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Thread: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

  1. #1
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Beta dropped last night for PS4 folks. I managed to play it a bit. Supposed to be available all weekend long and then we get another Beta weekend starting on Sept. 5th I believe. Which will be for everyone PS4, Xbox and PC.

    Initial thoughts. The game is fun and fast paced. We only have three maps to run around. They are somewhat small to medium sized. Nothing large that takes a little more time to get used to. With even skipping COD Infinite Warfare, it was nice to get back in the groove and didn't take long for me to retrain the eyes for the fast movements and start racking up some kills.

    For the most part it has a blend of MW3 and Ghosts. Which is good and bad. Good that it is somewhat similar to MW3(which was great). You only get one perk to load out, which is similar to MW3 in that it goes back to a more limited perk system. You still get perks with the weapons, such as Quickdraw and Steady Aim. So, looks to me that perks will be more weapons based than actual Tier Perks system. Which is good, it forces people to play with the deck they've been dealt and it removes the whole "Super" soldier load outs. Which I was just as guilty of as anyone. It wasn't uncommon for me to have four or five perks loaded out(especially for just hardcore run and gun classes).

    Also the character you choose, has abilities with them. So they will do certain things better than others. I chose the last guy and the number two guy to start with. It is like all COD's with unlock tokens, so you can unlock weapons and other characters. You can change the faces and outfits though some of those seemed locked for me.

    The Bad, the spawn system is very similar to Ghosts, which sucks. Even on the Beta I've already been subject to multiple spawn kills and getting spawned in the line of fire from enemies. Which is anyone remembers Octane map from Ghosts, that stupid game would spawn you right out in the open by the gas station to get mowed down by enemy fire before you can even move.

    The coloring of the maps also reminds me of Ghosts. Which is odd because this is a Sledgehammer game and Ghosts an Infinity Ward game. So I'm wondering why Sledgehammer is close to Ghosts in some aspects.

    All in all, I prefer this stripped down and more bare bones version of COD. No more flying around off ceilings or jumping over stuff. No more energy based weapons with lasers and drones. Just old school, old weapons, old setting and old story line. I enjoy it and am looking forward to the real game in November.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  2. #2
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    So I assume you had to pay for the beta BK? How much is it? This is only online play or is there a campaign mode?

    I've never been huge into online play except for recent with Killing Floor 2, but sounds very similar as there are perks and different characters to choose from. I just got tired of fighting other players so I like being on the same team that KF2 offers.

    When you say "spawn" does that mean if someone died they come right back? Halo did that and kind of annoyed me as took the fun out of killing someone... KF2 you are out for the round!

    I am curious though and if not too expensive I'd be down to try it out!
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    So I assume you had to pay for the beta BK? How much is it? This is only online play or is there a campaign mode?

    I've never been huge into online play except for recent with Killing Floor 2, but sounds very similar as there are perks and different characters to choose from. I just got tired of fighting other players so I like being on the same team that KF2 offers.

    When you say "spawn" does that mean if someone died they come right back? Halo did that and kind of annoyed me as took the fun out of killing someone... KF2 you are out for the round!

    I am curious though and if not too expensive I'd be down to try it out!
    Yes, you have to pre-order Call of Duty: WWII, in order to get the Beta code. So what you have to do is go to which I believe links right to WWII. Select platform(for me PS4), punch in your code you get on your receipt. Then you'll get a PS4 code once you register and have to log that in at the Playstation Store. Then you'll be able to download the Beta.

    Thing is, I believe the Beta stops tonight if it hasn't already. However, PS4 along with Xbox One get the second Beta phase. Runs Sept. 1-4 for both platforms and I guess PC gets their own Beta testing time now.

    So I'm thinking you might still be able to get in on the second Beta test coming here at the end of the week but you'll have to go and Pre-order the new COD in order to do so. You can pre-order for as little as $5 at GameStop(it's where I always go).

    And yes, it is on-line multiplayer only, No Campaign or Zombies is in the mix yet. I'm guessing it won't be even for the next Beta test. I don't remember testing for Zombies on BLOPS3 back in 2015.

    As for Spawns, yes in COD you have what is called a "respawn" after you die. In CORE, you have to hit the Square button to respawn. In HARDCORE you have to wait to respawn in certain game modes. However, game modes like Domination, Kill Confirmed and (starting in Black Ops 3) Team Deathmatch now have instant respawns. Search and Destory is the only game mode that I know of, once you die you are out for the round. Free-For-All used to make you wait the longest for respawns.

    You have respawns, spawn trapping and spawn killing. I've been known to spawn kill a bunch, because of my run and gun way of charging into enemy spawn points. So, by default I will kill people as they are respawning because I'm moving into their spawn. Which in turn, I end up flipping the spawn points and that's a good thing.

    Now, spawn trapping is what is called as a Dick Move. Basically, people will camp spawns(which is sitting close enough to spawn points not to flip the spawn), wait for people to respawn and then kill them before they can really move anywhere.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

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  4. #4
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Oh nice...looks like WWII (full game; not beta) will have a campaign mode! I love the campaign modes of Call of Duties and probably one of my favorites of the hundreds I've played. Seems like the WWII one will be great

    Wow, this is new to COD: There's the health bar, something new for Call of Duty. You still see red when you're shot, and this still fades away after a few seconds. But instead of regenerating all your health, your health bar diminishes until you can get a first aid pack, which other characters can toss you.

    This should change it up because no more hiding to regain to work to get health back. With that the added health bar will be good too.

    As for mutliplayer I have to say "spawning" I don't really care for and that is because of that you said; people figure out the spawn points and just camp there and kill you right when you spawn. So many times in Halo online I would just spawn to have a grenade explode and kill me that is just lame. Sure it gets you kills, but not like it is hard and I could do the same thing. I also feel when people know they can die and come back in they don't play as strategic because they know if they mess up they come right back in. When this does not occur, you have to be way more careful because there are times you may wait a few minutes till a match ends and you get to play again....consequences! Years ago I got to top 10% in Halo (very hard) and really the only way I was getting beat was because of people taking advantage of these situations like spawning or glitches in the game. it got to be where people where happy cheating as long as they got to the top, but to me I've always felt that playing that way is not as satisfying as knowing I beat someone fair and square. Honestly that is why I stopped playing online so's amazing how much effort people put into cheating.

    I'm really pumped for this campaign mode.....WWII was very interesting and I've read a lot about it.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    O.k. so at 11AM MST, Beta testing came to a close. Was hoping that it would last until tonight. Guess Activision felt the need to shut us all down early. I played right up until they booted us at 11.

    My assessment of the game, it's going to be a good one. The stripped down, run and gun, boots on the ground back to basics approach is what this franchise needed. The futuristic stuff had it's time and it was time to end. Re-inventing the franchise by going back to WWII is great.

    Felt the Beta was a bit watered down in terms of guns, characters, game modes, scorestreaks and perk system. Which is rather odd, because if the Beta is indicative of what's to come, the Perks have changed a lot. Meaning, you only get to choose ONE Perk, and the only other way to get addition add-ons is via the weapons. Steady Aim and Quickdraw are now weapons level unlocks. Which was the same as BLOPS3(keep in mind I didn't play Infinite Warefare, so I have no clue if they changed the game more there). However, Fast Mags, or Fast Reloads is now a Perk again. But it can be the only perk you choose, least in Beta anyway.

    The Characters you can choose from also have varying abilities. The Airborne guy seemed to run the best out of the bunch, but then Infantry guy allowed you to attach for Assault Rifles, three weapons attachments(Quickdraw, Foregrip, Rapid Fire, etc.). Whereas Airborne guy, all the SMG's in his class came with standard suppressors(which you can take on and off during the game).

    The sniper guy(I believe was called Mountaineer) had to do with more sniper based weaponry and upgrades. Didn't use him at all, just unlocked the character cause he looked cool with a ghillie suit.

    Don't remember the other two characters as I didn't unlock them or use them. Take that back, there was the Gas Mask guy that I unlocked first, but only used him to unlock another. His character seemed to be focused on heavy tactician stuff.

    With each character, you can level them up through 5 levels as well. Each new level unlocked a better proficiency. Which the last level being a classified weapon unlock. Which was cool, cause the SMG guy would unlock the Tommy Gun at the end(M1928 gun).

    I made it to level 33 and was just about to unlock the Tommy Gun when the game quit. I did manage to pick up the M1928 a bunch during the game and it's probably the best SMG, along with the Waffe 28. The Grease Gun sucked and the Type 100 was kind of weak. Then again, I basing all of this on CORE game play. In Beta you never get Hardcore game play. I'm sure these guns will be heavily overpowered when it comes time for Hardcore.

    Which brings me to my next point. Pistols and Sniper weapons were super over powered even in Core gameplay. I've never been killed from across the map by a pistol in Core. Also same with a Sniper rifle. Unless you're close, in Core most sniper weapons will take two shots to the body. The M1 Garande is over powered as hell, until I picked one up during the game and then I couldn't kill anyone with it.

    LMG's are hilariously slow to reload and don't offer much knock down power. Even their ammo capacity is rather low compared to modern LMG's.

    The lack of Kill Confirmed and Free-For-All kind of sucked. They had Kill Confirmed in Mosh Pit rotation but I never saw it come up.

    There is a new game mode called WAR, which is fun and as hell. Kills only register and your deaths aren't counted. Also you get lots of points for building barricades and a bridge, setting explosives, setting up machine guns and defending. It's basically like playing the Campaign Mode, now with all of your friends. So it's Multiplayer in a Campaign style setting. We only got one map though for this and it was the same thing over and over. Sometimes you team start out as the Attack team, then other times the Defend team. Either way it was full and very enjoyable. You can also ride on a tank in this mode and use the 30mm machine gun mounted to it. There are several machine guns mounted all over the map in this mode and can be used. They do get blown up and have to be rebuilt.

    So the only two game modes I got to play were TDM(Team Deathmatch) and War and enjoyed them both. I never do Domination in Core as it's just a shit show where you can't kill anyone. And didn't do anything in Mosh Pit as Kill Confirmed never came up in rotation.

    Someone was also telling me that War may have be changed into 12 on 12. Which means you'll have a total of up to 24 players and it really being fun. Which means, it will be a new place for Clans to do battle against each other.

    All in all, I liked the new game. Looking forward to it and can't wait until November. I'm hoping for more guns, at least the ability to use another perk and better pointstreaks. Which I really can't rave to much about. The points streaks in this game sucked. The Moletov cocktail was cool but they changed it from two uses, to then you just got one to use. The Flamethrower is super over powered and just wrecks everyone. You can keep using it over and over until you run out of fuel for it. Care Package is still the same, and the Recon Plane(i.e. UAV) is flat useless(especially in core, you can see everyone all the time). Dive Plane was lame as you get one strafing run. Only saw someone get Paratroopers once and they act like dogs. They drop in and kill the other team.

    Oh yeah one last thing, in WAR game mode, all score streaks are turned OFF. Which means, people actually have to play the objective and not just camp their ass off for score streaks and to pad their K/D ratio.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Vance's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Crap, I may just have to buy this now and stop obsessively playing R6:S for a while.
    ...Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Quote Originally Posted by Vance View Post
    Crap, I may just have to buy this now and stop obsessively playing R6:S for a while.
    From what I saw and played in Beta it will be a good game. Worth the $65 for it.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  8. #8
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    So BK (or anyone else), did you ever play the campaign? Got the game for Xmas, but already beat it, but was a great game I thought. I barely died on normal so maybe I need to go back and play on hardenend. I really liked how it went back to the old school and were real battles fought in WWII....really makes you appreciate what the troops went through and how deadly this war was/

    Haven't tried online yet....anyone playing it online?

    Also was pretty surprised to see real actors in the game....especially Jonathan Tucker who I loved in the TV Series "Kingdom".

    This is who you play:
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    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

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    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    So BK (or anyone else), did you ever play the campaign? Got the game for Xmas, but already beat it, but was a great game I thought. I barely died on normal so maybe I need to go back and play on hardenend. I really liked how it went back to the old school and were real battles fought in WWII....really makes you appreciate what the troops went through and how deadly this war was/

    Haven't tried online yet....anyone playing it online?

    Also was pretty surprised to see real actors in the game....especially Jonathan Tucker who I loved in the TV Series "Kingdom".

    This is who you play:
    The campaign is great in my opinion. I'm not finished with it. Need to actually sit down and spend some time with it. I'm several missions in but no where complete. I love the

    I will say the Multiplayer is terrible and Zombies is a complete joke.

    Multiplayer sucks for several reasons. Connectivity issues, crappy and I mean crappy maps, lack of customization with soldier loadout(1 perk allowed). What's funny is you have more customization in Zombies than you do in multiplayer. The whole flow of the game is really slow, the scorestreaks suck and as much as I love the boots on the ground part, you can tell the designers of the game were shooting to make a Call of Duty that is a Campers wet dream.

    I've had to retool how I actually play, because two weeks after the game dropped, I had it ready to go back to GameStop for a return and credit on something else.

    It's just a really piss poor and bland game. The maps are what really detract from the game. You have three ways to go on every map, Left, Down the Middle or Right. There are two maps that are great but they never come up. Then they added a map called Carentan and you could hear campers every where busting a nut.

    It's a really bad and crappy game and I can't say enough bad about it. I will say this, Star Wars Battlefront II is bad ass. Love that game(don't get to play it much though).

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  10. #10
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    The campaign is great in my opinion. I'm not finished with it. Need to actually sit down and spend some time with it. I'm several missions in but no where complete. I love the

    I will say the Multiplayer is terrible and Zombies is a complete joke.

    Multiplayer sucks for several reasons. Connectivity issues, crappy and I mean crappy maps, lack of customization with soldier loadout(1 perk allowed). What's funny is you have more customization in Zombies than you do in multiplayer. The whole flow of the game is really slow, the scorestreaks suck and as much as I love the boots on the ground part, you can tell the designers of the game were shooting to make a Call of Duty that is a Campers wet dream.

    I've had to retool how I actually play, because two weeks after the game dropped, I had it ready to go back to GameStop for a return and credit on something else.

    It's just a really piss poor and bland game. The maps are what really detract from the game. You have three ways to go on every map, Left, Down the Middle or Right. There are two maps that are great but they never come up. Then they added a map called Carentan and you could hear campers every where busting a nut.

    It's a really bad and crappy game and I can't say enough bad about it. I will say this, Star Wars Battlefront II is bad ass. Love that game(don't get to play it much though).
    Yeah haven’t even tried the multiplayer as the campaign mode for Call of Duty has always been one of my favorites of any game. It took me a bit to get used to using health packs instead of the normal regen of health, but I’ve come to like it because it really makes you play the game different; no more going in hard and then going and hiding so your health regens. Is multiplayer this way too? How do you get more health in multiplayer?

    I do like how you rely on your team more now and use them to get ammo, health, grenades, and scouting. Again, makes you play different and you need to stay close to your team.

    I’ll have to check out Battlefront II? How is the campaign? For online I’m still playing the Killing Floor 2; they had an awesome upgrade for Xmas that was funny.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  11. #11
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Yeah haven’t even tried the multiplayer as the campaign mode for Call of Duty has always been one of my favorites of any game. It took me a bit to get used to using health packs instead of the normal regen of health, but I’ve come to like it because it really makes you play the game different; no more going in hard and then going and hiding so your health regens. Is multiplayer this way too? How do you get more health in multiplayer?

    I do like how you rely on your team more now and use them to get ammo, health, grenades, and scouting. Again, makes you play different and you need to stay close to your team.

    I’ll have to check out Battlefront II? How is the campaign? For online I’m still playing the Killing Floor 2; they had an awesome upgrade for Xmas that was funny.
    I also enjoyed the mix of new things in the campaign. Having your (AI)team do more helps. It's what always pissed me off with the other COD campaigns. Seemed like I had to do everything to make the mission work, and then your lame AI team just stands there and lets you take all the fire and damage. Least with WWII, the other guys are out there moving around and killing the bad guys. The health packs, ammo and etc are a cool feature as well. I don't like the slow motion scenes though. I'd much rather go back to the old way of doing the slow motion scenes. This new way of having to tap the SQUARE button in a rhythmic pattern is lame.

    What gets me is I had such high hopes for WWII after playing the Beta back in August. I don't know what they did between the beta and the actual game but someone screwed up. With Beta, even though it was Core, you could still kill guys with a few shots. None of the usual dump a whole magazine in someone to kill them. Then the official game came out and talk about overpowered BS. Even in Hardcore(which is what I play exclusively, always have) guys will take 4 to 6 rounds of damage and many times will still kill you in a shot or two. To me the whole game is really unbalanced and that leads to the blandness of the game. The only thing that will be a one shot kill are the sniper rifles and M1A1 and M1 Garand. Everything else is hit marker heaven. BAR and M1928(tommy gun) are the only two I can really use to stomp the opposition. STG44 isn't bad once it's leveled up.

    Battlefront II is really good. Haven't played the campaign, just the multiplayer and it's great. Love the space battles with Tie-Fighters and X-wings. Even hero's and villain's is great as it lets you be your favorite character(of course I'm Vader). Only reason I went to Battlefront II is many of the people I play with on Call of Duty decided to try the game. One great feature is I believe the game mode Blast(or strike??) it's full on 20 vs. 20 and guys are running around everywhere. Can't really camp as you've got objectives to play and you get tons of points for playing the objective.

    Check out Battlefront II, I think you'll like it.

    At this point, I'm just biding my time for Black Ops 4, and from what I've been hearing is it's going to still be boots on the ground but set just after Black Ops 2(which was 2025). So will be somewhat futuristic but with modern weapons(similar to Black Ops 2). No more boost jumping or lasers and shit. But will still be modern enough to not be the complete snooze fest that is WWII. Treyarch gets it right when it comes to customization and overall playing. Plus as always, you know Zombies will be top notch.

    I'm hearing rumors and rumblings that with the next Infinity Ward 2019 game(which will follow Treyarch's 2018 game) will be Modern Warfare 2 - Remastered

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  12. #12
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    I also enjoyed the mix of new things in the campaign. Having your (AI)team do more helps. It's what always pissed me off with the other COD campaigns. Seemed like I had to do everything to make the mission work, and then your lame AI team just stands there and lets you take all the fire and damage. Least with WWII, the other guys are out there moving around and killing the bad guys. The health packs, ammo and etc are a cool feature as well. I don't like the slow motion scenes though. I'd much rather go back to the old way of doing the slow motion scenes. This new way of having to tap the SQUARE button in a rhythmic pattern is lame.

    What gets me is I had such high hopes for WWII after playing the Beta back in August. I don't know what they did between the beta and the actual game but someone screwed up. With Beta, even though it was Core, you could still kill guys with a few shots. None of the usual dump a whole magazine in someone to kill them. Then the official game came out and talk about overpowered BS. Even in Hardcore(which is what I play exclusively, always have) guys will take 4 to 6 rounds of damage and many times will still kill you in a shot or two. To me the whole game is really unbalanced and that leads to the blandness of the game. The only thing that will be a one shot kill are the sniper rifles and M1A1 and M1 Garand. Everything else is hit marker heaven. BAR and M1928(tommy gun) are the only two I can really use to stomp the opposition. STG44 isn't bad once it's leveled up.

    Battlefront II is really good. Haven't played the campaign, just the multiplayer and it's great. Love the space battles with Tie-Fighters and X-wings. Even hero's and villain's is great as it lets you be your favorite character(of course I'm Vader). Only reason I went to Battlefront II is many of the people I play with on Call of Duty decided to try the game. One great feature is I believe the game mode Blast(or strike??) it's full on 20 vs. 20 and guys are running around everywhere. Can't really camp as you've got objectives to play and you get tons of points for playing the objective.

    Check out Battlefront II, I think you'll like it.

    At this point, I'm just biding my time for Black Ops 4, and from what I've been hearing is it's going to still be boots on the ground but set just after Black Ops 2(which was 2025). So will be somewhat futuristic but with modern weapons(similar to Black Ops 2). No more boost jumping or lasers and shit. But will still be modern enough to not be the complete snooze fest that is WWII. Treyarch gets it right when it comes to customization and overall playing. Plus as always, you know Zombies will be top notch.

    I'm hearing rumors and rumblings that with the next Infinity Ward 2019 game(which will follow Treyarch's 2018 game) will be Modern Warfare 2 - Remastered
    Yeah I agree the old AI’s sucked! So many times I wish they would just be gone because they got in the way more than they helped me…plus can’t stand when they make you protect someone else….I just want to shoot and worry about me and not some dumb AI. Although the mission where you carry the kid in WWII was pretty good, but more stealth than protecting someone with ammo.

    Yeah the tapping square is weird and I really never understood it 100%, so I always just pushed the square button as fast as I could and worked everytime. First few times I tried to figure it out and died…..make sense to go to the rhythm though now that you mention it, but I was confused because the square button icon moved all over the screen so thought I had to direct it with joystick.

    I’ve noticed that this COD does take more hits than normal, but honestly took that as old guns that weren’t as powerful as what some of the new COD had. Overall I’ve had this issue with so many online games that ended up someone had a hack/cheat going and that was why they never died. I’ve snipped guys in head like 5 times when playing Halo back in the days, all to find out all these cheats had entered the game. I’ll never get why people are so proud winning when cheating….to me that takes all the fun out of it because I want win because I deserve it. Heck the other day some guy on Killing Floor 2 messaged me to talk. I rarely will accept those, but this guy was super good and one of the few players that got higher kills than me and had more rare outfits. I go talk to him and he starts showing me all the cheats he has figured out that they have not patched yet….loser! I never used one of his cheats and honestly thought about reporting him, but I am not a rat.

    I’ll have to try multiplayer on COD WWII and let you know what I think. I’m just more into team FPS now since at least people are on your team and stops some of the drama....

    Yeah I’ll see what the campaign is like for Battlefront II….for some reason I thought I heard it was good.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

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    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Yeah I agree the old AI’s sucked! So many times I wish they would just be gone because they got in the way more than they helped me…plus can’t stand when they make you protect someone else….I just want to shoot and worry about me and not some dumb AI. Although the mission where you carry the kid in WWII was pretty good, but more stealth than protecting someone with ammo.

    Yeah the tapping square is weird and I really never understood it 100%, so I always just pushed the square button as fast as I could and worked everytime. First few times I tried to figure it out and died…..make sense to go to the rhythm though now that you mention it, but I was confused because the square button icon moved all over the screen so thought I had to direct it with joystick.

    I’ve noticed that this COD does take more hits than normal, but honestly took that as old guns that weren’t as powerful as what some of the new COD had. Overall I’ve had this issue with so many online games that ended up someone had a hack/cheat going and that was why they never died. I’ve snipped guys in head like 5 times when playing Halo back in the days, all to find out all these cheats had entered the game. I’ll never get why people are so proud winning when cheating….to me that takes all the fun out of it because I want win because I deserve it. Heck the other day some guy on Killing Floor 2 messaged me to talk. I rarely will accept those, but this guy was super good and one of the few players that got higher kills than me and had more rare outfits. I go talk to him and he starts showing me all the cheats he has figured out that they have not patched yet….loser! I never used one of his cheats and honestly thought about reporting him, but I am not a rat.

    I’ll have to try multiplayer on COD WWII and let you know what I think. I’m just more into team FPS now since at least people are on your team and stops some of the drama....

    Yeah I’ll see what the campaign is like for Battlefront II….for some reason I thought I heard it was good.
    That's one thing I haven't seen much of on WWII is the hacking or cheating. I've seen lots of glitching, but that's been patched awhile back and those spots in maps are now dealt with.

    I have seen a few times where I've been killed by an SMG but in the kill feed it's shown as an Assault Rifle or LMG. Also players loadouts are different from those featured on the podium. What I mean by that is, during the game they are using a certain class(or solider) and in the podium(which captures what soldier they used) is something different. So I think there is something there that is being exploited. There were during the release of the game back in November, some players that were already very high prestige levels. Which leads me to believe they either don't ever see the sunlight, have never seen a woman naked or they hacked their Prestige levels. Which I'm guessing is it's a combination of all three.

    You may like the Multiplayer on COD: WWII or you may not. It's very slow and the pace never really changes. They have added Hardcore Kill Confirmed recently and that has helped immensely. Finally I can go back to run and gun and not have to just be a Sniper in HC TDM.

    One thing that will piss you off fast, is be prepared to get shot in the back and a lot. It's the games crappy spawns that are to blame for this, also the crappy maps. With only three routes to take on just about every map, means there aren't many alternate spawn points. Oh and for some reason, apparently Sledgehammer felt the need to follow in Infinity Ward's footsteps of COD: Ghosts and certain maps will spawn you either right in front of a teammate shooting, which means you die. Or get spawned right in front of a teammate getting killed, which in turn you die again. Now this is all in Hardcore, teammates can't kill you in Core.

    Another thing that not even Treyarch can fix with COD. Is that the three team kill rule, where you get kicked. Which I'm all fine with, if the team kills are from your gun. Scorestreaks will also get you kicked. Especially the Fire Bomber and a couple others. Also, this game is slow lame that it can't show your teammates while in your scorestreaks, so there is a good chance you'll kill one of them if they are too close to red circled enemies. I don't mind the 3 strikes and you're out rule of team killing, as I hardly get kicked for shooting teammates. Killing them with scorestreaks on the other hand, gets me kicked from time to time.

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  14. #14
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Call of Duty: WWII Beta

    Update: Well, the game took a turn for the worse and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I did the only thing I could, and put the disc through my paper shredder. When a game is so bad and can't be fixed, sometimes you just need to take that thing out back and Ole Yeller it. It was a huge relief and was very satisfying watching my shredder eat the game. What was even better, I was in a voice chat party and all of my COD friends were shocked. Couldn't believe that I actually did it.

    Thursday was the night it happened. Game has recently been updated and it sucks now more than ever. Have to go back to Headquarters to gather your friends in a party. Spawns were so bad, that I got spawned five times in front of the same guy that killed me with a pistol each and every time. I had a auto rifle and couldn't do anything. The connection was so bad that I could see my bullets hitting the wall behind the guy as I shot through him. The lag is terrible in the game now, you'll die from guys that aren't even on your screen.

    Then there's the first new DLC map pack. Five maps, one zombie, one war and three multiplayer. Scratch that, only one new multiplayer map, and the other two are remakes of one from Modern Warfare 3(Resistance) and Advanced Warfare(Detroit). I mean, how lazy and mediocre can a developer get?? Zombies suck, War is Core only and lame as hell, so that leaves multiplayer. And we get one completely new map, with two retreads.

    Worst Call of Duty ever!! WARNING!! Do Not Buy!!

    I've seen speeds over 300+ during non peak times, this was taken just now...
    And yeah, it's not my connection:


    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

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