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Thread: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

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  1. #1

    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    there is no way to shutdown the so called gun show loop hole. and Colorado has already done this. notice it hasn't changed anything? because... CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW THE RULE. you already have what you and you are already demanding for more. this is exactly why people are supporting the NRA. this is exactly why people are no longer budging on these topics.

    see what you are wanting to do is basically take away a person's right to sell their own property. this isn't a gun store we are now talking about. this would be me selling bk a rifle. something along those lines. something the government can't trace without universal registration. bringing me to my finale point.

    all of this in one step closer to total banning. basically the frog in a pot of water. of course if the government came out and said turn them in it would be the second civil war, but if they slowly chip away like they are doing in the next 100 years our rights will be gone. period. end of story. don't tell me it's not an option because that's where all of this leading. the only way for universal background checks to work is with registration. there is no other way. the government has to be able to know who has bought what gun. when this doesn't work they will slowly start to chip away at it more and more.

    the banning for the dreaded assault rifle is a prime example. here is a fun video. now before you watch this o want you to understand these numbers. there is an estimated 300 million firearms in America. we sell an estimated 12 billion bullets each year. keep those numbers in mind when you watch this video. and please watch this video. this is common sense gun control.
    I feel what you're saying. It may feel like they're ultimately after all guns and the 2nd amendment. Could it happen, sure, but I highly doubt it. Anyways, thanks for posting the video, it actually is an eye-opener regarding how small the number of rifle-murder is compared to other weapons, including knife-inflicted murders.
    Anyways, I have a few points from the video about the semi-automatic weapons. The man talks about how weapons used for self-defense outweigh the number of gun-inflicted murders. Who buys AR15 for self-defense? I get it, it's fun for gun enthusiasts but my point is when those type of weapons are easily available to bad guys, the number of casualties is higher than if he used any other weapon. If we could hand a handgun to every crazy person instead of AR15, we would be better of. And please don't go there regarding protecting our nation against tyranny. Because weather we have a handgun or a semi automatic in our bedroom, tyrannic governments could care less when they have war weapons at our disposal. I'm way worried about a crazy person snipping out of his van or hotel or spraying bullets in a concert than our government turning against in which case we're doomed.
    The man talks about how making it easier for the predator we make more predators. That's exactly what easy access to AR15 or similar has allowed a few of those crazies kills so many in comparison.
    And what's the problem with registering your weapon like your car?

  2. #2
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    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiutis View Post
    I feel what you're saying. It may feel like they're ultimately after all guns and the 2nd amendment. Could it happen, sure, but I highly doubt it. Anyways, thanks for posting the video, it actually is an eye-opener regarding how small the number of rifle-murder is compared to other weapons, including knife-inflicted murders.
    Anyways, I have a few points from the video about the semi-automatic weapons. The man talks about how weapons used for self-defense outweigh the number of gun-inflicted murders. Who buys AR15 for self-defense? I get it, it's fun for gun enthusiasts but my point is when those type of weapons are easily available to bad guys, the number of casualties is higher than if he used any other weapon. If we could hand a handgun to every crazy person instead of AR15, we would be better of. And please don't go there regarding protecting our nation against tyranny. Because weather we have a handgun or a semi automatic in our bedroom, tyrannic governments could care less when they have war weapons at our disposal. I'm way worried about a crazy person snipping out of his van or hotel or spraying bullets in a concert than our government turning against in which case we're doomed.
    The man talks about how making it easier for the predator we make more predators. That's exactly what easy access to AR15 or similar has allowed a few of those crazies kills so many in comparison.
    And what's the problem with registering your weapon like your car?
    actually a lot of people have used an ar15 for home defense. I wouldn't but that's me. I do not feel it's my place to dictate how another person chooses to defend themselves. there was actually a shooting just last year. it would actually be classified as a mass shooting but it wasn't a bad guy with the gun. three men had broken into a home and a 23 year old man used an ar15 to defend himself. also was just couple of years ago that a teen grabbed his father's ar15 and killed a home Invader while the parents were at work and it was just him and his sister.

    I have been debating guns non stop and it's starting to blend but I'm pretty sure I already posted about Columbine in here. those shooters didn't achieve getting those firearms legally. neither did that guy in Newtown. he actually killed his mom. how does gun control prevent that? someone willing to their own mother just to get their hands on firearms? that's pretty hell bent on killing.

    so you won't let me bring up tyranny? we are already doomed? okay what about a solar flare? how about a nuclear attack? how about an invasion? these things are fantasies? they are all very real. they are also more likely to happen than you being caught in a mass shooting. the numbers are so low on that that you literally have better odds of winning the lottery.

    see you can't guarantee me something. you guarantee me that these arms are no longer needed. that is what you have to convince me of first before I even think about surrending arms for any reason. you have to first prove to me world peace. but sadly you can't and you know it. see you want me to sit here and tell me I need to think about our children. I'm sitting here and telling you I'm not only thinking about them but their grandkids as well. I am fighting to ensure that our grandchildren's grandchildren are not left in a situation where they are looking at their past wishing we had the balls to stand up to evil now so they stood a chance then.

    see it's easy to get stuck with out fancy toys. be able to jump in a car and be across the country in a few short days. hell jump on a plan and be on the other side of the world tomorrow. but honestly it means nothing. during Rome's prime they had fancy toys too. they thought they would be on top forever. we know through history that wasn't to be.

    so yeah I'm sorry but I just can't get on board with anything firearm related. it won't actually solve anything. it's a feel good law. a knee jerk reaction like Colorado doing the high capacity mag law that has been deemed worthless.

    what I will support is real common sense. common sense asks why do we let random people walk into a school? bk this post is for you as well.

    there is no reason people should be allowed to just walk into a school. none. zip. lock the doors. we don't need armed guards. they aren't a bad idea but we all we have to do is lock them out. keep them out until some cops willing to actually fight the bad guy show up.

    speaking of that. have you read about these four sheriff deputies that just sat around while kids were being shot? kind of brings up another reason to not surrender anything under the idea someone else will show up and defend me.

  3. #3

    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    actually a lot of people have used an ar15 for home defense. I wouldn't but that's me. I do not feel it's my place to dictate how another person chooses to defend themselves. there was actually a shooting just last year. it would actually be classified as a mass shooting but it wasn't a bad guy with the gun. three men had broken into a home and a 23 year old man used an ar15 to defend himself. also was just couple of years ago that a teen grabbed his father's ar15 and killed a home Invader while the parents were at work and it was just him and his sister.

    I have been debating guns non stop and it's starting to blend but I'm pretty sure I already posted about Columbine in here. those shooters didn't achieve getting those firearms legally. neither did that guy in Newtown. he actually killed his mom. how does gun control prevent that? someone willing to their own mother just to get their hands on firearms? that's pretty hell bent on killing.

    so you won't let me bring up tyranny? we are already doomed? okay what about a solar flare? how about a nuclear attack? how about an invasion? these things are fantasies? they are all very real. they are also more likely to happen than you being caught in a mass shooting. the numbers are so low on that that you literally have better odds of winning the lottery.

    see you can't guarantee me something. you guarantee me that these arms are no longer needed. that is what you have to convince me of first before I even think about surrending arms for any reason. you have to first prove to me world peace. but sadly you can't and you know it. see you want me to sit here and tell me I need to think about our children. I'm sitting here and telling you I'm not only thinking about them but their grandkids as well. I am fighting to ensure that our grandchildren's grandchildren are not left in a situation where they are looking at their past wishing we had the balls to stand up to evil now so they stood a chance then.

    see it's easy to get stuck with out fancy toys. be able to jump in a car and be across the country in a few short days. hell jump on a plan and be on the other side of the world tomorrow. but honestly it means nothing. during Rome's prime they had fancy toys too. they thought they would be on top forever. we know through history that wasn't to be.

    so yeah I'm sorry but I just can't get on board with anything firearm related. it won't actually solve anything. it's a feel good law. a knee jerk reaction like Colorado doing the high capacity mag law that has been deemed worthless.

    what I will support is real common sense. common sense asks why do we let random people walk into a school? bk this post is for you as well.

    there is no reason people should be allowed to just walk into a school. none. zip. lock the doors. we don't need armed guards. they aren't a bad idea but we all we have to do is lock them out. keep them out until some cops willing to actually fight the bad guy show up.

    speaking of that. have you read about these four sheriff deputies that just sat around while kids were being shot? kind of brings up another reason to not surrender anything under the idea someone else will show up and defend me.
    He might have used AR15 to defend but probably a handgun would have sufficed once the intruders heard or saw somebody inside fire a gun. My point is people usually don't carry it as a concealed weapon. I think such weapons should be better be available for local enforcement a few trained, security people.

    If the government turned against again that they are willing to kill certain race, ethnicity or all, we would be fucked regardless of our weapons at home.

    Now bk's plan is probably better plan than mandating all teaching to carry a gun. It's a plan worth discussion out there. I would not mind also allowing certain teachers who have prior military training or willing to be trained on to carry a gun too. I think the kids should be screened too to make sure they are not bringing in guns. I know it sounds like a prison but that is the world we're living today. Our airports already are like that but we determined it's better that than have airplanes flown into buildings.

    Raise taxes on guns, alcohol, marijuana.. On side note, reduce foreign military military spending, better yet stupid war or two. We've got plenty of work here and could use a few well trained individuals protect our schools and borders.

  4. #4
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    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiutis View Post
    He might have used AR15 to defend but probably a handgun would have sufficed once the intruders heard or saw somebody inside fire a gun. My point is people usually don't carry it as a concealed weapon. I think such weapons should be better be available for local enforcement a few trained, security people.

    If the government turned against again that they are willing to kill certain race, ethnicity or all, we would be fucked regardless of our weapons at home.

    Now bk's plan is probably better plan than mandating all teaching to carry a gun. It's a plan worth discussion out there. I would not mind also allowing certain teachers who have prior military training or willing to be trained on to carry a gun too. I think the kids should be screened too to make sure they are not bringing in guns. I know it sounds like a prison but that is the world we're living today. Our airports already are like that but we determined it's better that than have airplanes flown into buildings.

    Raise taxes on guns, alcohol, marijuana.. On side note, reduce foreign military military spending, better yet stupid war or two. We've got plenty of work here and could use a few well trained individuals protect our schools and borders.
    so your plan is we are already screwed so we just give up and surrender our arms? not sure if you heard about these little group called The Taliban but they have been fighting off our military now for 16 years and are still going strong. they grew up in caves without running water. I don't think I feel the same about your theories. hell when England raided the colonies that was best equipped military of the time. we know how that ended.

    so you are ready to guarantee me that in the next 1000 years life is going to be perfect? I keep asking you this but I can't seem to get an answer. the entire point of the second amendment is to have arms for for war. no I'm not saying we should all be driving Abrams tanks with nuclear capabilities but we also can't just give up. that's crazy. no one can predict the future. I for one will not stand by and leave future generations handguns when what they will need is much more. definitely not for such a minor problem that can be fixed very easily without passing more laws. even more so when those laws won't actually solve the problem at hand.

    schools have already started to figure this out. here you go.

  5. #5

    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    so your plan is we are already screwed so we just give up and surrender our arms? not sure if you heard about these little group called The Taliban but they have been fighting off our military now for 16 years and are still going strong. they grew up in caves without running water. I don't think I feel the same about your theories. hell when England raided the colonies that was best equipped military of the time. we know how that ended.

    so you are ready to guarantee me that in the next 1000 years life is going to be perfect? I keep asking you this but I can't seem to get an answer. the entire point of the second amendment is to have arms for for war. no I'm not saying we should all be driving Abrams tanks with nuclear capabilities but we also can't just give up. that's crazy. no one can predict the future. I for one will not stand by and leave future generations handguns when what they will need is much more. definitely not for such a minor problem that can be fixed very easily without passing more laws. even more so when those laws won't actually solve the problem at hand.

    schools have already started to figure this out. here you go.
    I'm trying to understand your point of view that insists on semi automatic ownership to protect again tyrannic governments and I'm not convinced. You give Taliban an example which, imo, is not a good example because it does not apply to our country first of all. Are you saying there is a chance of this happening in our country? I can't guarantee anything but this is crazy talk, most people would not go and buy AR15 if you told them about it. And if US wanted they could take over Taliban which they had temporarily, I believe. US does not want to get involved ground fighting in country they don't know well. It would result in many US casualties. And US does not want deploy extreme weapons which would result in collateral damage.
    Ok, let's say, for example, we were to elect somebody crazy who would turn extreme against us. Imagine if our government ordered to raid our homes asking to turn our AR15 and those that were to refuse were gassed and forced out of their homes. Do you think we had a chance just cause we had AR 15 at home when our government were willing to kill us?
    If there was a bill tomorrow to vote whether to allow any more sale of semi-automatic weapons to the public, I think I would for it. I don't see reason for allowing such weapons to the public. Despite those weapons being a small contributing weapon of choice for mass murders but if it resulted in fewer murders committed by those weapons, than it would be a bonus.

  6. #6
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiutis View Post
    I'm trying to understand your point of view that insists on semi automatic ownership to protect again tyrannic governments and I'm not convinced. You give Taliban an example which, imo, is not a good example because it does not apply to our country first of all. Are you saying there is a chance of this happening in our country? I can't guarantee anything but this is crazy talk, most people would not go and buy AR15 if you told them about it. And if US wanted they could take over Taliban which they had temporarily, I believe. US does not want to get involved ground fighting in country they don't know well. It would result in many US casualties. And US does not want deploy extreme weapons which would result in collateral damage.
    Ok, let's say, for example, we were to elect somebody crazy who would turn extreme against us. Imagine if our government ordered to raid our homes asking to turn our AR15 and those that were to refuse were gassed and forced out of their homes. Do you think we had a chance just cause we had AR 15 at home when our government were willing to kill us?
    If there was a bill tomorrow to vote whether to allow any more sale of semi-automatic weapons to the public, I think I would for it. I don't see reason for allowing such weapons to the public. Despite those weapons being a small contributing weapon of choice for mass murders but if it resulted in fewer murders committed by those weapons, than it would be a bonus.
    Then you sir are exactly what the oppressors want, and that's nothing more than a sheep that is being fatted up for the slaughter.

    Let me ask you something. Are you willing to die on your feet or live on your knees? There will come a time when you have to choose. And believe me, there are things that gnaw on a man worse than dying.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  7. #7
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    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiutis View Post
    I'm trying to understand your point of view that insists on semi automatic ownership to protect again tyrannic governments and I'm not convinced. You give Taliban an example which, imo, is not a good example because it does not apply to our country first of all. Are you saying there is a chance of this happening in our country? I can't guarantee anything but this is crazy talk, most people would not go and buy AR15 if you told them about it. And if US wanted they could take over Taliban which they had temporarily, I believe. US does not want to get involved ground fighting in country they don't know well. It would result in many US casualties. And US does not want deploy extreme weapons which would result in collateral damage.
    Ok, let's say, for example, we were to elect somebody crazy who would turn extreme against us. Imagine if our government ordered to raid our homes asking to turn our AR15 and those that were to refuse were gassed and forced out of their homes. Do you think we had a chance just cause we had AR 15 at home when our government were willing to kill us?
    If there was a bill tomorrow to vote whether to allow any more sale of semi-automatic weapons to the public, I think I would for it. I don't see reason for allowing such weapons to the public. Despite those weapons being a small contributing weapon of choice for mass murders but if it resulted in fewer murders committed by those weapons, than it would be a bonus.
    huh? we didn't know the country? that's funny because the CIA spent many years in Afghanistan long before 911. hell we trained the taliban and even armed them. sure it was to fight the Russians but it still happened.

    you don't get this do you? these are not weapons of war. what we own today would be the equivalent of swords during our countries fight for independence. we don't have weapons of war. that is the lefts attempt at propaganda. clearly it's working.

    you say you don't see why anyone would need. okay that's fine. you have lived in a nice little bubble your whole life. let's flip the script. how would you feel about being told you had to go buy these guns? the government is going to make you go waste thousands of dollars on these firearms. you are now part of the militia and as such you need to be well regulated and prepared. the cost us on you and if you don't comply you will be charged with a felony and locked up.

    I'm guessing you wouldn't like this very much but that's what we are facing. one side trying to force opinions on the other side.

    see we can't compare ourselves to other countries because other countries have never had 300 million firearms in their country. you think banning these things will magically make them disappear? what, criminals are just going to turn them in? hey guys these guns are all bad mmmkay. we have to turn them in. lol. yeah no.

    now the only people who are armed are the criminals. the gangs. the drug dealers. the bad guys.

    why would we ban something that saves people at almost 1000 times more than hurts anyone? in the video I posted way back it gave the stats on medical malpractice.

    Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer, causing at least 250,000 deaths every year, according to an analysis out Tuesday indicating that patient safety efforts fall far short.

    More than 100,000 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, accidents, or by police intervention. 31,537 people die from gun violence

  8. #8

    Re: The anti-gun idiots will be going ape shit over this one!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    huh? we didn't know the country? that's funny because the CIA spent many years in Afghanistan long before 911. hell we trained the taliban and even armed them. sure it was to fight the Russians but it still happened.

    you don't get this do you? these are not weapons of war. what we own today would be the equivalent of swords during our countries fight for independence. we don't have weapons of war. that is the lefts attempt at propaganda. clearly it's working.

    you say you don't see why anyone would need. okay that's fine. you have lived in a nice little bubble your whole life. let's flip the script. how would you feel about being told you had to go buy these guns? the government is going to make you go waste thousands of dollars on these firearms. you are now part of the militia and as such you need to be well regulated and prepared. the cost us on you and if you don't comply you will be charged with a felony and locked up.

    I'm guessing you wouldn't like this very much but that's what we are facing. one side trying to force opinions on the other side.

    see we can't compare ourselves to other countries because other countries have never had 300 million firearms in their country. you think banning these things will magically make them disappear? what, criminals are just going to turn them in? hey guys these guns are all bad mmmkay. we have to turn them in. lol. yeah no.

    now the only people who are armed are the criminals. the gangs. the drug dealers. the bad guys.

    why would we ban something that saves people at almost 1000 times more than hurts anyone? in the video I posted way back it gave the stats on medical malpractice.

    Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer, causing at least 250,000 deaths every year, according to an analysis out Tuesday indicating that patient safety efforts fall far short.

    More than 100,000 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, accidents, or by police intervention. 31,537 people die from gun violence

    A better example would be if I was forced to buy certain type of automobile, like sedan, and the SUV would be banned from public sales floors. I would not like it, just like the current airport travel scene.
    I completely agree that the AR15s and such are a rather minuscule problem in the pond but I see why people perceive it bigger than it should. I'm sure there have been more knife-committed murders since the Parkland shooting in the states, however, all we hear in the media is about the school-shooting. People are also emotionally attached to it. Agreed, healthcare and medical errors should be much more discussed than guns..
    Regarding war weapons, I meant all the weapons that the government has at their disposal renders your AR15 a very innocent toy. Hence, I would not feel that much more powerful if I owned one. Although, articles like this, don't help making AR15 seem innocent to the general public.
    BK's and your sentiment that the government is out there to take a way our rights so they can kill us or control us sooner or later, maybe in our lifetime? It does not resonate with me. It's possible.. Do you have any events you want to share that's happened to you or others to support those extreme beliefs? Perhaps then we should propose a bill to get our cannons back.

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