i took the abate class a number of years ago and I have also taken it twice and had no issue with. I think fundamental riding is the same no matter what bike you ride. the only time a class makes a different to sportbike riders is if you are doing track time. but to ride a sportbike or harley to me is the same.
Eyes up and looking ahead, smooth shifting, dont jam on the brakes, ect ect. Its all the same.

as far as laws. hell its a good idea to wear a lid but, if some one chooses not to thats there free choose, we have enough laws as is. And to say they promote giving sprotbike rides a bad name, we a few riders even on this forum that do a good job at of that with out abates help. No different than harley guy having that bar hopping badass image. not all of them do that.

i am glad that abate is trying to promote classes geared towards sportbike folks and would say we all need continuing ed from time to time and if we can get it from a class that is geared for us, than thats just bonus

just my thoughts.... by the way welcome to the club