Rossi to miss Misano:

As if this wasn't news or surprise for us. What is a surprise is it keeps getting mentioned that he's shooting to be back by Motegi. I still can't help but think that's way early for a break of this magnitude. It's a leg injury, and the legs support a lot of weight and movement on a bike.

When I broke my wrist while at work back in 2000. It took me about two months to be completely back to 100% with it. Spent 8 weeks in a cast, and I'd say by week 6 it probably could have come off. But the wrist sure was weak and any little bit of pressure I'd put on it made it feel as though it could break again. Mainly just sore and atrophied from being in a cast that long.

Doctors are saying 30 to 40 days out for Rossi which puts him to come back by Motegi, a super hard braking circuit.

I'd say if he's super ambitious to come back, shoot for Sepang at the minimum. Even Phillip Island is pushing it. I really didn't expect for a solid return until Valencia. Which a Valencia return makes perfect sense. Come back for the last race of the year to finish 2017 off. Then be there for the 2018 bike to test, and that's assuming he doesn't retire altogether. But if he pushes a quick return and then say the worse happens on his return and he goes down while in practice or during the race and re-injures the leg. He'll be kicking himself on why he didn't wait.

Way I see it, wait the 40 days. Start putting weight on the leg and then get back in the gym to start rehab for the leg. Then shoot for Valenica and see where that goes.