Where is It:
Off of Gold Camp Rd, to the north
GPS Coordinates Start off of Gold Camp Rd: *note this way will be so hard it be over a 10 rating, especially on big bikes*
38.735456, -104.987605‎
+38° 44' 7.64", -104° 59' 15.38"

GPS Coordinates End at Deer Park (FR379), this is where you SHOULD start. Take FR379 to get to here:
38.753565, -104.977713‎
+38° 45' 12.83", -104° 58' 39.77"

How Challenging:
I would say depends on what direction your going. This is a 10 going from Deer Lake down to Gold Camp Rd. This is beyond a 10 to go up from Gold Camp Rd. In fact it might not even be possible for 650cc and bigger to go up, believe me down was pretty tough, and it tested our skid plates.

My Take:
This is a fun road in that it test your ability. Things can go wrong on this trail so don't do this alone or near night time. It seems all the hardcore jeeps come out to do this, and you might see them winch their way up. The pictures I am about to show fail to show how rocky and how steep this was.

Starting from FR379:

It gets smooth and gives you a false sense of "this is not that bad":

Then you hit the next rock section:

Again it seems fine:

Are those rocks?