Beg to differ on the Lorenzo can handle the pressure, he can’t. He only does well when he is not bothered and he gets that rhythm at the front but as soon as someone shows him a wheel, he starts to crumble. What’s happening now proves not only that but that Rossi developing Yamaha is the only reason why he is champion, with the exception of maybe and a big maybe Honda I don’t see that douche champ again with any other manufacturer. Again he’s not as good as he thinks he is, just a coincided spoiled mommy and daddy punk. Some will say well you wish you had that kind of talent but talent isn’t worth a fuck without mental tenacity which he lacks insanely cause he’s a coddled bitch. Anyways doesn’t surprise me that he is coming out with this bullshit now of all times, he’s feeling the pressure and he is starting to play the last cards from his desperate stack trying to make someone fuck up since his job is now at stake as so much young talent is coming up and his chances for a factory ride decrease by the day. I still think if he doesn’t deliver soon, Ducati will sign Petrucci