Talked to a friend of mine who used to do marketing for Nike, seems they typically do their own food drive, but he said to contact them and see if they're interested in helping out.

Even if we go with something other than the SA (since they don't take food) I'd still contact CBS4 and tell them about how our food drive was inspired by their article--so they have the tie-in with their story and CSC's food drive gets the coverage it needs for everything else.

For now, we just need interest, we can even tell them to contact {whoever} as our CSC food drive rep and/or have CBS4 put a link to this site from theirs.

Oh, one other thing my friend mentioned--for the food drive, the thing they need most is protein (like canned beans, etc), not starches like your typical I-won't-eat-this-anyway donation of beets and creamed corn.

Granted, anything is better than nothing, but IF you're going to take cash and buy something, buy what's needed the most--and again, if our chosen charity has a list it'd help us since we could push for those items.

Fay Myers does have a big parking lot, and it's near the Brother's BBQ that was hosting the MotoGP events, so maybe we can get them both involved, especially as it'd tie in with Fay Myers Santa/kid's bike giveaway event.