Quote Originally Posted by Kristian View Post
I agree to some extent. If you have talent, time and Money, you can rise to the top. You definitely need all three!

the MRA and most of the AMA guys have regular jobs.
I agree, and also think that you need to have it cultivated at a young age. If you look at most of the crop of MotoGP riders, whether Italian or Spanish. They are immersed in motor bikes at an early age. For must of the European countries they don't have the luxuries that we have in terms of growing and doing many kinds of sports. Sure now it is starting to diversify. Look at the NBA for example. But I remember back in the 90's when they sent the "Dream Team" to the Olympics, they shredded everyone they went up against. It's what happens when you stack the deck with professionals and the rest of the world is putting up Amateurs. Now that is changing, we see dominance from many countries, because for one they take it way more serious now. People get tired of getting their heads kicked in and start putting in the man hours in order to train and beat someone.

So your example of the MRA and AMA guys is correct. They have regular jobs and don't get to dedicate their lives to the sport, or at least didn't get to at an early age.

I loved motorcycles since age 7, but never threw a leg over my own street bike until my early 20's. My early teens were spent hours upon hours practicing a musical instrument(to which I still play to this day). I didn't get a bike until I could afford one on my own. But by that time, I'd well had other bills to pay, car/truck to pay for.

I agree with you, there is where the Money comes in. Most of these MotoGP riders had parents or families that either had money, came from racing pedigree or sacrificed everything so their kids could go racing and rise up through the ranks.

I don't necessarily agree that it takes more talent or that the world's top riders have the talent when others don't. What I think they have over everyone else is as you say "time" invested to work on their skillset. Believe me, if you spend hours a day, everyday you will achieve great results and doing them quickly. I use myself as an example. My favorite guitar players are Satriani, Vai and Malmsteen. When I was young, all I wanted to do was to be able to match their speed and abilities. Once I achieved one's speed, I'd move to the next. Until I arrived at Malmsteen's speed in my early 20's(I'd say around age 22 was when I nailed it perfectly). But I played, and played and played and played some more in order to get to that level. Did it achieve me anything?? Not really, on top of trying to make music, it burned me out of the whole music scene altogether. Now that I've been playing for 24 years, I still have the same speed that I achieved in my early 20's, just don't use it as much. I don't play as much as I used too for one, and two just do other things musically.

So while I think the level of Marquez, Rossi, Lorenzo, Stoner and others is very high. I also think others have that same level of speed, they just don't have the opportunity to either display(i.e. not in the right place, right time. Or no factory rides). Or they are just content working at other things in life.

Talent can be developed and cultivated, which in turn becomes Skillset. I think it has more to do with Time and Money. You have to set aside the time and let it consume you, and then you've got to have the money to pay to play(or use someone else's money).