With a lot of talk about group rides and everybody wanting to chip in to help out, I'm curious to know what the true role of a lead or sweep should be. Here are how I've always seen them, I don't know if they are right?

Lead: set the pace for the group, know the route, hand signals, knowing if and when a pass is appropriate, very even tempered, etc?

Sweep:make sure everybody gets to the destination, good quick mechanical ability (in case of a breakdown), excellent riding abilities to help slower people with riding advise, very patient, etc

Here's what I found on a website. Not sure I agree with all of it, but a good rule of thumb.

Lead Bike: a person who rides in the most forward position in a group and who relays information to all other riders in the group via hand signals. The Lead Bike determines the group’s direction, speed, choice of lane, and formation. She or he often must make quick navigation decisions in the face of road hazards, changes in road surface conditions, poor signage, construction and other obstacles while maintaining control of her or his bike and communicating to those following. If there are three groups on a ride, there will be three Lead Bikes.

Sweep or Drag Bike: a person who rides in the last position in a group. The Sweep or Drag Bike must secure a lane for the rest of the group during lane changes into faster traffic (move first to block oncoming traffic) and close the door (move to block passing traffic) when a lane is lost in a merging lane situation. Usually this is the most experienced rider in a group, for the Sweep or Drag Bike is the rider who stops to assist a rider who has mechanical trouble, loses control, or drops out of a ride for some other reason. The Sweep or Drag Bike should be prepared to render aid to a downed or disabled rider in a group. If at all possible, the Sweep or Drag Bike should have a co-rider who can assist with traffic control if a serious problem arises. If there are three groups on a ride, there will be three Sweeps or Drag Bikes. The rider in this position is sometimes called the tail gunner.


Any thoughts/suggestions/contradications?