Or is it southeners? Hmm...
But my point is this: Pueblo has a damn-fun track that's affordable and, well...damn fun. Easy to get on as there are plenty of lapping days (see the website pueblomotorsportspark.us for the 2013 schedule and bike requirements) and it is rarely crowded.
If you've grown up around big-city tracks with lapping days few and far between, expensive, uptight and over-crowded...Pueblo is a step back in time. It's a chance to really enjoy your bike, improve your riding, recharge your life...all for only $150 a day.
I have been asked to run the monthly Track Orientation days...and I said "yes" because we need to keep Pueblo (and Pikes Peak and High Plains and IMI) in business. If I can help some riders learn and enjoy this sport even more, motorcycling grows and tracks stay open for those of us hooked on the two-wheeled purity only a racetrack can provide.
The next Track Orientation day is this Friday, May 3. Come out and ride, or come out and say hello and bring your questions. I'll be on a red Yamaha FZ1...with a big smile because there's nothing better than a track day.

-Nick Ienatsch
Yamaha Champions Riding School