Yep, we finally got our house sold. We had a buyer. We'd made changes to a digital document but they weren't saved. The realtor thought we were lying about the changes and we thought he was making changes to a document that was supposed to be locked. So we cancelled the contract. After I called the digital doc company and provided screen shots of the problem, they admitted they had a glitch and fixed it. Saturday the realtor's boss called and asked if we were still willing to sell the house if the buyer is still willing to purchase. We said absolutely, the buyer is still good so we're moving forward. Closing is on the 13th of May and we have to be out by 6pm on the 14th.

We also found a house in Longmont. It took a bunch of looking but Rita finally found it. Head over to and look up MLS 583476. Closing is May 14th and we'll move in on the 15th or so. Cutting it close

I whipped up a rough floor plan last night based on the listed room sizes and put them about where they where taken in the house.

I put "pic #" around the two plans to show where the pictures in the MLS listing were taken.

The Living Room is going to be Rita's craft room and the two downstairs bedrooms will be the library and computer room. Rita already has plans for the master bedroom and we're putting up a fence so we can let the cats go out back.

A bunch of stuff you see in the pics is staying (well, the owner is leaving it; we'll probably freecycle it) including the Piano and the Ping-pong table

And of course, a nice big garage for all the motorcycles
