Quote Originally Posted by dirkterrell View Post
Damn, it wasn't even close to being an illegal pass. Sans video, you would have been paying the price for his incompetence or, worse, fabrication of what happened. In a system where the word of an officer is regarded more highly than a citizen in a testimony vs. testimony situation, I believe we need to have better accountability for officers. For something as egregiously wrong as this, the officer needs to suffer some consequences. You might consider letting one of the local news investigation teams know about this.
Submitted to channel 9 news

I received a ticket while riding my motorcycle in boulder county back in October 2011. I was pulled over lectured and issued a citation for "illegal passing" at the time i had a GoPro which is a recording device mounted to my helmet and it was recording my ride. What the officer does not know is that it was recording my alleged "illegal pass" which in fact was legal. I had my hearing yesterday where the judge ruled that my evidence was factual enough to prove it was a legal pass. We live in a world where where the word of an officer is regarded more highly than a citizen in a testimony vs. testimony situation, I believe we need to have better accountability for officers. and this particular scenario i believe is a pristine opportunity for you guys to shed light on the situation and make others aware that it may be possible that law enforcement may be taking advantage of there power.

I would be willing to interview and provide more detail along with the photos if you wish to pursue this as a story.

I stole your line if you don't mind but it had a good ring to it.