What an epic battle!!! Now that was a great race, very awesome...

Damnit, I hate it when I'm right. It was Marquez race to lose, and everyone found a little something during morning warm-up. Well almost everyone. Big, massive, huge congrats to Dovi!!!

Finally, good to see Dovi reap some rewards of his hard work. It's been since 2010 that Ducati have won three races in a season. Nice to see Lorenzo not on the podium, again.

Marquez is just a total beast. At a track that Ducati should have raped everyone, Honda did well and regardless of Dovi's win. I'll call it now and say Marquez will be crowed champion again this year. He's just way faster than everyone else. We head of Silverstone in two weeks time, and that's probably going to be the reverse with Marquez bending everyone over, he loves that track.

Big round of applause for Yamaha. That hard work is so paying off. I totally get their strategy now. They have to go backwards in order to go forwards, err wait... They have to not win in order to show you're getting faster, wait I know... They just suck and aren't doing anything about it. And they're slow?? Guess the tortoise really doesn't beat the hare in MotoGP....

And last but not least, Zarco. Way to go dumbass, you make passes that not only make you but others go backwards. You fit right in with Team Yamaha's ethos of less really is less, and going slow means not winning races. Bravo sir, bravo...