the media gives it so much attention. They make it out to be some kind of ultimate killing machine to the point that even someone that has never seen a gun, can remember it's name. So when someone unfamiliar with guns wants to go on a rampage, what is in their head? AR15, that's all they know. They don't know a revolver from a shotgun, but they do know AR15, high capacity magazine, and it has worked in previous killings.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    how about the militarisation of our police force? remember when away was used to only go after the worst of the worst criminals? now days they are used for everything. you have speeding tickets? send in the mrap. you can thank the war on drugs for this one.

    as to the shooting. its sad. the body count is outrageous. the police should be ashamed. while people were bleeding to death the cops didn't act. hours upon hours worth of waiting is unacceptable when you have people bleeding out.
    Does anyone else see the irony?

    So I'm supposed to rush in against a guy with an AR15, with a Level 2 vest a .22 revolver? Or do I at least get a 38 Special?

  9. #9
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    .It may look like I'm spinning some conspiracy theory but that's exactly what I think is going on. It just doesn't add up to be random in my eyes.
    I agree with you pretty much 100% Too many unanswered questions and outrages political passes. It has evolved from a conspiracy theory to a conspiracy probability.

  10. #10
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Does anyone else see the irony?So I'm supposed to rush in against a guy with an AR15, with a Level 2 vest a .22 revolver? Or do I at least get a 38 Special?
    You didn't get issued one of the bayonets?

  11. #11
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    I'm stunned.

    Stunned that Black Knight posted crazy not once but twice and then edited for typos both times.

    Typos? Your major concern was that people would think you're a bad speller?

  12. #12
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by koop View Post
    I'm stunned.

    Stunned that Black Knight posted crazy not once but twice and then edited for typos both times.

    Typos? Your major concern was that people would think you're a bad speller?
    Yes I had a few typos. Had to correct for bad spelling.

    If you haven't figured it out by now, I couldn't care less what others think of me. If people think I'm posting a crazy view, then so be it. It's my point of view, it's how I'm seeing things unfold in the world right now. If you don't believe there are puppet masters in the world then you might be a little blind in how the world is working right now. To me it's just all too coincidental, too perfect for it to be random. To each their own in life....

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  13. #13
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Does anyone else see the irony?

    So I'm supposed to rush in against a guy with an AR15, with a Level 2 vest a .22 revolver? Or do I at least get a 38 Special?
    so you are saying you don't have an ar15 in your car? hell even the daredevil's have ar15s on their bikes now.

    but while we are at it. this post right here ladies and gentlemen is why we don't need more restrictions on guns. when it comes down to it you are on your own.

    so Aaron you think three hours was a reasonable time in executing an attack plan? while people are bleeding out? while a mad gunman has his way with innocent people?

    if I'm expected to turn over the ways I choose to defend myself to law enforcement then things like this really need to be rethought.

    I know being a cop is a dangerous job but man when people depend on you to go that extra mile to save them waiting three hours is a long time to wait to act.

    I know not all situations are the same but come on. three hours? 100 officers? the police failed those people.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    so you are saying you don't have an ar15 in your car? hell even the daredevil's have ar15s on their bikes now.

    but while we are at it. this post right here ladies and gentlemen is why we don't need more restrictions on guns. when it comes down to it you are on your own.

    so Aaron you think three hours was a reasonable time in executing an attack plan? while people are bleeding out? while a mad gunman has his way with innocent people?

    if I'm expected to turn over the ways I choose to defend myself to law enforcement then things like this really need to be rethought.

    I know being a cop is a dangerous job but man when people depend on you to go that extra mile to save them waiting three hours is a long time to wait to act.

    I know not all situations are the same but come on. three hours? 100 officers? the police failed those people.
    I have an AR15 yes, with 90 rounds. So in terms of weapons, I'm at best equal, and more likely still outgunned. Most of these folks come more heavily armed, with more ammo, and more weapons. I have 2 guns with a max of 148 rounds. He still has every other advantage.

    It's hard for me to say, I wasn't there, I'm not going to judge the cops on what they did. But in active shooter events, we enter right away. First unit on scene enters immediately, and goes hunting for bad guy(s). Additional units enter, and hunt. My attack plan as first on scene is neutralizing the gunman, and I made that plan several years ago, as did every other Officer I work with. We do not wait for SWAT or anything like that, which is why your military comment is so ignorant. I have a tactical vest that carries 2 rifle mags, basic medical gear, hard trauma plates, and the rifle. That's it. No MRAP, no helmet, no full auto M16, and certainly no night vision.

    Our training isn't the best, I'll be the first to say it, but in terms of an active shooter I feel well-prepared. We do train on that, and fairly frequently. Rest-assured, if there's an active shooter in my city, you won't ever see the SWAT team, it'll be over before we could even page them.

  15. #15
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    I have an AR15 yes, with 90 rounds. So in terms of weapons, I'm at best equal, and more likely still outgunned. Most of these folks come more heavily armed, with more ammo, and more weapons. I have 2 guns with a max of 148 rounds. He still has every other advantage.

    It's hard for me to say, I wasn't there, I'm not going to judge the cops on what they did. But in active shooter events, we enter right away. First unit on scene enters immediately, and goes hunting for bad guy(s). Additional units enter, and hunt. My attack plan as first on scene is neutralizing the gunman, and I made that plan several years ago, as did every other Officer I work with. We do not wait for SWAT or anything like that, which is why your military comment is so ignorant. I have a tactical vest that carries 2 rifle mags, basic medical gear, hard trauma plates, and the rifle. That's it. No MRAP, no helmet, no full auto M16, and certainly no night vision.

    Our training isn't the best, I'll be the first to say it, but in terms of an active shooter I feel well-prepared. We do train on that, and fairly frequently. Rest-assured, if there's an active shooter in my city, you won't ever see the SWAT team, it'll be over before we could even page them.
    hahaha ignorant? wooooooow. so care to tell me why swat units are being used to conduct minor search warrants? also love it when teams enter the wrong house and kill innocent people. thats impressive.

    don't take this stuff so personal. i never said you were a disgrace. i never said anything about you. actually I think you are a good cop who does hold himself accountable. one I think would end a situation long before the three hour mark. i think most cops would.

    I'm sure there was cops there being held back from doing their job. I don't think we can truly sit here and see record number of bodies with a very slow to act response as a coincidence.

    maybe there was more involved. true I wasnt there but if that was family members of mine I would be demanding answers.

    i hate these active shooters. i hate everything about them. the senseless killing. the media coverage. the politics. most of all. i hate when these fuckers get to go grandstand in our courts. due process is great but it does get abused sometimes.

    bro I truly hope you never have to respond to a situation like this. truly. there is a level of evil out there I hope no one has to meet.

  16. #16
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    This tragedy is one of the reasons I fully believe in open carry everywhere..... Things would have been a little different if say 1% of that club was armed too.

  17. #17
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
    This tragedy is one of the reasons I fully believe in open carry everywhere..... Things would have been a little different if say 1% of that club was armed too.
    Are people allowed to conceal carry and drink alcohol though? That would be my issue on guns in clubs...the drunk dude with his gun
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Are people allowed to conceal carry and drink alcohol though? That would be my issue on guns in clubs...the drunk dude with his gun
    no you can not be drunk and in possession of a firearm.

  19. #19
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Are people allowed to conceal carry and drink alcohol though? That would be my issue on guns in clubs...the drunk dude with his gun
    That is one of the things they went over in my CCW class, can't have alcohol in your system and carry. I imagine most states are the same. Even if you aren't concealed carrying, you can't have a firearm in your possession with alcohol in your system.

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  20. #20
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Start up the designated driver/carrier system.

  21. #21
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    no you can not be drunk and in possession of a firearm.
    Quote Originally Posted by JKOL View Post
    That is one of the things they went over in my CCW class, can't have alcohol in your system and carry. I imagine most states are the same. Even if you aren't concealed carrying, you can't have a firearm in your possession with alcohol in your system.
    That is what I figured. My worry would be that this is obviously all on the “honor system” (not like gun registers BAC and stops working), so we risk people actually carrying when they do drink. Since we all know alcohol impairs or judgement I’d be fearful allowing clubs/bars to allow firearms could end up being a bad decision….I know I’ve made bad decisions I regretted while drinking that I would never have done sober.

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
    Start up the designated driver/carrier system.
    I guess the issue there is would this override the clubs/bar rule of no firearms? If so we are back to the “honor system” of trusting people are not lying. Then if a club won’t allow it, does this start the entire “constitutional right” argument since a person has a legal permit.

    Personally I do not mind when I go to a club or a concert and I see they are running people through metal detectors as this mainly catches the people trying to sneak in weapons….the concealed weapon people I’d assume are fine too since the entire reason to conceal carry is to protect against others that have a gun.
    Last edited by bulldog; Mon Jun 13th, 2016 at 10:42 AM.
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  22. #22
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    For me, I will not carry anywhere there is excessive alcohol consumption. With alcohol comes "likes to fight tough guys" and that attitude combined with a sober CCW is a recipe for a bad situation. Plus, the only way it is tolerable to be around drunk people is to be drunk yourself, otherwise it is an exercise in patience and clock watching just waiting for the night to end.

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  23. #23
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    That is what I figured. My worry would be that this is obviously all on the “honor system” (not like gun registers BAC and stops working), so we risk people actually carrying when they do drink. Since we all know alcohol impairs or judgement I’d be fearful allowing clubs/bars to allow firearms could end up being a bad decision….I know I’ve made bad decisions I regretted while drinking that I would never have done sober.

    I guess the issue there is would this override the clubs/bar rule of no firearms? If so we are back to the “honor system” of trusting people are not lying. Then if a club won’t allow it, does this start the entire “constitutional right” argument since a person has a legal permit.

    Personally I do not mind when I go to a club or a concert and I see they are running people through metal detectors as this mainly catches the people trying to sneak in weapons….the concealed weapon people I’d assume are fine too since the entire reason to conceal carry is to protect against others that have a gun.
    so what's your idea with it all? how do you keep people safe?

  24. #24
    Senior Member Zanatos's Avatar
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    Aurora, CO

    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    I have to play Devil's advocate her for a second.

    There were 320 people in the club, so if 1% of them were armed, that would put four shooters (including the gunman) in a very crowded place. Unless one of the three "defenders" was able to take out the shooter before the police got there - it would be a royal cluster fuck. Then there is the liability issue. What if one of the CCW holders were able to shoot the gunman, but accidentally hit a couple innocent bystanders? On the one hand, he's a hero for saving a bunch of people, but on the other hand, he could be sued for everything he's got, and he could even be charged with negligent homicide. Or -- he might even get himself accidentally killed by responding police. How are the cops supposed to know he's a good guy trying to take out the shooter? And it's not like the police are going to waltz in and say, "Everyone put down your guns." They are going to neutralize shooters. That's what they are focused on. (And once the shooting begins, how are the three good guys supposed to know whether there is more than one killer? Who is hostile and who is an ally? How do you tell in the heat of a firefight?)

    This is the kind of situation that makes a good case for mandatory training of all CCW permit holders. By carrying a weapon, they are not just defending themselves. They might also be forced into a situation where they serve as de facto police augmentees.

    The reason I bring all of this up is because a lot of people seem to imagine concealed carry as a simple matter. If something bad goes down, they're ready to use deadly force. It's their constitutional right. But the reality of a shooting situation is almost always complicated. It's not like the movies where Dirty Harry pulls out his .45 blows away the bad guy and cracks a cool remark.
    Last edited by Zanatos; Mon Jun 13th, 2016 at 01:42 PM.

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