Quote Originally Posted by big_sur View Post
I don't think there is any CA law authorizing lane splitting, it's just not prohibited. High school chemistry says you can't filter carbon monoxide, but the chief benefits of lane splitting are typically the reduced rear end motorcycle fatalities and the increased overall efficiency.

I try to be a generally reasonable person when I ride\drive\live and generally speaking, I feel like that comes back in the form of courteous behavior from others. That whole do unto others thing... I don't ride 100 on the highway, I don't get all up in people's shit, I wear gear, I don't ride a stretched 600 with ghettoboys lighting, and while there is occasionally someone who is just having a shitty day and I somehow aggravated them, I generally just keep on going and that's the end of it. In my experience lane splitting in CA and Italy, it works perfectly fine and people are generally courteous and give you all the room they can. Obviously don't be an ass about it and do 50mph faster than the flow of traffic, but 5-10mph faster in slow traffic and everything is perfectly fine. Yes, there are psychopaths out there, but is respectful riding really going to trigger that? From the Hurt report, "Deliberate hostile action by a motorist against a motorcycle rider is a rare accident cause" and they get charged with attempted manslaughter and sent to jail before they and their insurance company get sued to kingdom come and back.
A few things I just learned today is that as of this year it is now legal to split lanes in Cali and yes its because of rear ending. Another thing I learned is that if there is a accident with lane splitting it is always the riders fault. Part of lane splitting is using the proper speed for the conditions. If there is a accident the rider is blamed for not being able to stop.

So in other words a car can cut you off and bam you're down. All driver has to say is that he didn't see you and not only does he not get in trouble but you get a ticket.

Lane splitting just isn't worth the issues.