Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
I am just the outsider looking in as I have never rode with Clovis, but all I can say is if three people, Aaron, Bash, and Grim (I know of two others I will not mention that told me they would not ride with him anymore either) post that he rides crazy, then there has to be some truth to it. So saying that I still do not get what is so bad about making a person aware that others do not appreciate their crazy riding style. Again why not tell a person as maybe they do not realize. If nobody cared about the guy then nobody would have said anything and to me that is worse. One mistake is all it takes and people need to realize this is no game!

Heck I was on a group ride once and passed Chadwick on the right. Later I noticed he was upset at me and I asked him what was up and he told me straight up he didn't appreciate how I passed on the right because he had a passenger that it really freaked out (I forgot how loud my bike was as I rode with earplugs). So it could have gone two ways and I could have told him to deal with it and only cared about myself, but it really did make me think how even though I thought I was in control, the person you pass or ride with can be affected. Him telling me this that day changed how I rode and I am thankful he did tell me that because I did learn to respect others. Now if someone wants to do this away from a group ride, then so be it, but when you ride in a club group ride there are rules and you break them you are out. This didn't happen on accident, but we got sick of having a group ride and it being ruined by a ambulance trip to the ER; seen it happen more than once from crazy street riding.

I don't have a bike either right now so what do I know though....just 15+ years riding sportbikes since I was 18
Having a bike isn't as important as owning a gun on here. So really, as long as you are packing....