I have been a member of CSC for a couple of months now but since I live in the 4 corners area I havent been able to hook up woth any of you yet. I work for a trucking company and hauk propane and am currently hauling loads from Platteville over into Kansas. My question is...

Are there any hangouts relatively close to a truckstop or with enough parking(and management flexibility) for a truck this size to park? Or any creative thinkers that can help me figure out a way to hook up with you guys while I am in and out of the area over the next couple of weeks? I am not familiar with the Denver area at all, but the guy that I am running with (who also has an older Ducati and is getting hounded to join up) lives in the pueblo area and could help me with that part. Anyway...just throwing it out there to see what sticks. Seems like a great group of people on here and would like a chance to hook up with ya while im around.