Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
I hadn't heard of this game but just saw some gameplay and looks sick. So are you trying to survive a island of dinosaurs? Reminds me of aold school game called Turok I loved. Is it multiplayer?

Do do you have a PS4 plus account still? You into trading games? I know you are in nv but I'd be down to mail some if you mailed me some. GameStop won't give me shit fir my games and got a ton of them.
basically yeah you are trying to survive a world of hostile and friendly ones. you can tame the animals and make them your loyal pets. you chop up wood and rock to build stuff. gather berries and meet so you don't die. even have to drink water. if it gets too cold or even too hot you can die.

it's a lot of fun bro. no I don't have a plus account. I have truly lost interest in hearing screechers talking about fucking my mother. lol!