Sure Frank... I've made mistakes, you clearly know that. But your Ad hominem material doesn't help you out in this case. And really, it's so dated at this point, it just kinda makes you look desperate.

All of my misgivings have been dealt with, served, remunerated, rehabilitated, and otherwise paid-in-full, long-long ago. Did I have a stretch of pressing my luck and paying the piper (both in real court and in the court of public opinion) for drinking and driving? Yeah, anybody who's known me, knows that.. But how far back do you expect to leverage this? Another 10 years from now?
So yeah... No need helping this high horse down from anywhere; it's just one of many in the stable. Kinda like all the bikes I ride.

But no hard feelings. I realize that my opinion probably stings, and if my young adult life continues to be your "goto" in substitute for actual substance, so be it. All it really does it make my replies that much easier. =)