The other day I was dropping off some used oil at the local Advanced Auto Parts and noticed this battery guide posted directly above the oil recycling bin.

Look closer, to the left...

So a customer brings in his battery, they check it and test it out and if it's good they give it back. But if the customer says "Ohhh no, I want a NEW battery!"

Remove lbaels-front, top, date code. Clean with glass cleaner & rag. Polished post and/or side terminals. > Sell as "used" 100% Gross Profit.

Does this seem odd? So you bring your battery in for a warranty replacement, they say it's good but you insist on it and the guy says "Hang on, I think I might have a "used" one in the back I call sell you... I'll be right back!"

Seems a little odd unless I'm missing something with this business practice?