Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
Part of her crime was inciting.... Does she really have the right to spew her filth and demean others in public because she feels a certain way (drunk and pregs is more like it)? I would say not in this case.

PS fuck bullies
Yes and No. Yes, in that it's her right to hate someone and have hateful feeling towards anyone. As long as she is peaceful about her feelings, or is expressing her feelings in or on a pubic place(i.e. public park, city street). No, in that she can't get right in someone's face and taunt or yell at someone. That's called Menacing or Harassment. That sort of behavior gets you in trouble.

If both people want to stand on opposite street corners and yell insults back and forth at each other. Then that is what is called peaceful assembly(as long as they don't go to blows, it's peaceful). You can yell, stomp, march and do whatever it is that you think is protest, as long as it's peaceful.

It's when people starting fighting, breaking stuff, setting fires to and causing property damage is when it turns from peaceful protest into an all out riot. There have been reports that people from Antifa and BLM have been launching water or pop bottles filled with piss, feces, vomit and paint at pro-Trump demonstrators. There have been people getting maced or pepper sprayed in the face.

That's not what peaceful assembly and protest is about.

And even in my opinion, when these crowds block highways and streets to keep people from moving and commuting, that is wrong. In my eyes, they have forfeit their right to a peaceful protest by impeding the lives of others around them. I'm all for people protesting and doing whatever the hell it is they can to exercise their rights, but if it impedes me getting to work and makes me late to an appointment, then yeah I really couldn't care less what they are peacefully assembling for. Because now, it affects my life and others around me, and most of us really don't give two sh*ts about what someone is protesting. Just get out of our way, so we can be about ours.

So yes, I agree with you all. No one likes to hear someone being super hateful and racist. But as long as it just remains words and stays peaceful, then it is completely within their right. A right guaranteed under our Constitution.