Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
Because they're total bull shit!!

I picked up my new .308 last night and you should have heard the morons at the gun store. Talking about Vegas and 9/11. BK would have fit right in.

But then again, what do I know. I don't have a hair stylist, I cut my own...
Yeah but there are thousands of "fake" videos on Youtube that are not removed. Even finding a music video you see many fake videos till you get the real one.

The one with the girl was not fake as she even came back and said now she was not so sure and was probably a coincidence; like we all knew, but not like this was some actor....just a misunderstanding is how I took it.

Not making anything "conspiracy", just saw they were gone and disappearing fast.

Well what do you expect at a gun store.....nobody has said shit about it at the gym, but guns are not allowed in the building at all.