I'm hoping someone on here may know something about renters rights in Colorado. Here's the situation.

I live in a privately owned 5 unit apartment building. I've been here for 5 years and I have been on a month to month lease for the past 4 years. I've never had an issue with the owners and it's been a great agreement for us both. However, they have just turned over management of the building to a property management company. They wrote me a letter to inform me of this and said "I believe the property management company will be interested in switching your lease over to a longer term lease-- either 6 months or 1 year.".

My question for you all, is whether or not they can make me sign this theoretical lease? Is there a legal precedence here, and what are my rights if I refuse? Can I stay for a specific amount of time before they can evict me? Is there anything I can use as leverage to negotiate a more agreeable lease term? Would such a process potentially hurt my credit or anything?

Now, I feel I should also state that I am not trying to beat up on anyone here nor do I feel entitled in any way. In all honesty, I may just comply or move, but I want to know my options first. I'm in the market to buy a house, and the rent here is cheap and the month to month lease is ideal if I buy a house. I'd be open to a 60 day notification clause in the contract if I can keep it month to month. I've also been considering renting a nicer place for a couple of years, but I didn't want to pay higher rent and sign a long term lease while trying to find a house.

I hate moving and with winter approaching, the idea of it is even worse. Can anyone make any suggestions?
