Quote Originally Posted by madvlad View Post
I started taking MMA adult classes and it helped quite a bit, felt more relaxed and at bay with my anger afterwards
One thing that helped me, Drano hit on, was when I obtained my CCW back in my mid 20's. I never had a problem keeping my cool back then, even though I have the DNA for having a hot temper, it always just took a lot to get me to boiling point.

But one thing I will say that has kept me from ever reaching boiling point is when I obtained my CCW. From that point on, I knew I had to take my composure to a whole other level. The responsibility(my CCW) I was given must never be abused or mistreated with lack of respect. When I obtained my license, I just knew that I was now held to a much higher level, and that my personality, character and integrity must also move to a much higher level.

One thing that has stuck with me from way back when from my instructor is that he told me, a good CCW'er knows when to just walk away. Diffusion of a situation is a skill that must be polished to perfection. If you can't talk your way out of a situation, then know when to just back away from it. I was trained that you must do everything possible to keep from drawing your side arm. And that if your sidearm does come out, it's because you've reached the PONR(point of no return) with a situation.

I've gone about 12 years now since I obtained my CCW and I'm glad I've never had to draw my sidearm. I hope I never have to draw it.

I will say that if you take it seriously, it will change your life and the way you live your life. For me partying or drinking was never a problem. But since I'm armed at all times, I refrain from going places that have the potential for bad element. I will not go to bars, or parties where booze will be heavily prevalent. I won't go to certain restaurants even. I won't stay out late(unless I'm working at night). I even avoid large gatherings of people(i.e. baseball or football games).

Another thing you always have to remember is that when it comes to traffic or name calling is it's never personal. People just do it because they can.

This is a quick clip from a movie that really explains it and actually has a solid message. Just keep your head or cool and be nice and expect the unexpected.