Anyone do this? I haven't been able to work up the cajones to do it yet, even at the slowest speeds. I keep telling myself next time I'm sitting in standstill traffic on 225, or a long traffic jam on belleview (or wherever) that I'm going to split lanes, even slowly, just because I'm on a bike and can, but I haven't done it yet. For some reason, it scares me more than dragging knee, and I don't know why! It's not because someone could change lanes unexpectedly or turn left through traffic onto a side-street, I can be ready for that, or that I'm worried about someone opening their car door, (DOUBT that would happen!) it's just something about riding down the middle of that narrow gap between lines of cars freaks me out a bit. Maybe it's 'cause I have bar end mirrors so I feel wider, but still...

Anyone have any tips? People do it all the time in Cali! Help me grow a pair!

p.s. I know it's illegal here. All advice taken at my own risk!