Damn...these warm days are making me all nostalgic and whatnot.

So, I've been thinking...we didn't do a "best of" riding season at the end of 08, just a lot of other 08 memories. So, post 'em up...best/worst riding memories for the 08 season.

The annual Memorial Day (North meets South) ride extravaganza is always a hit in my mind:

Then, there was the "Girlie Ride" (2nd attempt) in June. Officer J. Kimmel was the best. I giggled to myself when Sully asked if the 'J' stood for Jimmy:

Riding to Aspen for lunch turned out to be more like a ride for an after lunch snack, but oh my goodness what a day. Does anyone remember sitting in that parking lot outside of Aspen trying to figure out where the heck that restaurant Nick_Ninja had suggested was at? Thank goodness for Internet capable cell phones:

Oh, I just remembered...what about when we were riding around Leadville trying to find any ol' shop that was selling hoodies? Betcha that'll teach Ted to be more prepared.

God! I can't wait for more long rides this summer...oh, and maybe an overnighter or two, or three...

Freakin sunshine screwing with my brain anyway.

C'mon summer!!!!