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Thread: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

  1. #25
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Nothing like kicking the man when hes down Bashed. I agree with #1Townie, which worries me. I just saying there is a right time and place for everything.
    Last edited by j0ker; Sun Jul 31st, 2016 at 05:49 PM.

  2. #26
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
    I agree with #1Townie, which worries me.
    Again, I blame the weed....

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    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  3. #27
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Bashed View Post
    A couple thoughts on this..

    One time up GG was enough for me to know never to ride with him again.
    Quit riding for a while or go to the track.

  4. #28
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Let’s go easy on Clovis, especially now – crashing in general, and crashing the way he did (I’ve seen the video), could happen to any of us at anytime if we’re honest. Did he put himself at additional risk by way of his riding style? Maybe, but here are a few counter points to consider as well…in the name of defending Clovis from this onslaught.

    Has he wrecked a few times? Yeh, sure. But he rides more miles than most of you combined probably. So I’ll bet his average number of wrecks per mile is in line with everyone else on this forums. Plus to my knowledge he hasn’t been really hurt in any of the prior wrecks, at least not seriously.

    He always wears his leathers and full gear, and he’s a very talented rider. And he loves riding.

    I’ve ridden with people who say I’m too aggressive if I occasionally go 20mph over the speed limit. It’s all relative. What may be riding on the edge for one person may be a spirited pace for another. When you’ve racked up the kind of miles Clovis has (in just a few years, not spread out over 20 years of riding), who’s to say he doesn’t have a better “sixth sense” than those with lesser miles?

    Putting other people in danger? It’s not like he’s racing a 1 ton truck through the middle of suburbia. And for one thing I can tell you I’d feel a lot safer with Clovis riding by me on a blind corner than one of the many cars filled with young girls texting I see out there on the roads.

    Lastly, I get lectured on my “maturity” for just riding motorcycles on the street to begin with fairly frequently, by family or friends that don’t ride. And I don’t know about you all, but I didn’t buy a motorcycle to ride slowly. I ride slowly when I have to, either because I’ll get in trouble with the law or because I’m in an area where the risk of hitting someone else or something else is too great for me. But my sportbike isn’t very comfortable when riding slowly, yet I didn’t buy a cruiser. Am I mature? Sure, sometimes. I’m also mature enough to know when to let go of worrying about being mature.

    Counter points to consider, and standing up for Clovis – whether he agrees with your assessments of his riding or not. That’s my point.

  5. #29
    Keeper of The Great White Buffalo Site Admin
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    I was with him that day. He definitely was riding within his ability. in fact I saw his years of riding experience try to pull the initial slide back under control by staying in the throttle (not chopping), re-seating himself and looking down the road, he didn't panic. I thought he had it. The bikes longer travel and heavier weight contributed, in my opinion. I've ridden with him lots over the years and watched his skills progress. We did a Grand Junction trip this year and had a blast! I've never cared for his choice of bikes but he knows that. However Ice cold Gatorade has come out of his Multi more than once, in the hot blazing sun. I was not knocking the Mother ship then. Certainly now he has a little time to reflect on the incident and adjust his approach the way so many of us have. Most of the avid riders out there have had close calls that could have been disastrous. I said to Ricky Orlando one day when he was teaching me some things, "It's not a matter of if but when you're going to crash". He strongly disagreed. since then I have ridden with a firm belief that crashing is in my hands and I have to stay in-tuned to all the pieces that play a role in my success. I've crashed since adopting that philosophy and realized I had not taken fully into consideration some things that define street vs. track. Some examples are: The pavement is never as clean on the street, The temperature of the pavement is totally inconsistent from one turn to the next on street, street tires don't perform like race tires and inconsistencies in condition are overwhelming to street tires in a lot of cases. No matter what the circumstances are when I've crashed one thing has always been consistent in every case, the fun factor dial was pinned at 10. (10 being the most fun). So I now when my fun dial hits 10 to dial it back, check out the scenery and just enjoy the machine. The #1 reason I like riding with Justin and look forward to his return, he is passionate about the sport and his fun dial is usually pinned at 10. I'm glad he's with us and glad I was there to call for help and get his broken pieces put on that chopper.

  6. #30
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
    No fucking way man, bashed hit that nail right on the head! I've ridden a plenty with Justin and his riding is reckless as fuck. He as always ridden as if he had nothing to live for and there was no fear at all. I think the kid thing will help but he does need to do some thinking, how many bikes has he wrecked in the last 3 years?

    could not have said it better myself.
    Here I was thinking you were being sarcastic... Nope, just a prick.

    Your ass had 1.5 weeks to call him out on your own if you wanted to.

    As far as Bashed goes. If your whole point in starting this thread was to smear someone you accomplished your goal. I dont minds so much what you said but the fact that you started the thread to let the cat out of the bag and then jump his ass when he (and others) reply is horse shit. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  7. #31
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    Again, I blame the weed....
    did someone say drugs?

  8. #32
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
    Here I was thinking you were being sarcastic... Nope, just a prick.

    Your ass had 1.5 weeks to call him out on your own if you wanted to.

    As far as Bashed goes. If your whole point in starting this thread was to smear someone you accomplished your goal. I dont minds so much what you said but the fact that you started the thread to let the cat out of the bag and then jump his ass when he (and others) reply is horse shit.

    Right because you have ridden with him how many times and know him so well right? Did you think Aaron was being sarcastic? No it was me so you got all giddy and sought the opportunity to start some shit with me, good to see you're the same immature clown as before. Since you must me captain know it all, I already called him out via text as soon as I heard it happened which was the day it happened, because I know him, this was a reiteration to what was already said to him. Bashed has known him longer than I have but since you are captain morals and ethics trying to be the white knight to someone you don't know, I'm sure you already knew that.

    Maybe stay out of a thread you know nothing about and go play in the threads were your input actually means something, you have no dog in this fight.

  9. #33
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    oh mang. going back to my hole.

  10. #34
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Wow, hasn’t anyone ever heard of “tough love”. Some may just want to bash on Clovis, but others obviously care enough to say he needed to chill out and this wreck should be a wakeup call. I think we tend to forget we don’t get many chances on a sportbike, sometimes only one, so when others call someone out, it actually could be to try to help them.

    There was a young girl back on here named “thatgirlsidney” (or something like that). For a while I watched her post and get into a bike that was too powerful for her too soon and it made me cringe. Finally one day I bashed her on a thread (it really was tough love even though she was a stranger….Purplefeet’s death has never left me) and surprisingly she PM’d me and we had a great talk and I hope I helped her to see she had plenty of time to get a faster bike and for now to work on her skills and just enjoy rising. Last I heard she did get the 1000cc and wrecked it and hurt herself pretty bad. So anyways this could just be a way to give Clovis a warning sign he may thank us for one day. I’ve never met him or rode with him, so have no idea, but for me the older I got the more that “it’s not worth” it came to mind when taking risks on a sportbike.

    I see Clovis did post and sounds to me he did learn he may need to tone it down….at least for his daughters sake. Everyone makes mistakes, but the ones that learn from them are the ones that get better
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  11. #35
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Glad Clovis is ok. I have ridden sun up to sun down with Clovis countless times, I have ridden south to summit Pikes Peak and back north to hit hwy 7 in the same day, I did 1000 miles in 2 days with Clovis seeing just about everything CO has to offer south of I-70. I have nothing but great memories of my rides with Clovis.

    I am not here to pile on or defend his riding, chances are if you have been on 2 wheels you are guilty of exceeding your limits, riding recklessly, breaking countless laws, etc....I don't care if he wears full gear, is a talented rider, has a better miles ridden/wrecks ratio, luck is the only thing keeping him alive at this point. He has low sided alone, he has low sided with his wife 2 up, he has now high sided and required a helicopter ride, how easily could any of those been fatal? Fact is every crash could easily have been his last, luck made all the difference between a low side ending in some scraped leather and bruises vs a low side into oncoming traffic. How many close calls does it take?

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  12. #36
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
    Right because you have ridden with him how many times and know him so well right? Did you think Aaron was being sarcastic? No it was me so you got all giddy and sought the opportunity to start some shit with me, good to see you're the same immature clown as before. Since you must me captain know it all, I already called him out via text as soon as I heard it happened which was the day it happened, because I know him, this was a reiteration to what was already said to him. Bashed has known him longer than I have but since you are captain morals and ethics trying to be the white knight to someone you don't know, I'm sure you already knew that.

    Maybe stay out of a thread you know nothing about and go play in the threads were your input actually means something, you have no dog in this fight.

    Youre assuming a lot. I know Clovis better than you think.

    All this coming from a guy that doesnt even have a sportbike, on a sportbike forum

    Im sorry that you dont like my opinion that you should have just kept your mouth shut instead of publicly piling on top of someone in this community. I mean, if your ass has ridden soooo many times with him and hes reckless as fuck, how smart does that make you? - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  13. #37
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
    Youre assuming a lot. I know Clovis better than you think.

    All this coming from a guy that doesnt even have a sportbike, on a sportbike forum

    Im sorry that you dont like my opinion that you should have just kept your mouth shut instead of publicly piling on top of someone in this community. I mean, if your ass has ridden soooo many times with him and hes reckless as fuck, how smart does that make you?

    The fact that you have to pull the "he doesn't have a sport bike" card pretty much nulls anything you just said, couldn't bring myself to read the rest of it because at the end of the day I could give two $hits what you think or say. Carry on smartly.
    Last edited by Grim2.0; Tue Aug 2nd, 2016 at 07:59 PM.

  14. #38
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    I have never met or ridden with you, but whatever these guys are saying, know this; I hope you heal up fast, I hope you get on another bike again and I hope you continue to enjoy your life. That is what this is all about, enjoying the ride. SO many haters on here.

  15. #39
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
    I have never met or ridden with you, but whatever these guys are saying, know this; I hope you heal up fast, I hope you get on another bike again and I hope you continue to enjoy your life. That is what this is all about, enjoying the ride. SO many haters on here.
    Yeah but sounds better when you call it "tough love".

    Seriously though, I have had friends pissed off at me because I do not give them the answer they want to hear, but I’d rather help someone out rather than just say what they want to hear so they like me. In the end they will thank you for it, so sometimes saying something to someone is hard, but it shows you care. Now I have never rode with Clovis, but honestly I have experienced many over the years that rode over their heads on the streets and it usually ended up bad… why not say something before that happens and they can judge if thy want to take the advice of people who have rode longer. I know I would not be the rider I am today if I didn’t take advice from people that rode better than me.
    Last edited by bulldog; Wed Aug 3rd, 2016 at 09:37 AM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  16. #40
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
    The fact that you have to pull the "he doesn't have a sport bike" card pretty much nulls anything you just said, couldn't bring myself to read the rest of it because at the end of the day I could give two $hits what you think or say. Carry on smartly.
    Really? You say "Maybe stay out of a thread you know nothing about and go play in the threads were your input actually means something, you have no dog in this fight." and then dont like it when its literally pointed out that youre the outsider. Interesting. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  17. #41
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
    Really? You say "Maybe stay out of a thread you know nothing about and go play in the threads were your input actually means something, you have no dog in this fight." and then dont like it when its literally pointed out that youre the outsider. Interesting.

    might be your most pathetic response yet, keep em coming Mr. White knight this is gold.

  18. #42
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
    might be your most pathetic response yet, keep em coming Mr. White knight this is gold.
    Im ready for Grim 3.0. "The backstabbing bitch"

    I will text you what I think, then I will publicly shame you. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  19. #43
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
    Im ready for Grim 3.0. "The backstabbing bitch"

    I will text you what I think, then I will publicly shame you.

    Promises promises

    You have officially stopped to a new low by "threatening" good to see you moving up in the world.
    Last edited by Grim2.0; Wed Aug 3rd, 2016 at 03:17 PM.

  20. #44
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
    Promises promises

    You have officially stopped to a new low by "threatening" good to see you moving up in the world.
    No, thats your new motto "I will text you what I think, then I will publicly shame you."

    Thats what you did to Justin. You totally stabbed your "friend" in the back.
    Last edited by Ezzzzy1; Wed Aug 3rd, 2016 at 03:26 PM. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  21. #45
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
    No, thats your new motto "I will text you what I think, then I will publicly shame you."

    Thats what you did to Justin.

    Yup sure is captain ethics, do tell what else is on your mind? How do you really feel? Other than your complete love and addiction For me.

  22. #46
    Senior Member longrider's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Where are the moderators when you need them? This thread needs to die a quick death

  23. #47
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

    Quote Originally Posted by longrider View Post
    Where are the moderators when you need them? This thread needs to die a quick death
    It got ugly it often does in here.

  24. #48
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    Re: Hey Clovis, I'm selling my Ducati

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