Update for everybody...
I went to SunHD today to register, I put my name/addy/phone on a sheet, and they handed me a waiver that I will have to fill out before the event. The receptionist agreed that they will probably not turn anybody away the morning of, but they want to have an idea of how many bikes are going to show up. I also signed up my sister, who was not there, so if you went in there with a list of all of your buddies, that would probably be fine.

THE CATCH---Which ever HD Dealer you register at, you are supposed to meet there at 8am the morning of!! This could be an inconvenience for somebody, especially if you prefer to meet your friends at a breakfast joint. I don't want to discourage anybody from not registering, but they are making this a bit more work than it should be.

I hope this doesn't inhibit anybody from showing up and supporting an Incredible cause. I am 90% sure that if you just want to show up like in the past, they will welcome you (as much as they welcome the non-harleys, which isn't too bad).

Ooooh, I just had a brilliant idea. Somebody let me know where I could post up an image of the waiver, so anybody who wanted to print up a copy of it prior could get at it???