Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
Here I was thinking you were being sarcastic... Nope, just a prick.

Your ass had 1.5 weeks to call him out on your own if you wanted to.

As far as Bashed goes. If your whole point in starting this thread was to smear someone you accomplished your goal. I dont minds so much what you said but the fact that you started the thread to let the cat out of the bag and then jump his ass when he (and others) reply is horse shit.

Right because you have ridden with him how many times and know him so well right? Did you think Aaron was being sarcastic? No it was me so you got all giddy and sought the opportunity to start some shit with me, good to see you're the same immature clown as before. Since you must me captain know it all, I already called him out via text as soon as I heard it happened which was the day it happened, because I know him, this was a reiteration to what was already said to him. Bashed has known him longer than I have but since you are captain morals and ethics trying to be the white knight to someone you don't know, I'm sure you already knew that.

Maybe stay out of a thread you know nothing about and go play in the threads were your input actually means something, you have no dog in this fight.