Quote Originally Posted by Tiutis View Post
I'm trying to understand your point of view that insists on semi automatic ownership to protect again tyrannic governments and I'm not convinced. You give Taliban an example which, imo, is not a good example because it does not apply to our country first of all. Are you saying there is a chance of this happening in our country? I can't guarantee anything but this is crazy talk, most people would not go and buy AR15 if you told them about it. And if US wanted they could take over Taliban which they had temporarily, I believe. US does not want to get involved ground fighting in country they don't know well. It would result in many US casualties. And US does not want deploy extreme weapons which would result in collateral damage.
Ok, let's say, for example, we were to elect somebody crazy who would turn extreme against us. Imagine if our government ordered to raid our homes asking to turn our AR15 and those that were to refuse were gassed and forced out of their homes. Do you think we had a chance just cause we had AR 15 at home when our government were willing to kill us?
If there was a bill tomorrow to vote whether to allow any more sale of semi-automatic weapons to the public, I think I would for it. I don't see reason for allowing such weapons to the public. Despite those weapons being a small contributing weapon of choice for mass murders but if it resulted in fewer murders committed by those weapons, than it would be a bonus.
huh? we didn't know the country? that's funny because the CIA spent many years in Afghanistan long before 911. hell we trained the taliban and even armed them. sure it was to fight the Russians but it still happened.

you don't get this do you? these are not weapons of war. what we own today would be the equivalent of swords during our countries fight for independence. we don't have weapons of war. that is the lefts attempt at propaganda. clearly it's working.

you say you don't see why anyone would need. okay that's fine. you have lived in a nice little bubble your whole life. let's flip the script. how would you feel about being told you had to go buy these guns? the government is going to make you go waste thousands of dollars on these firearms. you are now part of the militia and as such you need to be well regulated and prepared. the cost us on you and if you don't comply you will be charged with a felony and locked up.

I'm guessing you wouldn't like this very much but that's what we are facing. one side trying to force opinions on the other side.

see we can't compare ourselves to other countries because other countries have never had 300 million firearms in their country. you think banning these things will magically make them disappear? what, criminals are just going to turn them in? hey guys these guns are all bad mmmkay. we have to turn them in. lol. yeah no.

now the only people who are armed are the criminals. the gangs. the drug dealers. the bad guys.

why would we ban something that saves people at almost 1000 times more than hurts anyone? in the video I posted way back it gave the stats on medical malpractice.

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer, causing at least 250,000 deaths every year, according to an analysis out Tuesday indicating that patient safety efforts fall far short.


More than 100,000 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, accidents, or by police intervention. 31,537 people die from gun violence