I would have never expected this to happen to me.

Trying to get down to the Berthoud Dirtbike Track on my F800GS from Fort Collins today around 330pm. I25 is a parking lot. I jump off I25 at the Harley shop to check my google maps and find the frontage road. I notice that if I exit at Loveland I can take some back roads to the track. So I get off at Loveland and get to the light that I have to take a left at. The stoplight had already went through two different sets and I noticed the guy in front of me in a Black Nissan Altima is just not paying attention to anything and is swerving in and out of his lane as we inch forward. The turn lane is a single lane with a car in the front, the Altima, and then me. When the light turns green the Altima cuts hard right, completely out of the turning lane, and is about to go off the road. I take action and notice that there is no on-coming traffic and pass both the two cars over double yellow lines. *I ride with the goal of not getting killed and will do whatever I deem necessary to avoid all situations that put me in any threat. As I look in my rear-view I notice the Altima is riding the guy in front of him hard. The Altima is going in and out of the oncoming lane as well. I put a little distance in-between me and the two trailing cars. At this point I don't know where I am but know I need to head south. I end up at a round-a-bout and take the exit that goes south, watching as the Altima continues west, still tailing the car in front of him. Half a mile down the road I pull off onto the shoulder to check my phone map and see where I am. There are no cars and only a house here and there. I see that I'm in the middle of nowhere and need to con......WHAT THE FUCK?? As I'm looking a my phone a guy walks up and knocks on my helmet!! I look up and see this guy yelling at me. I look forward and see a Black Nissan Altima parked 20 feet in front of me on the shoulder. I shove my phone in my pocket, put it in first, and take off. I had no idea what this guy was doing. But..in my rear-view mirror I see him run to his car and take pursuit after me!! I speed up to about 60 mph and am approaching a T. I decide to slow down and make the left. Now this guy goes flying around the corner wayyy too fast for his car. At this point I'm pretty freaked out and am in full blown survival mode. I gun it and see a right hand turn that I decide to take. This guy can't make the corner and locks up his brakes almost sliding off the road. I gun it again heading south and am looking for anywhere safe to go. I probably hit 110mph and he's still keeping up with me. But I'm in the middle of no where and don't know what to do. This continues on for a couple miles of turns. I finally make a left onto a road that is heading to I25. I pass a few cars on the double yellow to put space in-between us, and I can see I25 ahead. But, I didn't want to have this guy trying to chase me down I25. As I'm getting ready to enter I25 I notice a Loaf-n-Jug on the left that I passed. I decided to make a quick u-turn (no traffic behind me or in the oncoming lane) and head to the gas station. The guy see's me doing this and goes at me head on into the gas station. I make it around him and floor it to the doors of loaf-n-jug knowing that there were a lot of people there an cameras everywhere. I jump off my bike and see him lock up his brakes at on of the gas pumps. He jumps out of his car and starts coming at me. But Luckily out of the corner of my eye I see a CO State Patrol Officer at one of the other pumps and I yell at him. The Guy looks at who I'm yelling at and goes into this weird panic mode and walks right into Loaf-n-jug like he was going in to buy a soda. I ran over the Officer and told him what was going on. We go over the whole situation and the Officer is being great. Then the Officer looks at the store and asks if the guy hiding behind the stacks of soda who is spying on us from inside was the guy that chased me. I looked and sure as shit this guy is inside the store trying to hide. I continue my talk with the Officer and decide not to do anything because it would only be my word against his (stupid me for forgetting to my gopro!!). The Officer tells me how to get to the Berthoud Track and tells me that he'll take care of the Guy. I'm fine with that. As I pull out and head towards I25 I see the Officer call the guy out of the store and I continued to the track to have some fun on my new bike.

The scariest part was that I didn't see the guy pull over and approach me. This psycho could have gotten out with a tire iron or gun and done whatever he wanted.