Quote Originally Posted by UnoMOTO View Post
BUY BUY BUY!!! Right now is a great time to pick up a smoking deal. Be prepared to be dragged in the dirt…kick in the nuts…and hand out blood and semen samples. Well…not all of those for you but it sure is dang hard to get money right now.

It’s almost impossible to get a conventional loan even if you put more then 20% down at the moment. That means that a major percentage of the loans given out are FHA. They seem to have learn there lesson that they just can’t give money to every Tom, Dick and Harry. My second closing date which was scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled because FHA is so backed up right now. That translates in to a two week delay so far for me to move in to my new house and none of it has been my fault.

All that is worth it because I am buying a house that sold for 65k higher then I am buying it for just two short years ago.
your loan was postponed because your lender is having problems not FHA. If all is good and true your lender can close a loan in a week. If there is an emergency the loan can be closed in 3 days. Check with your lender to the real problem.

Cathy get with Cat and sit down and talk to her about all that is concerning you and she help