I'd really love to do at least one wicked cool awesome adventurous several-day ride this summer.

Anyone got any hints, suggestions, places/sights to see, wanna join me...help with planning...whatever?

I have one or two ideas thus far...

Just ride down to Durango and over to Utah for 3 days.
Ride to the coast of Northern CA...Redwood maybe.
Ride up to BC/Alberta, Canada...do the glacier parkway (has to be mid-July).

I'm not sure what's gonna happen for me in the new year. I have plans to buy a place of my own by late May/early June. I've got a new job I love. I know moving will take some doing and will take some of my free time, which I don't have much of anymore...but...I really want to do something spectacularly adventurous...or somewhere thereabouts;-)

Tell me your thoughts.

I can be an awesome riding buddy, too...so don't hesitate if you worry about my riding style.

Or...this could all be me just dreaming...sigh...so share your dreams...what the hey.

Hope you guys are all gonna have fun tonight with the celebrations...stay safe and warm.

Happy New Year!