Thinking about this major economic mess we're facing has me on the fence about purchasing a home next year. I am seriously considering a townhome. I've got some worries though, and since I don't have a financial adviser and I'm the head of household, there's a whole lot riding on my shoulders.

I used to do things without thinking too much further into the future. My ex's attitude was always..."Oh, if there's a problem with $ flow, then I'll just take a side-job." Um, I can't do that. It's not a guarantee for me. That's not my issue though, I just want to feel more comfortable about buying in 6 months and knowing that even when inflation hits us real hard, I'll still be ok.

What I want to buy is something that is big enough for me and at least 2 of my 3 kids, but won't be a burden when my last child moves out in say 8 years. I don't like moving. I want to be in a place where my monthly payments are still easy to make and I still have something extra...yeah, I know that has a lot to do with my other I'm working on paying those down.

Anyhoo, it's not my's the idea that buying in today's economy might be the worst thing for me to do. Tell me if that thinking is wrong and tell me why (logically).