When we were there earlier in the year, PCH was closed north of Pepperdine to Ventura due to landslides. Google maps seems to show it being open now. In any case, Caltrans has the latest status on their website.

Ok, back to your question. Do you want to go sport touring and see the area, or want to rip up and down the canyons?

You could ride up PCH to Monterey for the weekend. Yosemite and the Sierras *might* be prone to snow in the high elevations. Loved the lower central coast between Malibu and Santa Barbara, north of that it's a lot of dry scrub hills and the sea once you're past Pismo Beach. Then you leave civilization till you get closer to Monterey.

The second option is simply to ride the canyons of the Santa Monica mountains, including the Rock Store and Mulholland. Then head east to the Angeles Crest and dip down into the Mojave desert and Palm Springs, before turning back west.