4:30am: *vrooOOoom* ..ooOO(Hmm, that's a bit rude.)
5:08am: ..ooOO(Time to get up. Follow cat into the nook and pet him. Is that a step in the back yard? The pod husks from the tree are all over the deck and crunch when you walk on them.)
5:14am: "There's someone moving inside!"

A couple of cops are in our courtyard shining a flashlight in my window at me. "Are you the owner?"

The neighbor (Vicki) had gotten up because the neighbor dogs on the other side were barking and that's not normal. As she was walking through the house, she saw the computer monitor go on and thought it was her son. Then she saw a shape on the floor.

"Who are you, what are you doing here?!" And she attacked him. Chased him (blond guy, no shirt, possibly no shoes) out of the house. Her husband got up and drove the car around the neighborhood (hence the *vrooOOoom*) looking for him and spotted him hiding in front of our car.

Vicki was a little shaken up (of course) and when I left, the cops were hunting through the bushes and looking in back yards.

I checked the basement, windows and closets (I was getting my iPod anyway) and Rita checked the bedroom and craft room.

I suspect Rita'll have the windows closed tonight
