Damn you Dean for deleting your post…I was really feeling it. Didn’t have time yesterday to reply so came all ready today. Anyways, I agree man and go through what you do too.

Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
I work outside and do a variety of things from straight up manual labor, to equipment operation, to large CDL vehicle operation and I love my career and wouldn't trade it for working inside. I'm not at liberty to say who I work for and what I actually do, but I will say that I'm part of a very large operation that delivers clean, safe and constant drinking water to the community. I enjoy the work I do and feel that I give back every day at work. My crew is a construction, maintenance and restoration group and we tackle a whole array of different projects and tasks.

I often wonder how you "inside people" put up with all the cubicles and same thing day in and day out. I've come to the realization that it takes all kinds of people to do all things. Not everyone is made to work outside and not everyone is made to work inside. I couldn't work inside, I'd feel like a caged animal. I know that the work I do is taking and will continue to take a toll on my body. Don't really care though, I do my best to stay healthy, see my chiropractor, do my stretching and things that help me stay limber. I don't workout anymore because what I do really is a workout. There have been days where all I did was be on the end of a pick mattock trenching in a line. I've never seen any kind of workout that can touch punching a trench by hand for 5 or 6 hours. I've moved tons of soil and rock by hand in just a couple hours(I know it's tons because I'm the one who purchases it) and I love it.

To be honest, there isn't much that beats a hard days work while working outside. I love going home just completely finished and wore out. I love to see how sweaty I can make the head band on my hardhat and then wring it out. I love to be challenged and what I do challenges me physically and mentally. I'm 36 and know I'm not old(yet!) but I love out working all the young millennials that work with us. They have no work ethic and when I drop the hammer and go, they can't keep up.

I know I'm beating my body and will probably be screwed up later in life. I'll be hurtin and I'm sure have to live on ibuprofen(on wait! I already do), just have to take more of it when older. The good thing is, I'm putting in good years and will retire by my mid 50's as I'll have my 30+ years in. At the end when it's all said and done, I'm happy with the fact that I've used what I've been given and used it wisely(sometimes not so wisely). Sure my back hurts, neck hurts, arms and elbows hurt, shoulders hurt, knees hurt and feet hurt. I wouldn't have it any other way. Obviously what also helps is that I get paid well, so that's always nice.

I will say that I'm sure you're in your 30's and my advice would be to not switch careers. If you work inside, stay inside. Because to switch now, would be a toll on your body and mind. You'll constantly be thinking about how nice it would be to sit in an air-conditioned office, while you're hoofing a wheel barrel loaded with concrete, or digging for what seem like days on end. For someone like me whose never experienced that, I just find a shade tree and cool off with water.
I guess there is just pros and cons to both sides, but the toll on my body would worry me as my father was a master woodworker all his life and now he has such bad arthritis in his hands I do wonder if it is worth it. He loved his job, but now I see him hitting 60 barely able to hold a pencil and in so much pain. My uncles did construction their entire life and they are in the same boat; body is jacked from all that manual labor; one uncle just had two knee replacements (some was due to motocross and Martial Arts). It was sort of why I decided to go into a career that would not do that to me….yet like I said at times I wonder what it would be like to get out of the corp life as it does get boring.

So yeah I go back and forth and would love to be outside some days doing hardwork, but then on those freezing cold days, I am so happy to get to my office. Honestly one of my biggest goals is to be an old man like Jack LaLanne or Pax Beale who was in super great shape at an old age and was still doing things that most people their age could not; already on track as I am 38 and am in best shape of my life at this old age. lol. So then I wonder if that is possible without the structured workouts you get in a gym vs the workout you get with hard labor. As you know I am a gym rat and obsessed with fitness and a lot to do with that is form and working out safely…just not sure that could be accomplished with hard labor as it isn’t as structured. Then I did that all day, it would be hard to go to the gym for an hour a day, 6 days a week like I do now. Plus would be hard to accomplish my goal of gaining muscle mass with all that work cardio

Too bad we couldn’t get someone to switch jobs for like a month to see how the other side is…..