Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
I was more worried since you lived in NV that you may have had people effected. Everything ok?

you know what man I have some really good life long friends in Vegas. myself and my little circle of the world was very very fortunate not to face any loss at that concert. think one of the worst stories I ever heard came from that concert.

a gal that my old lady works worth had a daughter there. her daughter called in a panic and told her mother there was dead bodies everywhere and she was calling to say she loved her mom in case she didn't make it out alive. then hung up. her mom didn't hear back for a long time and was stuck to watching it unfold on the news.

finally she heard from her daughter who was alive and well. she took refuge under the stage until the shooting stopped and got out without a scratch.

a close friend to me had parents and cousins at the concert. all made it out safe and uninjured.

the shooting sucks. not sure why people have to rake their anger out on strangers like this. not sure we will ever know.