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Thread: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

  1. #49
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Wow…you guys wrote some novels last night….amazing (and a bit scary) how passionate you are about guns. I own a gun too, but guys are obsessed Especially considering I don’t see anyone on this thread that has said to ban guns or that it was the problem….just seems like you two right away go on the defensive; which has been posted at least 5 other times in other threads on this site by you guys.

    Townie, you do not live in Colorado, so all I can think is you are not aware of how CCW permits have been a concern and many have stated the process is too easy and it is currently in process of trying to get changed. Here is a link to the Denver Post from just last month that addresses the issue:

    Couple quotes for you (from a credible Denver Post reporter…so go email Mr. Ryan Parker and don’t act like I wrote these)

    “While the number of people seeking a concealed-carry permit for a gun in Colorado has skyrocketed, the ease with which some certification is done is coming under scrutiny, even by Second Amendment supporters.

    In Colorado, certification for the permit can be as simple as watching an online video over a lunch hour and taking a free test. In surrounding states, it is not as simple.”

    “The ease with which one can apply for certification in Colorado stands in contrast to the process required to gain a hunting license in this state. Gaining the right to hunt requires a minimum of 10 hours of classroom instruction, plus a written and shooting test must be administered, said Randy Hampton, spokesman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife.”

    I only compared a CCW to a CDL because both of you stated how much a responsibility it is to have one and I feel a CCW is the same way; in the wrong hands both can be lethal (guns or a commercial vehicle). As stated I feel the process is too easy for a CCW…see link above or go to Groupon and read the comments “fast and easy process”.

    Black Knight, I see how you stated how much training and practice you have done for your CCW and that is great; wish every CCW holder was that way, but that is not the case. The thing is a CCW holder can be the best shot in the world, but that does not mean a person will know they are the “good guy” so it could cause confusion…..all I ever said. Personally if I do not see a person firing in a police uniform or a security guard uniform I am going to assume they are the bad guy and not here to help….I don’t get why that may be a concern. Way back in 2012 the number of CCW permits was about 140K issued (way more now as it has skyrocketed.. again see link above). So that is 140K+ people that must be trusted to have the same responsibility as a CCW as you…I just don’t see it happening with those type of numbers.

    Anyways to stay on topic, you two do know the Florida shooter did pass all the necessary background checks to obtain a gun and did hold a Class D Security Guard license that allowed him to legally carry 2 firearms? He did over 28hrs of training, so this shows not all CCW holder are mentally stable people…especially because we are now hearing reports how this shooter was reported by people close to him and he was still able to buy a gun.
    Last, reports show there were two CCW holders in the club, so that option was used and seemed to not have helped much. Maybe it did or maybe it made things worse (hostages), but overall they were no match for the shooters AR-15 when they had handguns.

    Again I am not here saying guns were to blame because I feel it comes down to humans and we are violent people (look at our past). I am not saying CCW is the answer or should be stopped. I simply was stating I could see Zantos argument that it could cause more confusion with people having a CCW and pulling it out at the times. At same time I agree a CCW holder has saved people before….sheesh calm down guys as nobody is trying to take away your rights
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  2. #50
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Wow…you guys wrote some novels last night….amazing (and a bit scary) how passionate you are about guns. I own a gun too, but guys are obsessed Especially considering I don’t see anyone on this thread that has said to ban guns or that it was the problem….just seems like you two right away go on the defensive; which has been posted at least 5 other times in other threads on this site by you guys.

    Townie, you do not live in Colorado, so all I can think is you are not aware of how CCW permits have been a concern and many have stated the process is too easy and it is currently in process of trying to get changed. Here is a link to the Denver Post from just last month that addresses the issue:

    Couple quotes for you (from a credible Denver Post reporter…so go email Mr. Ryan Parker and don’t act like I wrote these)

    “While the number of people seeking a concealed-carry permit for a gun in Colorado has skyrocketed, the ease with which some certification is done is coming under scrutiny, even by Second Amendment supporters.

    In Colorado, certification for the permit can be as simple as watching an online video over a lunch hour and taking a free test. In surrounding states, it is not as simple.”

    “The ease with which one can apply for certification in Colorado stands in contrast to the process required to gain a hunting license in this state. Gaining the right to hunt requires a minimum of 10 hours of classroom instruction, plus a written and shooting test must be administered, said Randy Hampton, spokesman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife.”

    I only compared a CCW to a CDL because both of you stated how much a responsibility it is to have one and I feel a CCW is the same way; in the wrong hands both can be lethal (guns or a commercial vehicle). As stated I feel the process is too easy for a CCW…see link above or go to Groupon and read the comments “fast and easy process”.

    Black Knight, I see how you stated how much training and practice you have done for your CCW and that is great; wish every CCW holder was that way, but that is not the case. The thing is a CCW holder can be the best shot in the world, but that does not mean a person will know they are the “good guy” so it could cause confusion…..all I ever said. Personally if I do not see a person firing in a police uniform or a security guard uniform I am going to assume they are the bad guy and not here to help….I don’t get why that may be a concern. Way back in 2012 the number of CCW permits was about 140K issued (way more now as it has skyrocketed.. again see link above). So that is 140K+ people that must be trusted to have the same responsibility as a CCW as you…I just don’t see it happening with those type of numbers.

    Anyways to stay on topic, you two do know the Florida shooter did pass all the necessary background checks to obtain a gun and did hold a Class D Security Guard license that allowed him to legally carry 2 firearms? He did over 28hrs of training, so this shows not all CCW holder are mentally stable people…especially because we are now hearing reports how this shooter was reported by people close to him and he was still able to buy a gun.
    Last, reports show there were two CCW holders in the club, so that option was used and seemed to not have helped much. Maybe it did or maybe it made things worse (hostages), but overall they were no match for the shooters AR-15 when they had handguns.

    Again I am not here saying guns were to blame because I feel it comes down to humans and we are violent people (look at our past). I am not saying CCW is the answer or should be stopped. I simply was stating I could see Zantos argument that it could cause more confusion with people having a CCW and pulling it out at the times. At same time I agree a CCW holder has saved people before….sheesh calm down guys as nobody is trying to take away your rights
    we are passionate about our rights because they are under attack. you act as if I never lived in Colorado. you also act as if your laws don't affect other people. after the great state of Colorado passed its last set of knee jerk reaction gun laws that has spread. now people are trying to use Colorado as an example. so it does affect me.

    I'm not going back into cdl thing. I just don't see them comparable. maybe you do and that's fine.

    your concern for ccw is in warranted. as the numbers given above prove. more sport bikes kill people every year so should we start to restrict the use of them as well? 2015 had an all time high. thats more lives lost to bikes than ccw mistakes.

    see what you are doing is you are saying x=B because C is in such high numbers. problem with that and that has been stated before is people will to pay the extra money and take the extra time to get a ccw take it very seriously.

    yes of course you will have mishaps and abuse. this can be said for everything. the fantasy that we will reach these numbers of zero is just evidence in how the media plays with our heads.

    I don't approve laws because of emotion or feelings. laws are not the place to have emotions or feelings. far too often this leads to making honest citizens criminals.

    see you end your post with no one is trying to take away your rights. I will bring up the frog in boiling water example. go watch a YouTube clip of it. that is what's happening with our rights. we give them away little by little. piece by piece. well some of us have had enough.

    why should I sacrifice anymore of my liberties and abilities just to make someone else feel safer? when seconds count cops are just minutes away. why should I sacrifice the ability to protect myself and my loved ones because of some very low numbers?

    really we don't have a gun problem in this country. gun violence is the lowest it has been in almost 30 years. why do you think it's so high? because the media told you it was.

    you don't hear that on CNN now do you? haven't heard Obama talk about that one did ya? so why would I support anyone or anything that wants to focus on a problem that is de-escalating?

    yes mass shootings is up but this is already covered. deal with the sickness not the tools. didn't see a massive demand to ban pressure cookers after Boston. why not? because that would be stupid!

    funny thing is bro is i used to argue the same points you and zan do. I did. a few guys in here will confirm it. but after researching trying to prove my feelings and thoughts I came up empty. I actually couldn't find a single situation where a ccw made a mass shooting worse. not a one. found plenty that have stopped them. so logic told me there is another variable to this equation.

    so I started reading more about ccw. I started to learn the heavy repercussions that a ccw holder faces when they screw up. now I understand why you see very few issues with them. they are law abiding citizens who do actually take it seriously.

  3. #51
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    and here is a fun little comparison.

  4. #52
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    we are passionate about our rights because they are under attack. you act as if I never lived in Colorado. you also act as if your laws don't affect other people. after the great state of Colorado passed its last set of knee jerk reaction gun laws that has spread. now people are trying to use Colorado as an example. so it does affect me.

    I'm not going back into cdl thing. I just don't see them comparable. maybe you do and that's fine.

    your concern for ccw is in warranted. as the numbers given above prove. more sport bikes kill people every year so should we start to restrict the use of them as well? 2015 had an all time high. thats more lives lost to bikes than ccw mistakes.

    see what you are doing is you are saying x=B because C is in such high numbers. problem with that and that has been stated before is people will to pay the extra money and take the extra time to get a ccw take it very seriously.

    yes of course you will have mishaps and abuse. this can be said for everything. the fantasy that we will reach these numbers of zero is just evidence in how the media plays with our heads.

    I don't approve laws because of emotion or feelings. laws are not the place to have emotions or feelings. far too often this leads to making honest citizens criminals.

    see you end your post with no one is trying to take away your rights. I will bring up the frog in boiling water example. go watch a YouTube clip of it. that is what's happening with our rights. we give them away little by little. piece by piece. well some of us have had enough.

    why should I sacrifice anymore of my liberties and abilities just to make someone else feel safer? when seconds count cops are just minutes away. why should I sacrifice the ability to protect myself and my loved ones because of some very low numbers?

    really we don't have a gun problem in this country. gun violence is the lowest it has been in almost 30 years. why do you think it's so high? because the media told you it was.

    you don't hear that on CNN now do you? haven't heard Obama talk about that one did ya? so why would I support anyone or anything that wants to focus on a problem that is de-escalating?

    yes mass shootings is up but this is already covered. deal with the sickness not the tools. didn't see a massive demand to ban pressure cookers after Boston. why not? because that would be stupid!

    funny thing is bro is i used to argue the same points you and zan do. I did. a few guys in here will confirm it. but after researching trying to prove my feelings and thoughts I came up empty. I actually couldn't find a single situation where a ccw made a mass shooting worse. not a one. found plenty that have stopped them. so logic told me there is another variable to this equation.

    so I started reading more about ccw. I started to learn the heavy repercussions that a ccw holder faces when they screw up. now I understand why you see very few issues with them. they are law abiding citizens who do actually take it seriously.
    What are you even arguing man? You get all worked up over guns when nobody here has said crap about stopping them…again I am a gun owner too. I really feel you just like to argue…anyways, it gets us nowhere as been discussed so many times on this board, so why go over it again.

    So can we get back on topic? This is about the Orlando shooting and not another gun right debate. New info show the guy was a security guard that went through the training you guys state. So how do you feel on that? Seems like he was reported to the FBI, but still was able to get a gun.

    I am also hearing reports that he went to this gay bar for over 3 years and had a gay dating profile. Kind of changes things up if this is true.

    P.S. Townie, be honest and how do you feel about your boy BK’s statement that he is only out for himself???? I’ve seen you tear into people over this (guy who wouldn’t on door for bleeding guy) so why not now when it is your buddy?
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  5. #53
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    What are you even arguing man? You get all worked up over guns when nobody here has said crap about stopping them…again I am a gun owner too. I really feel you just like to argue…anyways, it gets us nowhere as been discussed so many times on this board, so why go over it again.

    So can we get back on topic? This is about the Orlando shooting and not another gun right debate. New info show the guy was a security guard that went through the training you guys state. So how do you feel on that? Seems like he was reported to the FBI, but still was able to get a gun.

    I am also hearing reports that he went to this gay bar for over 3 years and had a gay dating profile. Kind of changes things up if this is true.

    P.S. Townie, be honest and how do you feel about your boy BK’s statement that he is only out for himself???? I’ve seen you tear into people over this (guy who wouldn’t on door for bleeding guy) so why not now when it is your buddy?

    I didn't bring up the gun debate. i merely responded to it. so blame yourselves for that. I'm not arguing I am discussing. just because I don't agree with your points of view doesn't mean I'm having an argument. its a simple debate. I am bringing facts to my points. not emotions. but sure let's move on.

    I'm not really sure what you want me to do here. first you tell me to stay on topic but then want me to go off topic? ummmm. okay? this seems like some bait but so be it.

    In the last few years my willingness to help people has dropped a lot. yes I'm sure I would still open that door. I'm sure I would still face the threat if it shows up at my door. for me I guess it's different because that's how I am.

    I have started to learn that just because I do what I do doesn't mean others have to live their life like I do. to be 100% honest with you I don't know bk any better than I know you. you are both just names on the internet that I have conversations with. sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. actually I know more about you than him.

    when it comes to an active shooter situation I'm in the same boat as bk. if you are not a loved one of mine you are on your own. I am not Bruce Willis. I will do what I have to do to save my loved ones first and me second. period.

    as for the Florida shooter and his ability to get these weapons. well. this is complicated. how do you stop a person who has a legal right to carry a firearm? do we now have to undergo some kind of screening process that would honestly say guys like you or I couldn't possess firearms? let's face it dude you are just as hot headed as I am. there is a very real argument that could be made that we are too unstable to possess firearms.

    how do we stop this? honestly I don't think we can. we have 320 million people in this country. roughly 18% of that population suffers from a mental illness. thats a lot of people. so yes you will get guys who fall through the cracks.

    basically the only way I see us truly achieving a zero number of murders or crimes against humanity is to lock us all up in a rubber room and let the robots run the world.

    the odds are just against us.

    but let me ask you something bro. why do you feel that dealing with firearms is the route to curb these situations? I have said before we have been lucky that one of these shooters didn't know shit about guns. now we have a man who was certainly trained in active shooter scenarios and was trained with firearms and this is the body count we get.

    not really surprising really. it was also just a matter of time. its sad but we can't just ignore the rights of everyone because of a handful of nut jobs created a body count.
    Last edited by #1Townie; Tue Jun 14th, 2016 at 09:40 AM.

  6. #54
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    I didn't being up the gun debate. i merely responded to it. so blame yourselves for that. I'm not arguing I am discussing. just because I don't agree with your points of view doesn't mean I'm having an argument. its a simple debate. I am bringing facts to my points. not emotions. but sure let's move on.

    I'm not really sure what you want me to do here. first you tell me to stay on topic but then want me to go off topic? ummmm. okay? this seems like some bait but so be it.

    I the last few years my willingness to help people has dropped a lot. yes I'm sure I would still open that door. I'm sure I would still face the threat if it shows up at more door. for me I guess it's different because that's how I am.

    I have started to learn that just because I do what I o doesn't mean others have to live their life like I do. to be 100% honest with you I don't know bk any better than I know you. you re both just names on the internet that I have conversations with. sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. actually I know more about you than him.

    when it comes to an active shooter situation I'm in the same boat as bk. if you are not a loved one of mine you re on your own. I am not Bruce Willis. I will do what I have to do to save my loved ones first and me second. period.

    as for the Florida shooter and his ability to get these weapons. well. this is complicated. how do you stop a person who has a legal right to carry a firearm? do we now have to undergo so kind of screening process that would honestly say guys like you or I couldn't possess firearms? let's face it dude you are just as hot headed as I am. there is a very real argument that could be made that we are too unstable to possess firearms.

    how do we stop this? honestly I don't think we can. we have 320 million people in this country. roughly 18% of that population suffers from a mental illness. thats a lot of people. so yes you will get guys who fall through the cracks.

    basically the only way I see us from truly achieving a zero number of murders or crimes against humanity is to lock us all up in a rubber room and let the robots run the world.

    the odds are just against us.

    but let me ask you something bro. why do you feel that dealing with firearms is the route to curb these situations? I have said before we have been lucky that one of these shooters didn't know shit about guns. now we have a man who was certainly trained in active shooter scenarios was trained with firearms and this body count.

    bot really surprising really. it was also just a matter of time. its sad but we can't just ignore the rights of everyone because of a handful of nut jobs.
    Yeah man we agree…I don’t see a solution for it at all until humans just kill each other off. I don’t blame guns as I stated people will find a way to kill. I wish I had the answer, but to me this is part of life and it sucks to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I do not see a solution for it. We could try harsher penalties, but considering most of these shooters end up killing themselves or getting shot, I think they are aware they are going to be killed or get life in prison and don’t care. I know for sure guns in USA are not going away (we would have a Civil War first) so I know I’ve never said that was the answer.

    Only thing I question is should we allow a CCW around alcohol because others have been upset this was a "no gun zone". I question alcohol and guns though as just sounds like trouble.

    I got no solution man….shit happens and it has for many centuries.

    I am tripping out it says he went to this gay club for years and had a gay dating profile as I figured this was about religion and getting back at homosexuality in the name of ISIS and religion. I know he called 911 the day before to swear his elegance to ISIS and they are very against homosexuality, so for him to be gay also is a new spin..
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  7. #55
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Yeah man we agree…I don’t see a solution for it at all until humans just kill each other off. I don’t blame guns as I stated people will find a way to kill. I wish I had the answer, but to me this is part of life and it sucks to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I do not see a solution for it. We could try harsher penalties, but considering most of these shooters end up killing themselves or getting shot, I think they are aware they are going to be killed or get life in prison and don’t care. I know for sure guns in USA are not going away (we would have a Civil War first) so I know I’ve never said that was the answer.

    Only thing I question is should we allow a CCW around alcohol because others have been upset this was a "no gun zone". I question alcohol and guns though as just sounds like trouble.

    I got no solution man….shit happens and it has for many centuries.

    I am tripping out it says he went to this gay club for years and had a gay dating profile as I figured this was about religion and getting back at homosexuality in the name of ISIS and religion. I know he called 911 the day before to swear his elegance to ISIS and they are very against homosexuality, so for him to be gay also is a new spin..
    well for the shooter I honestly think he struggled with his sexuality and went mad fighting his demons. this drove him crazy and he went on a rampage. killing who he blamed for his desires. probably has a dead lover out there somewhere too just haven't figured that out yet.

    see I don't know about guns in the club. at least patrons. as what was stated earlier about being around drunks and having your gun. no thanks. but I think it's clear security failed. but how do you expect door bounces making maybe 12 bucks an hour to deal with something like this?

    its just a sad day where evil prevailed. clubs. theatres. many other places are just shooting galleries.

    its a shame he couldn't just accept who he was.

  8. #56
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    PS go read the part of my first post. i called that shit.

  9. #57
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    well for the shooter I honestly think he struggled with his sexuality and went mad fighting his demons. this drove him crazy and he went on a rampage. killing who he blamed for his desires. probably has a dead lover out there somewhere too just haven't figured that out yet.

    see I don't know about guns in the club. at least patrons. as what was stated earlier about being around drunks and having your gun. no thanks. but I think it's clear security failed. but how do you expect door bounces making maybe 12 bucks an hour to deal with something like this?

    its just a sad day where evil prevailed. clubs. theatres. many other places are just shooting galleries.

    its a shame he couldn't just accept who he was.
    I think you are 100% right. ISIS was simply his excuse for killing gays because it deflected from what he couldn't admit about himself. His father had called him gay, and you don't have to be a world expert to know how homosexuality is treated in Afghanistan where his parents came from. The Taliban and ISIS have made videos about torturing gays. He was enraged by seeing two men kissing? That isn't a normal response and doesn't take a psychologist to figure out the anger came from hating himself for getting a tickle in his trousers when he saw men kissing, rage was the cover for his true feelings. He beat his wife for the same reason, his wife was a constant reminder that he wasn't attracted to women. The dude went to the gay club not once, or twice, but multiple times. That isn't scouting the location of a massacre, that was trolling for men and battling with his own sexuality.

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  10. #58
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    how do we stop this? stop pretending that sick bastard isn't sick.

    hope she gets the death penalty.

  11. #59
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post

    P.S. Townie, be honest and how do you feel about your boy BK’s statement that he is only out for himself???? I’ve seen you tear into people over this (guy who wouldn’t on door for bleeding guy) so why not now when it is your buddy?
    For real man? You're actually upset over my comments??

    I can say honestly that I'd be willing to wager that 90% of CCW holders would tell you exactly the same thing that I declared in my comments. Everyone likes to paint CCW people in the "Rush Hour Rambo" league. We just aren't like that. Most people that I've met that are CCW's, are humble, quiet and very reserved people. They obtained their permits in order to protect themselves and their families. They didn't do it for glory, for prestige or status. Most people that are CCW are very quiet about their permits. In fact they won't tell you they have a permit, they just don't want people knowing they have one.

    I'm the same way, not many people know I have one(in real life). I couldn't care less on here, I'm just a faceless person behind a screen name. There's a reason why people don't know a lot about me. Even Townie said it, you called him on the carpet about my comments but he even said, he knows more about you, than he does me.

    In real life, I'm a quiet, calculated and reserved person. I like to study people and let them open their mouths and reveal things about their character. Myself, I let my actions speak for myself. One thing I've learned in life, is never tell anyone outside your own family what you're thinking. In public with people I don't know, I give the typical BS answers when pressed on the issues. I never let anyone know what I'm really thinking. Again, here online I will give a little bit more revealing answers but for the most part I keep my comments reined in. I usually comment on things that are already of public matter, and nothing private.

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    In the last few years my willingness to help people has dropped a lot. yes I'm sure I would still open that door. I'm sure I would still face the threat if it shows up at my door. for me I guess it's different because that's how I am.

    I have started to learn that just because I do what I do doesn't mean others have to live their life like I do. to be 100% honest with you I don't know bk any better than I know you. you are both just names on the internet that I have conversations with. sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. actually I know more about you than him.

    when it comes to an active shooter situation I'm in the same boat as bk. if you are not a loved one of mine you are on your own. I am not Bruce Willis. I will do what I have to do to save my loved ones first and me second. period.
    See Bulldog, you got your answer right here with Townie. I'm the same, I have no problem helping someone truly in need. However, the older I get the less I'm inclined to trust people. I've never trusted people even when younger(just the way my Dad raised me). In this day and age however, I really don't trust people.

    Townie said many of the same things that I've heard other CCW's say.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  12. #60
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    For real man? You're actually upset over my comments??

    I can say honestly that I'd be willing to wager that 90% of CCW holders would tell you exactly the same thing that I declared in my comments. Everyone likes to paint CCW people in the "Rush Hour Rambo" league. We just aren't like that. Most people that I've met that are CCW's, are humble, quiet and very reserved people. They obtained their permits in order to protect themselves and their families. They didn't do it for glory, for prestige or status. Most people that are CCW are very quiet about their permits. In fact they won't tell you they have a permit, they just don't want people knowing they have one.

    I'm the same way, not many people know I have one(in real life). I couldn't care less on here, I'm just a faceless person behind a screen name. There's a reason why people don't know a lot about me. Even Townie said it, you called him on the carpet about my comments but he even said, he knows more about you, than he does me.

    In real life, I'm a quiet, calculated and reserved person. I like to study people and let them open their mouths and reveal things about their character. Myself, I let my actions speak for myself. One thing I've learned in life, is never tell anyone outside your own family what you're thinking. In public with people I don't know, I give the typical BS answers when pressed on the issues. I never let anyone know what I'm really thinking. Again, here online I will give a little bit more revealing answers but for the most part I keep my comments reined in. I usually comment on things that are already of public matter, and nothing private.

    See Bulldog, you got your answer right here with Townie. I'm the same, I have no problem helping someone truly in need. However, the older I get the less I'm inclined to trust people. I've never trusted people even when younger(just the way my Dad raised me). In this day and age however, I really don't trust people.

    Townie said many of the same things that I've heard other CCW's say.
    Nope, just been on this forum long enough to have seen Townie bash into others over that same thing...guy who wouldn't answer door, people who didn't help the person being robbed, people who are scared, and thought it was weird that he just lets some things go and that is why I commented on it; one of the reasons I always have respected Townie (even though we have argued many times) was because of his "caring" nature for others that I have seen that is similar to how I was kind of sad to see he has changed. I also commented on many other things (like no uniforms on a CCW), but same as Townie you guys pick and choose what to attack. I just don't get you two, so guess that is why you two get each other and have a lot of the same beliefs

    And see that is where you and I take this place as just you behind a screen name. That is fine, but for years CSC was way more than this and we were a tight group that really cared for each other; been in member's weddings, went to members bachelor parties in Vegas, watched members have a new kid, helped them move into their first house, joined softball with the team, went river rafting, cart racing, bought my first gun from a member (who taught me the proper way to shoot), camping trips, Epic Halloween parties, New Years parties, Bday parties...did I mention the parties .....the list goes on and on. I see you've been here since 2004, so maybe you were part of this group and I never realized, but you missed some good times and many strong friendships I still have today were because of this club. So it may work out for you to be the "screen name" guy, but to me I do care about others (some call it a downfall), but in the end I have proven myself to many people who I am proud to say would be able to say "That Nate is a good guy".

    Last, my wife and family mean everything to me, so if I did see another person (even a stranger) in need I would help because I would hope someone did the same for my family. This is why my wife and I have done volunteer work and done many things for the elderly. So as you see, to each their own, but I would not change who I am either
    Last edited by bulldog; Wed Jun 15th, 2016 at 07:40 AM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  13. #61
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Nope, just been on this forum long enough to have seen Townie bash into others over that same thing...guy who wouldn't answer door, people who didn't help the person being robbed, people who are scared, and thought it was weird that he just lets some things go and that is why I commented on it; one of the reasons I always have respected Townie (even though we have argued many times) was because of his "caring" nature for others that I have seen that is similar to how I was kind of sad to see he has changed. I also commented on many other things (like no uniforms on a CCW), but same as Townie you guys pick and choose what to attack. I just don't get you two, so guess that is why you two get each other and have a lot of the same beliefs

    And see that is where you and I take this place as just you behind a screen name. That is fine, but for years CSC was way more than this and we were a tight group that really cared for each other; been in member's weddings, went to members bachelor parties in Vegas, watched members have a new kid, helped them move into their first house, joined softball with the team, went river rafting, cart racing, bought my first gun from a member (who taught me the proper way to shoot), camping trips, Epic Halloween parties, New Years parties, Bday parties...did I mention the parties .....the list goes on and on. I see you've been here since 2004, so maybe you were part of this group and I never realized, but you missed some good times and many strong friendships I still have today were because of this club. So it may work out for you to be the "screen name" guy, but to me I do care about others (some call it a downfall), but in the end I have proven myself to many people who I am proud to say would be able to say "That Nate is a good guy".

    Last, my wife and family mean everything to me, so if I did see another person (even a stranger) in need I would help because I would hope someone did the same for my family. This is why my wife and I have done volunteer work and done many things for the elderly. So as you see, to each their own, but I would not change who I am either
    The thing with Townie and myself is we share a common goal in protecting our liberties and freedoms and share a mutual respect for each other. Other than that, I doubt he and I share many beliefs. I'm an ultra conservative person and from what I know of Townie, he's not in that same vein as myself . But I respect him and his views, and have never troubled him over the way he believes(eventhough he is/was a Stunna, and I'm a knee dragging track junkie).

    We are different, you and I. You are very extroverted and love the attention of friends and others. I'm very introverted, as stated I prefer to observe from the outside of a situation. I keep to myself and I have my own circle of friends that I've known for many years. Some people have many, many friends. Others not so many. Yeah, I have been around here since 2004 and only a select few on this board have ever met me. I was turned on to this site by someone long ago. I'm glad you've built friendships on here, lots of people do the same thing as you. You say I missed out on good times, but the fact is I was making good times elsewhere with my own friends. So I haven't missed out on anything.

    So yes, I'll continue to be "screen name" guy. I know, I matter to those that matter to me and not the faceless screen names I've never met or ever will.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  14. #62
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Time to ban knives!

    29 dead in China - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  15. #63
    Senior Member Wrider's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Wow…you guys wrote some novels last night….amazing (and a bit scary) how passionate you are about guns. I own a gun too, but guys are obsessed
    You know how you're always going on and on about lifting and training and MMA? Same principles apply. Not saying it's a bad thing, just that this is our interest and that's yours.
    Have owned: '01 Volusia
    Currently own: '05 Z750S

  16. #64
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  17. #65
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Hmmm, sure fits into that whole powers that be thing I was talking about. FBI tipped off? Nah don't worry it's all orchestrated anyway...

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  18. #66
    Gold Member
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    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    Hmmm, sure fits into that whole powers that be thing I was talking about. FBI tipped off? Nah don't worry it's all orchestrated anyway...
    still not on board with ya with that but one could argue our government fails us too much to allow the citizens to take the blame for these things.

    considering the same thing basically happened with the fort hood shooting. well that was more of a why PC is dangerous.

  19. #67
    In A Land Far Far Far Away Lifetime Supporter
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    Elwood, Indiana 46036

    Re: Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    Hello everyone

    Some sayings to keep in mind on all cases to the Left and to the Right.

    This saying in attributed to Lenin, but is unknown when "Useful idiots"

    "Socialism is like a dream. Sooner or later you wake up to reality" Winston Churchill

    "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country" John F. Kennedy

    “The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.” – George Washington.

    Keep in mind the Orlando shooting was a gun free zone. Omar Mateen swore allegiance to Islam on a 911 call as it all began.

    I too found it odd that all of a sudden it becoming this big thing going on, especially here where I am in Saint Louis. Social Media is to blame IMO and is fueled by emotion that the media in general feeds the public. Is it attention, or is it a dedication to something they think that is bigger. I don't know, but everyone be careful out there. There are crazy's everywhere, especially in our government, everyone seems to have forgotten what it is to be responsible and human.

    The one in the back still catching up....

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