Quote Originally Posted by UHATEIT View Post
So the entry fee is a new unwrapped toy, do you just drop that off at the dealership and thats it? Is there an actual toy run cruise by chance? I havent done one of these so I was curious
Quote Originally Posted by birchyboy View Post
You go register and they will likely give you a bandana or something similar. Then you go to the designated meet area the morning of the run, wait in a big staging area for a while, and then ride for the staging area to the hospital on Colfax as a long group. You drop your toy off at the hospital. If you can't make the ride, then you can leave the toy at a HD dealership.
You just go to a participating HD dealer to sign up; basically sign a waiver and they give you a sticker that goes on the headlight or windscreen of your bike. Come to the breakfast meetup and ride to the sports park with the rest of us to the staging area. If you aren't in a group they'll just stick you anywhere, surrounded by a sea of HDs and leather vests. At Children's Hospital they have a drive thru drop off, or you can park and walk into the lobby where they receive the toys.