Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for!

After a lot of work, I'm finally ready to announce the 2008 CSC trackdays!

Last year was such a smashing success that I've expanded the events this year. A special thanks to Earlene and the PMP crew for getting us on the schedule early. I learned some valuable lessons from last year's event that I'll be applying to this year's event.

I'm limiting sign up's to 100 riders per day. As usual we will also have several instructors on hand to provide the required PMP certification. There will be a maximum of 10 spots available to new riders each day.

To sign up for one of the regular spots you MUST have your name on the list at Pueblo, a current roadracing license (within the last 3 years) or proof of instruction in the past three years (pridmore certificate, spencer certificate etc) THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE

There will be another thread in the near future with all of the rules and requirements for the days. Please keep your eyes peeled for that.

ENE has offered to open the Cafe for the day and is creating some specials just for us! We will also be giving out door prizes just like we did last year!

Finally I've been talking with a number of vendors who are likely to show up with the things you might want or need for your trackday experience. I'm excited to have vendor row at our event!

This year has four days on two different weekends

1. Sunday, July 27th is a stand alone event.

Cost per rider: $125
Max 100 spaces
Max 10 new students
Special Edition T-Shirt included!

2. Labor day weekend August 30 - Sept 1 2008

That's right! A three day CSC trackday extravaganza!

Cost per rider: $125 ea day or $325 for all three!
Max 100 spaces per day
Max 10 new students per day
Special edition t-shirt included!

I haven't finalized the details of the labor day event yet, but I can say that I've got some pretty cool things in store. PMP is going to be open for camping those nights, and once again the finish line cafe will be open

The list of door prizes from last year totaled over $3000! I'm looking to expand that number and have a fantastic list of prizes available this year too!

Mark the dates on your calendars, save them for these special events, which are pretty much the only weekend trackdays available all year!

If you are a shop or a vendor and are interested in some booth space at the event I'd love to have you.

If you are a non rider or a rider interested in volunteering one of the days to help with running the event, I'm looking for a few good people. The work will be hard, but you will be properly rewarded!

I should have a registration page up in the very near future and will post the link as soon as it's ready, in the meantime if you have any questions please contact me at

Who wants to ride motorcycles?
