One of the things I noticed when I started the Close Calls thread was that the intersection of Rt 7 and East Countyline Road east of Lafayette was particularly dangerous. Garbage trucks make a right on Countyline from 7 since the offices are just a ways up there. New homes are going in in Erie which increases traffic both making a right on to Countyline but making a left on to 7. To make matters worse, Countyline is at an off angle making it even harder for people making a turn (left or right). Add in the morning sun and you have an accident waiting to happen.

One thing I noticed is that people seem to roll the dice in making the left or right turn when something is blocking their view such as a garbage truck or UPS truck. They pull out hoping that oncoming traffic from the left will see them in time to stop. I've approached that intersection with the sun at my back and had the sense to slow down from the speed limit (55MPH) to something where I can safely stop if necessary and if you check the thread, it's happened a few times.

Unfortunately this morning the fates caught up with a left turner. Rt 7 and Countyline was blocked and traffic rerouted around the intersection as a fire truck, ambulance, and several police investigated the two car accident.

Be careful out there and think about upcoming intersections and whether they can see you. The people in the two cars probably survived the accident. We as riders likely wouldn't.
